Barty Crouch’s ability to accept is much stronger than he expected.

After deciding to cooperate with Tver, he wasted no time and immediately discussed with Malvolio about arresting the Death Eaters.

It seems that the former ministerial candidate is not out of pursuit of power as he looks on the outside, but is hidden deep in his heart.

Malvolio didn’t care. He had been preparing for this operation for a long time and had already distinguished the Death Eaters that should be caught and those that should not be caught.

“In other words, you still want to win over the support of these Death Eaters?”

Barty was a little dissatisfied with this.

In his opinion, Death Eaters are all criminals, and the only place criminals want to stay is Azkaban!

“It’s us. Many Death Eaters come from pure-blood families. I think you have experienced their deep-rooted power in the magical world.”

“Even if Voldemort fails again, they will still not be punished as long as they have not committed any obvious mistakes.”

“In that case, why not cooperate with them?”

“Without the help of these Death Eaters, even if Voldemort is resurrected, the power he formed will be weakened.”

“Under the circumstances, it will be easier on our side.”

Barty couldn’t help but nodded in agreement.

If it were before, he would never agree with this view because of his hatred for evil.

But his experience of ups and downs in the Ministry of Magic also made him no longer so stubborn.

“Can you guarantee that these Death Eaters are sincerely supporting us?”

“No, I never count on the loyalty of these losers, but the more their behavior is inclined to us, the more beneficial our actions will be, right?” Tver shrugged and drank the pumpkin juice leisurely.

“Okay.” Barty sighed.

“By the way, have you got an assistant named Percy Weasley recently?”

Turville suddenly thought of Percy.

After officially graduating from Hogwarts, he officially became Barty’s assistant under Cynthia’s arrangement.

On the surface, there is no difference from his previous life, but secretly, he is the channel of communication between Tver and Bati, and he is also the assistant to fight against Fudge!

“What?” Batty looked at Cynthia, “I remember that he was arranged by Cynthia, right? Could it be that he is also your subordinate?”

“He is our partner,” Tver emphasized. “If you have anything to do in the future, you can contact me through him.”

As expected, Barty snorted coldly.

“It seems that you have a lot of chess pieces in the Ministry of Magic.”

Not paying attention to the sarcasm in his words, Tver raised his head and drank the pumpkin juice in the cup.

“If you still have any questions, you can communicate with Malvolio and the others. As for now, we have to go to the next place before they get off work.”

“get off work?”

Tver did not explain, waved his hand and turned the cup away, and led Cynthia towards the door.

“I will remind you when Voldemort comes to your door. When the time comes, just go out and take shelter.”

After pondering for a while, Barty suddenly stopped them who were about to apparate.

“Wait, can you guarantee my son’s safety?”

“I can guarantee that he will eventually fall into the hands of the Ministry of Magic. How to deal with it depends on your influence in the Ministry of Magic, future Minister.”

Tver waved his hand, and his figure disappeared into the hot sunshine.

“Really, I can’t refuse…” Batty stood at the door and murmured to himself.

On the other side, Tver and the others also arrived at their second destination today.


This is a snow-white building that stands tall among the shops. Next to the shiny bronze door, stands a goblin wearing a scarlet and gold uniform.

Tver then walked towards the man along the white stone steps.

The goblins are not tall, especially the one in front of them, who is less than half the height of Cynthia.

But their hands and feet are extremely long, and their round heads are much larger than those of humans.

When Tver and the others entered, the goblin bowed to them.

Then a second silver door appeared in front of them, with Gringotts warnings engraved on the door.

In Tver’s view, this warning was nothing more than a bluff.

As soon as they entered the door, two goblins bowed to them and led them into a tall marble hall.

There were about a hundred goblins sitting behind the long counter on both sides of the hall. Some were weighing coins with scales, and some were inspecting gems with eyepieces while making notes in a large ledger.

There are countless doors in the hall, which seem to lead to different destinations, because many fairies are guiding guests to enter and exit these doors according to needs.

“Dear guest,

What do you need from coming here? “The goblin on Tver’s left bowed and asked.

“Who is in charge of your Gringotts?”

Tver glanced around. The goblins seemed to be distinguished by their age. Young goblins were working hard around them, while the old goblins with wrinkled faces were strolling leisurely.

Could it be the oldest goblin?

The guidance goblin looked at the three young men in front of him.

If wealth were to be distributed based on looks, these three were undoubtedly wealthy.

But unfortunately, this is Gringotts, and it recognizes money but not people.

“All our business can be handled in the lobby. No matter how big your needs are, we will not alert our supervisors.”

“What about this kind of business?” Cynthia took out a heavy bag and opened a small opening so that he could see the contents clearly.


Even though it was a small opening, the goblin felt like he was blinded by the light shining inside.

He wanted to scream, but he could only make a hoarse sound, as if he was choked by surprise.

In fact, there is another way to convert currency into galleons, and that is to use currency to purchase various precious gems or minerals, and the fairies will never be stingy with galleons to purchase these things.

As the facial mask business expands, even though Tver repeatedly emphasizes sharing profits, the currency they have harvested has piled up.

The money the company has in the bank is really a rapidly rising number.

Just to win over Malfoy and the others, it was time to start the currency transfer business.

However, compared to the fear before, Tver now has enough confidence to negotiate with Gringotts.

“I will take you to see our supervisor, Mr. Ingus.”

The guide fairy was shocked for a while and swallowed several times before realizing her rudeness.

He apologized quickly and pointed toward the end of the hall.

There, there is a distinctive dark golden door.

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