On the other side, Tver was still accompanying Harry and the others for examination in the school hospital.

Of course, the only one who was seriously injured was Ron, but even if he wailed for a long time, it could not hide the fact that his injury was only a minor injury and he would recover in a few days.

However, Dumbledore came over midway. After checking on their situation, he left Tver a vague wink and left.

After receiving the signal, Tver smiled knowingly.

“You just stay here with Ron, I still have some things to deal with.”

“Professor…” Before leaving, Harry, who had been silent for a while, suddenly stopped him.

“Do you know what will happen to Sirius?”

Tver turned back somewhat unexpectedly.

Ron and Hermione also looked at him quietly with concern.

In just one night, the relationship between Harry and Black has become so good?

Should he say that the Dursleys treated him too badly, or that Sirius treated him too well?

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen to him.”

After thinking about it, Tver added, “Of course, the most important thing is to see the attitude of the Ministry of Magic.”

His main target tonight was not Sirius Black, so he did not want to and would not interfere with the Ministry of Magic, especially Fudge’s decision about Black.

However, even so, Fudge didn’t dare to do anything to Sirius, at least it wouldn’t be more extreme than in the plot.

It’s just that Harry and the others regard Tweel’s words as a treasure, as if he can make decisions for the Ministry of Magic.

Well, it seems to be really possible, and it’s getting better and better.

Tver thought strangely as he faced the increasingly darkened stairs and walked up to the deserted west tower.

“Peter Pettigrew is inside. He was scared by me just now, and now he is waiting in fear.” Malvolio smiled smugly.

“How is Fudge going to let him go?”

Tver glanced at the empty castle lawn. Even if Peter could turn into a mouse, escaping from the castle would not be that easy.

“I didn’t go into details. He probably wanted me to take him away in person, so that even if he is exposed in the future, he can be blamed on me.” Malvolio sneered contemptuously.

He had long seen through Fudge’s timid and fearful nature, and he even said that he wanted to go drink tea with Dumbledore, probably because he wanted to stay away from such embarrassing things!

“Then just make him angry, bring the hippogriff over, and let the two of them go together.” Tver ordered him.

Buckbeak’s interrogation was temporarily suspended by Malvolio with the news of Black’s discovery, and he left with Peter. Fudge, who was probably too anxious, had no time to pay attention to it.

Really, an ordinary Hippogriff’s appeal would require the Minister to personally go out, for fear that others would not know that he has something evil in his mind.

After Malvolio left, Tver adjusted his clothes and calmly opened the iron door where Peter was imprisoned.

Hearing the noise, Peter stood up from the floor.

“Why is it you?” He looked at Tver in surprise and the empty person behind him.

“Where is the Auror and the Minister of Magic?”

“They are thinking about what to do with you.”

Tver made a casual move, and two exquisite stools appeared on the floor. Then he walked over and sat down.

Peter was too short, and I had to keep my head down when talking to him, which was not very comfortable.

But Peter had no intention of sitting down.

When he heard that he was being treated, his hands and feet couldn’t help but tremble.

His eyes flickered even more, glancing at the open door from time to time.

“If you try to escape, I will kill you directly without waiting for them to make a decision. I believe no one will condemn me for this trivial matter.”

Tver crossed his legs, and the gentle smile on his face looked in Peter’s eyes, making him feel as cold as a demon.

“Are you really going to kill me…?” Peter’s body went limp and he collapsed on the ground.

“To be precise, it’s them.”

Sensing the hope of his survival, Peter stood up again, more determined and powerful than before.

“What do you mean?! Are you different from them?”


The sound Tweil made through his nasal cavity filled Peter with a sense of security.

“You want to save me?” he asked tentatively.

“You can say that.”

“You want me to leave here?” There was finally a hint of joy on his face.


“Hahaha, I knew you were a good person!” Peter laughed happily.

He was so excited that he wanted to grab Tver’s hand, but he avoided it in disgust.

He frowned slightly, but didn’t dare to say anything, so he could only smile awkwardly.

“Then we

Let’s go. ”

“Let’s go? Have you ever thought about where to go?” Tver finally asked the first question of the night.

“In other words, where can you go?”

“As soon as you escape, the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore will not let you go. I think only Voldemort, who is on the run, can enjoy this kind of treatment, right?”

“Yes, your former master probably has a lot of resentment towards you in his heart, right?”

Hearing Voldemort’s name, Peter’s body couldn’t help but shudder, but Tweel’s words made him feel even more frightened.

“I…I can hide forever.”

Tver looked at him sarcastically.

“How long will it take to hide? Until Harry dies of old age? Or until Black forgets the hatred between him and you?”

“Even if you are really so capable, what’s the difference between you and dying? Are you going to let your mother bear a bad name?”

When he heard his mother, Peter’s frightened face finally showed a hint of movement.

“I…I, but what else can I do?!” he shouted excitedly.

Seeing that Peter’s inner defense had been opened by him, Tver naturally revealed his purpose.

“It’s very simple. Go find Voldemort. He will definitely not mind taking you in.”

This time, Peter ignored his fear and stared blankly at the confident Tver.

“Looking for…looking for the Dark Lord?”

“That’s right.”

Tweel took out a wand, which Cynthia found from the ruins of Harry’s house. It was the phoenix tail feather wand left by Voldemort.

“Bring this wand over, Voldemort will definitely not mind accepting you again. Maybe in this case, he will reuse you and let you help him resurrect.”

Peter’s mouth opened wider and wider, and he suddenly realized what Tver wanted him to do.

How dare he? ! How dare he place an undercover agent next to the Dark Lord? ! How dare you do this to the most evil Dark Lord of all time? !

Out of fear of Voldemort, Peter fell to his knees in front of Tver and begged with tears in his eyes.

“Please don’t do this. I can do anything for you, but you must never let me go undercover with the Dark Lord. If he finds out, he will definitely kill me!”

“Then go to hell.” Tver made a gesture of invitation and pointed to the door.

Standing there was a ferocious-looking Malvolio, who licked his lips in a playful manner and had a fierce light in his eyes.


Peter suddenly raised his head in confusion, his face mixed with snot and tears, making his already ugly face even more ugly.

This is a negotiation, why can’t we negotiate terms back and forth, and if we have to come forward, just don’t follow the routine and die immediately? !

Don’t you know what I fear most about death? !

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