Upon hearing Tweel’s words, Sirius suddenly turned back to look at Kreacher, who was stunned on the spot.

“What does this mean? What does this pendant have to do with you?!”

“Kreacher, tell me, why do you want to protect this evil thing?!” His expression was so serious that Harry did not dare to speak.

“Kreacher is not protecting it!” The elf clenched his fists, his eyes filled with tears of grievance, “Kreacher wants to destroy it!”

“Destroy?” Sirius was stunned, “Why?”

“Because…because this is Master Regulus’ order…” Kreacher said hesitantly.

Apparently someone had ordered him not to tell the story.

“What does it have to do with Regulus?” Sirius frowned in confusion.

At first, he thought that Kreacher was too old to keep such dangerous dark magic items at home.

Now it seems that things are far from that simple!

“Kreacher cannot…Master Regulus does not allow Kreacher to tell what happened back then…”

The elf was trembling with fear, caught between his two masters, and his loyalty was tortured.

“Regulus is dead! Now I am your master, and I allow you to say it!” Sirius said seriously.

Kreacher’s performance made him more interested in what happened back then.

“Kreacher…Kreacher…” Kreacher opened his mouth wide and hesitated for a long time before making up his mind.

“It was when Master Regulus was seventeen years old. At that time, he had been in the Dark Lord’s organization for more than a year.”

“Oh, I remember someone said that he was happy at that time.” Sirius snorted disdainfully.

“It’s better than you, who always makes the mistress angry, so that she will focus all her attention on Master Regulus…” Kreacher immediately put on another face and sneered at Sirius in a low voice. .

“Kreacher! Let’s get down to business!”

“Yes, Master!” Kreacher shuddered.

“That day, Master Regulus went to the kitchen to visit Kreacher. He has always liked Kreacher. This is a concern that no other master has.”

“It’s just that he said…he said that the Dark Lord wanted an elf…”

“So he handed you over?” Sirius asked with a frown.

“It’s an honor for Kreacher to be able to play a role for Master Regulus!” Kreacher said sharply without refuting.

“Master asked Kreacher to follow the Dark Lord’s orders and return…home after completing his work.”

“But instead of telling Kreacher what to do, the Dark Lord took Kreacher to a cave by the sea.”

“That big cave is dark, and there is a terrifying black lake that is almost full inside!”

“And on the opposite side of the Black Lake, there is a… stone… stone basin filled with terrible potions…” Kreacher seemed to think of the horrific memories and couldn’t help but twitch.

“The Dark Lord… let Kreacher drink… Kreacher is a loyal elf and has to drink…”

“It’s so terrifying. Kreacher saw so many horrific scenes, his insides felt like they were on fire, but the Dark Lord just laughed cruelly.”

Turville glanced vaguely at Malvolio.

He immediately replied: It’s none of my business!

“After drinking the potion, the Dark Lord put the locket in and filled it with potion.”

“But the Dark Lord took a boat and left, leaving Kreacher there, and Kreacher who needed to drink water… Kreacher had to crawl to the Black Lake, but there were many, many terrible hands inside. , dragged Kreacher down…”

“Then how did you get back?” Sirius asked again, “I mean, if Voldemort had to take a boat.”

“Apparition,” when someone asked, Tver finally couldn’t help but replied, “The magic of elves is not interfered by the magic system of wizards, and they can disapparate at will.”

“Obviously, the arrogant Voldemort just ignored the elves.”

Sirius blushed for a rare moment. To be honest, he also ignored this characteristic of the elf.

“Yes…yes.” Kreacher glanced at the well-dressed Tver secretly. He had never seen such an elegant figure since he was the only one left in the old house.

“Master Regulus was very concerned about Kreacher. After asking about Kreacher and the Dark Lord, he asked Kreacher to hide.”

“Until some time later, the young master found Kreacher in a panic and asked Kreacher to take him to the cave.”

The elf’s big eyes were suddenly filled with tears, and they flowed down.

“The young master took out a

The locket was exactly the same, and Kreacher was asked to switch the locket after he finished drinking the potion. ”

“Then go home and don’t allow Kreacher to tell anyone what happened here, and destroy the locket!”

“But…but Master Regulus is in so much pain. Kreacher can only watch him drink up the potion…and watch the master being dragged underwater…”

Recalling the death scene of his most respected master, Kreacher fell to his knees on the ground sobbing, covering his eyes tightly with his hands, but tears still flowed from his fingers.

“Kreacher wanted to destroy the locket, but he tried many times, and magic, swords, fireplaces, etc. couldn’t even leave a trace…” he cried in frustration.

Sirius turned around blankly, his eyes bloodshot, and looked at the pendant box in Tver’s hand.

“But he is a Death Eater…”

“People from Slytherin may not lack the courage to resist mistakes. As a Death Eater, Regulus can certainly do the right thing.” Tver said with emotion.

He only knew that Regulus had taken out the pendant, but he didn’t know that there was such a story in it.

This time, neither Sirius nor Harry refuted, but Malvolio curled his lips vaguely.

“What exactly is this? Is it…important to Voldemort?”

Sirius looked at Turville as if asking for help, fearing that his brother’s sacrifice was for something that might be useless.

“It’s very important!” Tver nodded firmly, “If we deal with it, we can truly eliminate Voldemort!”

Sirius breathed a sigh of relief.

“If magic doesn’t work, how can we destroy it?”

“Maybe, you can try the Sword of Gryffindor?” Harry suddenly remembered a certain diary and asked tentatively.

“No, no, we have enough means to solve it,” Malvolio said quickly, “You think so, Tver?”

Looking at Malvolio winking at him, Tver nodded again in amusement.

“It’s once we have a handle on it that we start collecting information about them.”

“Them?” Sirius caught the key.

“Not many actually, we’ve dealt with quite a few and these are the last few.”

Sirius nodded understandingly.

In his heart, Twil was someone Dumbledore trusted. In this case, what Twil did might have been ordered by Dumbledore.

He took a deep breath and looked at Kreacher, who was still kneeling on the ground crying.

“Take me to the cave.”

Tver said quickly: “Sirius, you can’t…”

“I can!” Sirius turned back sharply and looked at Tver with lion-like eyes, “That’s my brother. No matter what danger there is, I will take him home!”

Tver chuckled.

“I mean, you can’t go there alone, we can help.”

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