The tents in the camp were basically destroyed, and Sirius’s egg was certainly no exception.

So after Tweel handed the fainted Harry to the anxious Sirius, he took Gabrielle and a group of Beauxbatons students to find Ms. Maxim in the forest.

Also as a hybrid giant, Ms. Maxim has a body larger than Hagrid, but this does not prevent her from being anxious about the disappearance of her students.

So when Gabri said that it was Tver who was helping to protect them, they were able to return here safely.

Ms. Maxim gave Tver a tight hug, causing him the most serious injury he had ever experienced in time…

Looking at the eager Beauxbatons female students behind him, Tver said goodbye to them quickly and returned to Welfare Manor overnight.

Cynthia and Malvolio, as well as Barty Crouch, who was freed from the Imperius Curse, were busy tonight.

Angry, he had already decided to prosecute the group of wizards who followed him and were foolishly instigated by the Death Eaters.

However, judging from the scene, everyone still maintained restraint. Except for the group of Death Eaters who finally besieged Tver, no one used powerful magic.

So he shouldn’t be punished too harshly.

But it also shows that the group of Death Eaters who attacked Tver were miserable.

It was enough to use the Death Curse in front of everyone, and under Tver’s instructions, the whole process of the parade was thrown on their heads.

As for how to deal with it in the end, they have more experience than themselves, so they don’t need Tver to tell them what to do.

But if you think about it, you know that even if their family’s power is still strong, an Azkaban suite will never be able to escape this time.

So Tver had a peaceful sleep with peace of mind. It was not until noon the next day that he saw Cynthia and Malvolio, who had been busy all night, as well as the somewhat reserved Barty Crouch and Lucius Malfoy in the living room. .

“Good morning, everyone, how long have you been waiting here?”

Tver looked at Barty and Lucius funnyly.

It seems that the two of them realized that their plans were interfered with and had to wipe their butts, and now they are a little embarrassed.

But they were also experienced, so they immediately raised their heads, smiled and waved.

“I just finished my work. I didn’t expect Welfare Manor to be so beautiful.” Lucius said quickly.

“Thank you for your hard work.” Tver replied perfunctorily, and then ate the breakfast brought out by Jeff.

Malvolio suppressed a smile. Apparently they had been here for a while, and the tea on the table had gone cold.

“It’s not as hard as yours, you’ve been sleeping until now.”

“I’m really sorry that I couldn’t help. Doesn’t this just show that I trust your ability!” Tver responded vaguely with a poached egg in his mouth.

“Tell me, how did you deal with what happened yesterday?”

“Most of the Death Eaters on the list were nailed to the ground by you and arrested without resistance.” Barty’s tone was a little weak.

Although I didn’t see what magic Tver used, the flame javelin actually stayed there.

At that time, many Aurors in the Ministry of Magic tried their best but failed to completely eliminate the javelins stuck in the ground. If Cynthia hadn’t helped them after escorting the Death Eaters back, some of those javelins would probably have remained there!

This time, Barty really got to know the strength of Tver and Cynthia, who were usually not showy.

It’s not that they really can’t solve that magic, Tver didn’t set up any difficult tricks.

It’s just that the Ministry of Magic, or this group of white wizards, rarely studies black magic and doesn’t understand some of the mechanisms of Li Fire.

But there is also a problem here. Many people saw him casting the spell last night, and the fire shield is the teacher’s famous magic. It is difficult to prevent what some people will associate with it.

Fortunately, the previous speeches at the Wizards’ Federation Conference were very successful. At least many old wizards had communicated to me the limitations and desirable aspects of Grindelwald’s original thinking.

When some of the teacher’s views are widely recognized, his own identity will be seen as a boost.

Especially the endorsement from Dumbledore prevented him from becoming passive.

Tver’s mouth didn’t stop as he thought rapidly in his mind.

“The arrest only allows you to re-enter the wizarding world’s sight, but to become minister, Fudge must step down.”

“Look at this.” Cynthia took out a newspaper freshly released today.

“Cornelly Fudge – Minister for Magic, or Protector of Criminals?” 》

The accompanying picture shows Fudge standing in the camp, directing the Ministry of Magic staff to carry out follow-up processing, but there is a huge Dark Devil’s symbol above his head, which is flashing with a faint light.

“Minister of Magic Fudge accepted the interview with a smile on his face, claiming that he had arrested the mastermind of the riot, as well as a considerable number of accomplices.”

“But upon questioning by the author, Mr. Minister never disclosed the identity of the mastermind.”

“I am more concerned about last night’s attack than anyone else.”

“So, from the complaints of a certain Auror, the author secretly learned about a shocking scandal – all the arrested wizards are from pure-blood families.”

“They are all Death Eaters who escaped the Ministry of Magic’s trial twelve years ago!”

“Considering the hesitant attitude of our minister, I have reason to believe that these Death Eaters must have some ulterior secret.”

“But soon, the author discovered that I was wrong, because there are no secrets at all, everything is on the surface!”

“In just one night, before going to press, I learned from no fewer than ten witnesses that these Death Eaters have a very close relationship with the current Minister of Magic, Mr. Fudge!”

What follows is some evidence that Rita collected, and even photos of these Death Eaters and Fudge, to support her report.

In fact, for a power-hungry person like Fudge, any wizard with influence in the magical world could befriend him.

These Death Eaters have long been marginalized figures in the wizarding world, so how could Fudge take them seriously?

But public opinion is like this. As long as Rita insists on this, Fudge will not be able to completely distance himself from the Death Eaters.

Even if these Death Eaters have to be severely punished by then, Fudge’s image will plummet.

——Pure-bloods are very powerful, but there are also many people in the magic world who don’t want to see them. Fudge’s association with pure-bloods and a gang of criminals will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of these people.

Tver put away the newspaper in amusement and finished the last bite of bread.

While holding the pumpkin juice, he crossed his legs leisurely.

Although there were some accidents during the process, his final goal was achieved, which was enough to satisfy him.

“Isn’t this too hasty? It’s only been one night and Rita has dug out so much information. It’s a bit unrealistic.”

“I’ve thought about this too, but Rita seems to be busy with something recently, so she sent out the manuscript first.” Cynthia said thoughtfully.

“Busy?” Tver thought strangely.

But now Rita doesn’t need to monitor them like before. As her power grows, she doesn’t dare to leave them at all.

“Maybe I’m finishing some report.” Cynthia shrugged.

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