After dealing with the last bit of summer vacation, Tver packed his things with peace of mind and set off for Hogwarts.

But he was the only one who was relaxed.

Malvolio now not only has to deal with the affairs of the Ministry of Magic, but also relies on Peter’s intelligence to pay attention to Voldemort’s status to prevent further unexpected situations.

Fortunately, he is now the number two person in the Auror office, second only to Scrimgeour, and he no longer needs to intervene in some small matters.

As for big things, isn’t the biggest thing in the wizarding world Voldemort?

Cynthia and Barty are the busiest.

Regarding the Quidditch World Cup finals, as officials of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, they have a natural responsibility to clean up the mess.

Especially Barty, who came to the rescue at that chaotic moment and heroically led a group of Aurors to arrest a large group of criminals.

In Rita’s publicity these days, apart from criticizing Fudge, she also praised Barty.

As for the fact that Batty himself is responsible for game security, no one mentioned it.

In other words, it won’t be reported in the newspapers.

With the help of Tver’s money and influence, Rita now holds a prominent position in the Daily Prophet.

This is the power of public opinion. Wizards can only see what Tver wants them to see.

Even if something bad happens, as long as it does not spread on a large scale and a few knowledgeable people are aware of it, there is no way to attract attention!

In addition to them, there was Lupine whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

With money and food, plus the cooperation between Lupine and Malvolio, with both grace and power, the werewolves would choose to follow Lupine as long as there was a trace of good thoughts.

Therefore, the herbal greenhouse and the beauty potion refining laboratory funded and constructed by Mrs. Primpine were set up in a remote corner of the Forbidden Forest near Hogsmeade.

But the only problem is that it is common for werewolves to live dispersedly, and they have relatively few interactions with people, so they can’t gather too many at the same time.

Now I have to thank Umbridge.

In last year’s anti-werewolf laws, Umbridge required werewolves to register with the Ministry of Magic.

The laws were not that strict at the time, so most friendly werewolves chose to simply register some of their information.

And these werewolves are what Tver wants to win over.

So Cynthia found an opportunity, made a copy of the registration information, and gave it to Lu Ping.

Now, Lupine has embarked on a journey across the country to find werewolves, and only occasionally returns to the potion laboratory to spend time with the werewolves on full moon nights.

The Death Eaters, who were originally uneasy, have become much more stable after this lesson. They no longer wander around the magical world arrogantly, but begin to live a life of squandering wealth.

——After the money earned in the Muggle world is used to buy materials and supplies needed by the wizarding world, most of them are sold through these pure-blood family businesses.

This small price difference is enough to double their quality of life!

But no one noticed a problem, a problem that even Cynthia and Malvolio around Tver were not aware of——

Supplies in the magical world are cheaper!

The Muggle world makes too much money, and the supplies it buys are even more abundant!

This is not deflation, which will lead to a decrease in wizards’ expenses and income due to falling prices. It is completely a compensation for the wizarding world from the Muggle world!

This is a bit like the developed countries in the past life.

Wizards’ money became more valuable, allowing them to buy more food and products at cheaper prices.

Of course, this change is very slow, otherwise Tver would not dare to advance so boldly.

However, he did not tell everyone because he was afraid that some people would not understand the economic operation issues in this area and would no longer sell things from the Muggle world at low prices.

And Tver wants to use this method to let wizards enjoy the benefits of the powerful productivity of industrial society!

Although most of what the Muggle world produces is some food, or simple fabrics, clothes, etc., wizards will gradually find that they have more and more money left and their lives will be richer.

Especially those like the Weasley family, if they are more sensitive, they might find that their family treasury can finally save money!

(As a reminder, the Weasley family treasury is just not converted into Galleons, but there are a lot of Sickles and Nats, and the total is worth a lot of Galleons.)

When wizards get used to this kind of affluent life, they will probably unconsciously prefer the option of merging with Muggles, even for profit!

With his secret plan in mind, Tver returned to Hogwarts.

His timing was very accurate, and when he arrived at the door, he happened to meet

Here are the students who are also returning to school.

“Professor Foley!”

Despite the heavy rain, Hermione hurriedly got out of the carriage and only noticed Tver when she ran to the door.

But unlike the embarrassed students, Tver’s clothes were enviably dry, as if the downpour outside was just a decoration.

Harry and Ron behind him also hurried through the rain curtain, looking at Tweel with a silly smile on their bangs that were soaked by the rain.

On the night of the World Cup, Sirius was shocked by Harry’s disappearance.

But Harry, among other things, was definitely not lacking in courage, and he quickly recovered from the panic of seeing Voldemort.

Just now on the train, I told my friends what happened that night with Voldemort.

It’s just that they look really embarrassed.

Tver waved his wand, and just like before, a warm breeze immediately flew out from the top of the wand, slowly sweeping over the three of them and the other students who followed.

Finally, it turned into a barrier, standing in front of the gate, blowing every student who came in.

“Professor——!” Hermione pointed behind Tver in panic.

Tver didn’t look back, and a transparent barrier held a balloon filled with water lightly.

“Peeves, I didn’t expect you to have the courage to attack me.” He turned around and looked at Peeves, who was holding several balloons like that.

The smile on Peeves’ face faltered.

He wanted to say that he had made a mistake and thought that Tver was a senior student, otherwise he would have given him ten more courages… It seemed that he really dared to attack the professor…

He suddenly grinned widely and raised all the balloons in his hands.

“I’m so sorry, Professor Welfare, it seems I still need more practice -”

But before he could throw it out, all the balloons suddenly burst, and the water inside splashed all over Peeves, covering him completely.


The students watching suddenly burst into laughter. It was rare for them to see Peeves look like this.

Normally even a professor could only expel him verbally.

“Stop laughing and hurry in.”

Tver waved his hand, stepped through the door immediately, and walked towards the auditorium.

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