Even though he knew something was going to happen, Tver still fell into a deep sleep, but he woke up automatically in the middle of the night.

This ability is still due to his years of experience in staying up late.

When people sleep, less than half of their time is in deep sleep. That is to say, as long as enough deep sleep time is maintained, the total time spent sleeping can be reduced.

Therefore, when Tver woke up and got dressed, there was no movement at all outside.

“It makes me look forward to it.” He muttered and poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice.

In fact, it’s okay if he doesn’t come over tonight. After all, everything has been arranged, and he is still very confident in the abilities of Barty, Malvolio, and Cynthia.

It was just the problem he realized with Voldemort a while ago that made him want to see with his own eyes how his plan was executed this time.

There are thousands of innocent wizards from various countries here, and there are too many uncontrollable factors.

If he accidentally caused a serious negative impact, then he would be equivalent to handing a clue into the hands of Lucius and other former Death Eaters.

When he can remain strong, these people are his most loyal subordinates, but when he loses power, they are his gravediggers!

Tver was buried in the darkness, sipping pumpkin juice with an expressionless expression, and the twinkling light in his eyes became more and more indifferent.

Well, it would feel better if the pumpkin juice could be replaced with something else, but who makes pumpkin juice taste better?

Tver put down the cup helplessly – the noise outside had broken into the tent.

“What happened?” Sirius, sleepy-eyed but still holding the wand tightly, also walked out of the room.

Likewise, Mr. Weasley and his three eldest sons walked out, rubbing their eyes.

“There’s a lot of movement, it doesn’t look like a good thing. I’m going to go out and take a look first. You guys wake up the children and get ready to leave here.”

Twil pulled out his wand, opened the door and walked out without waiting for their answer.

“Really, some people will make a fuss when they lose a game, and even more fuss when they win a game.” Mr. Weasley said helplessly, and then went to wake up the children.

After Tver went out, he actually didn’t see much.

It’s just that people keep coming here and running deep into the forest, trying to persuade others to leave quickly.

It was as if he was avoiding something.

But he didn’t wait long before he saw a group of figures with flashing lights, jeers and shouts, slowly moving towards them.

A group of wizards huddled together, each wearing a hood and mask, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

Their wands were raised outward, as if they were maintaining something.

Soon, with a burst of magic, the tent was set on fire. Then, with the light of the fire, Tver could clearly see the figures floating in the sky.

Four Muggles.

Among the four people, there were men and women, all of whom looked like adults. They were now conscious and looked at themselves floating in the air in horror. They shouted something hoarsely, but they were covered by the noisy camp, so they couldn’t hear clearly. .

Tver’s anger was suddenly aroused.

There was a Muggle administrator at the camp. He had long realized that Muggles would be involved in the parade, so he ordered Malvolio to take that family away in advance.

As a result, Muggles are still involved, and they are still displayed in front of so many people in a way that promotes hatred towards Muggles!

The scene he least expected to see appeared!

“It happened… Oh my God!” Mr. Weasley looked at the parade in shock.

“Take the children and leave here, those people will come soon…” Tver said while suppressing his anger.

But before he could finish speaking, Harry and the others were led out by Sirius.

“Oh my God!” Hermione covered her mouth in horror, and the others also looked at this scene with ugly expressions.

“Let’s go, Sirius, and George and Fred, take Ginny and the others to the forest for refuge. If necessary, take them to apparate out of here, whether it’s to Grimmauld Place or the Burrow. Okay!” Mr. Weasley calmly and quickly arranged.

“What about you?” Sirius asked.

“I gotta stop these bastards.”

“Then I…”

“You can’t!” Tver rejected him directly. “You are still a criminal suspect in the Ministry of Magic. Don’t give them an excuse to arrest you again!”

Sirius’s cheeks twitched twice, he glared angrily at the parade, and then looked down at Harry, who was looking at him with concern.

“These bastards… well, if you have something to call me for!” he said through gritted teeth.

He immediately stopped hesitating and took the youngest Ginny’s hand and led the children away from here.

But pro

Before leaving, Harry and the others took out their badges from their bodies and gave them to Tver and the others.

“You need this more…” After saying that, he followed the crowd and disappeared from their sight.

Turville held the badge tightly, looked at Mr. Weasley, and raised his wand.

So did Bill, Charlie and Percy, but they looked at the procession with some apprehension.

“What if those Muggles fall?” Percy asked worriedly.

At this time, the team was occasionally joined by wizards who were joining in the fun. Unlike the Death Eaters in the middle, they simply covered their faces, but most of them were the ones who set fire to the tents.

This was also one of Tver’s surprises. He really didn’t expect that there would be so many idiots in the camp who were just making noise!

“Then save them first!” Tver waved his wand coldly.

A plume of smoke that was thicker than the night was as smooth as silk, and it curved around the crowd as accurately as a cold-blooded snake.

Finally, when I came into contact with the front of the parade, I exploded instantly!

The smoke was like a bomb, blasting towards the team with an impact that even protective magic could not resist!

The momentum of the march was as if it had hit a large truck that was approaching at high speed. It was suddenly stagnant, and then the entire crowd fell back uncontrollably and fell hard to the ground.

Suddenly, the area was in chaos!

Naturally, the Muggles in the sky fell uncontrollably, but after a while, they discovered to their horror that they did not fall to the ground, but were floating and flying slowly towards the forest.

But Percy’s eyes were always focused on Tweel – he realized that this magic was not simple!

This is not a real impact, but a fluctuation in the soul. With this level of magic, normal protective magic has no way to take effect!

It’s terrible. He spent less than half a year just practicing black magic that slightly affects a person’s soul. As a result, the professor can release such a large amount of soul magic with just one move.

Or the dark magic aimed at Death Eaters with strong souls!


Bill pushed a few times to get his attention back.

“What’s wrong?”

“Let’s go, let’s fight these people away!”

Percy glanced around and realized that the professor had disappeared after rescuing the Muggles.

Of course, he also knew the plan tonight, and immediately followed Bill with peace of mind and rushed towards the chaotic crowd.

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