Tver put away his thoughts and glanced at Bagman in surprise.

I had only heard that Ludo Bagman’s image in everyone’s eyes was not very good, but I really didn’t know that he had such a thorough understanding of various trends in the Ministry of Magic.

“By the way, do you want to bet? I’ll bet ten galleons that no matter when Fudge steps down, Barty will have no chance of becoming minister!”

Bagman happily took out his money bag, but Tver could tell at a glance that there were no more jingling coins in it.

I don’t know if I really don’t have any money, or if I just used it as a bet…

Well, the reason for the bad image has been found.

However, this bet did not come true after all. First, there were only a few people here who understood the situation in the Ministry of Magic. Second, –

The game is about to begin!

“The time is up, let’s go quickly!”

Sirius changed into a dark green robe. He looked mature with years of experience, but also had the vigor of youth on his face. Anyone who looked at him would not think that he was a man who had been in Azkaban for twelve years. years of people.

The Weasleys stood up immediately, with equally excited smiles on their faces.

Bagman remembered that he was the Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports and had work to do during the competition.

So he hurriedly greeted them, and as soon as he walked out, he disapparated before the door was closed, not caring at all about the Ministry of Magic’s request to reduce the use of magic in the camp.

But there was no need to close it, because Ginny walked in with the three Harrys and the Weasley twins, holding a bunch of souvenirs they bought.

Harry’s mouth was grinning, as if the smile had been fixed on his face.

“Sirius, I bought you a telescope and some scarves…”

“Okay, kid,” Mr. Weasley stopped, “let’s wait until we sit down in the box before dividing the gifts!”

Under his leadership, Tver followed the crowd to the other side of the forest, which was also the other side of the stadium.

Night had fallen by now, but bright lanterns floated in the sky over the woods, illuminating their path forward.

Everyone was laughing, clutching their purchases and loudly discussing their expectations for the game.

The same goes for the people around, making the supposedly silent woods a bustle with people, and passionate singing can be heard from time to time.

Even though Tver likes silence, he does not dislike this kind of excitement.

There should be the right atmosphere at the right time. There is no need to ask for everything to be accommodated just because of your own preferences.

After walking for nearly twenty minutes, they finally arrived at one of the entrances of the stadium, where a witch from the Ministry of Magic was standing, checking their tickets.

Sirius and Mr. Weasley immediately took out the tickets they had prepared, but when it was Turville’s turn, he touched his empty pocket awkwardly.

He only remembered to ask for Sirius’s ticket, but seemed to have forgotten and didn’t even take his own ticket…

But at this time, Cynthia walked out of the gym thoughtfully.

“I was planning to go to the tent to find you, but I didn’t expect you to come so early. This is this gentleman’s ticket.” She handed it directly to the witch.

The witch stepped aside without looking.

“For first class seats, just go straight up and you’ll find the top box.”

“My employees.” Cynthia explained in a low voice, and then greeted Mr. Weasley familiarly.

Bitwell himself was surprised that he had forgotten to pick up the ticket.

“Since when did you become so familiar with Mr. Weasley?”

While everyone was walking up, Tver and Cynthia were one position behind and chatted quietly.

“I’m familiar with many people in the Ministry of Magic.” Cynthia said proudly.

“In order to make things easier, I have already gotten to know the old employees and potential new employees in each department.”

“Mavolio took the approach of recruiting, and I chose to make friends with as many people as possible. Maybe the friendship is not deep, but when the time comes, the two methods will complement each other. No matter what you want to promote in the Ministry of Magic, there will be a large number of people. Follow your will!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Tver laughed with emotion, “Do you feel like you are working so hard that I always seem to be doing nothing?”

Cynthia smiled with crooked eyebrows.

“That’s because you are responsible for key nodes. The more relaxed you are, doesn’t it mean the smoother our career will be?”

“What business?” Fudge, with Malvolio behind him, rushed over at some point.

“The cause of maintaining world peace.” Tver looked at him with a smile.

Ever since Sirius and the anti-werewolf law, Turville and Cynthia had long been regarded by Fudge as being on Dumbledore’s side, and it would be too hypocritical to show kindness at this time.

Of course, Tver did not mind maintaining the superficial friendly relations.

Fudge was choked, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he didn’t show it.

“Then I won’t interrupt your discussion and see you in the box later.”

His smile disappeared the moment he turned around, leading Malvolio down to the door.

“He seems to have matured,” Cynthia said.

“No, he is becoming more and more like a qualified politician.” Tver looked away from his back.

“Let’s go, they are probably in the box already.”

In fact, the view from the top box is not particularly good. Most of the players fly in the middle and upper part of the stadium, which can only be said to be more comfortable than most positions.

After all, most seats don’t have soft gold-plated seats.

There are not many seats in the box, there are about twenty, arranged in two rows.

The Weasley family alone occupies six seats, plus Sirius, Harry, Hermione, Teville and Cynthia, and finally counting the Malfoy family of three, half of the seats here belong to Teville.

This still does not include the group of purebloods managed by Lucius who are about to come…

It seemed that life was getting better, and the Malfoy family all put on gorgeous clothes.

The robes outside were still in the style of the wizarding world, but the clothes inside, Tver always felt that the fashionable style was more like Muggle luxuries.

“It is said that Lucius is now very concerned about the Muggle side, and is already trying to experience Muggle life, and even walks outside disguised as a Muggle.” Cynthia said amusingly.

“Ever since Lucius realized that he was about to sever ties with his identity as a Death Eater, he has been studying how to better integrate with us so that he can continue to maintain his status in the pure-blood family.”

Tver couldn’t help but chuckle and said hello to Lucius.

When Lucius saw the Weasley family at first, he wanted to make a bad face, but when he saw Turville behind him, his expression changed and turned into a smile, which made Mr. Weasley look surprised.

He was also ready to have some sarcasm with Lucius.

But since there was no extra trouble, he took the children to find a seat and sit down.

In the next half hour, people came into this box one after another. According to Tver’s memory, most of these people came from pure-blood families or high-level officials of the Ministry of Magic, or both.

But not the group of purebloods he planned for Barty to arrest.

Also, although the minds of this group of people are not as extreme as those in Azkaban, they are not much better.

Such people have one thing in common, that is, their influence in a peaceful environment is definitely not as influential as a ticket to the top box.

This is why Tver can deal with them with peace of mind.

They are useless, they like to cause trouble, and they want to raise them for nothing. How can such a good thing happen?

It’s just that some of the purebloods who came in seemed to realize that Lucius was their boss, and Teville was Lucius’s boss.

But he couldn’t make any noise about this kind of thing, so he could only sit stiffly in his seat and show a stiff smile to everyone on Tver’s side.

The Weasley family and Sirius also felt this strange atmosphere and gradually fell silent.

In this case, in the bustling gymnasium, there was such a quiet box…

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