Unlike Tevel and the others who were leisurely staying in the office, Lupine was in a very complicated mood now.

In order to leave no regrets in his teaching career, he has been doing his best to review students’ test papers recently, and also summarizes and puts forward study suggestions based on each person’s situation.

Of course, this is also because Tver’s fancy fishing forced him to do this…

He continued reviewing like this until evening. During his break, he accidentally picked up the Marauder’s Map that he had put aside——

“I solemnly swear that I will do no evil.”

His attention was indeed on the map before, but because the long search was fruitless, he temporarily put aside this obsession and concentrated on preparing the students for the final exam.

But now, it’s not too much to take a glance, right?

Lupine thought of Tver’s lazy state with peace of mind, and suddenly found an excuse for himself to relax.

It was at this glance that he realized something was wrong.

The three Harrys ran to Hagrid’s hut, but the problem was——

Peter Pettigrew, whose name overlapped with theirs, appeared on the edge of the Forbidden Forest!

Immediately afterwards, Sirius Black’s name appeared, and he and Ron ran into the secret passage of the Whomping Willow!

Then disappeared at the end of the secret passage…

Lupine quickly picked up his wand and hurried out of the office.

Although there was no trace drawn on the map, he clearly remembered that it led to the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade!

But in his hurry, he not only forgot to take away the map, but also forgot to close the door…

On the other side, Harry and Hermione followed Ron’s footsteps and trotted through the secret passage of the Whomping Willow.

“Where does this lead to?” Hermione asked nervously.

Harry’s face was filled with eagerness.

His uneasy gaze went back and forth between the end of the dark passage and the walls on both sides. Only Crookshanks’ tail leading the way in front of him could give him some comfort.

“I don’t know. There is a section of this tunnel on the map, but where it ends, even George and Fred don’t know.”

“But I guess it leads to Hogsmeade…”

Harry’s heart suddenly lifted.

Crookshanks’ tail disappeared, and what came into view was a glimmer of light and a small exit.

It was an abandoned, dusty house.

All the furniture was tattered and the windows inside were boarded up, allowing only a ray or two of sunlight to slip in.

“The Screaming Shack.”

It seemed that the operation of her brain calmed down Hermione. After observing for a while, she recognized this place.

Harry nodded silently, and the two of them quickly pulled out their wands in unison.

Because the floor above my head made a distinct creak!

Having already had a tacit understanding, they carefully stepped up the dark stairs one after another and came to the door of an equally dilapidated room.

Harry took a deep breath.


He kicked open the door and rushed in head first.


In the corner of the room, Ron was alone, and of course, there was the mouse Scabbers that was constantly struggling in his hands.

“Harry, behind you!” Ron shouted anxiously.

Harry whirled around, pointing his wand firmly into the shadows, followed by Hermione doing the same.

However, the person in the shadow did not feel scared, but calmly closed the door.

This action also made him step out of the shadows.

His eye sockets were sunken, and his skin was devoid of any blood, waxy white and dry, as if a body that had been dead for a long time had been resurrected.

He grinned, showing dirty yellow teeth.

Sirius Black!


He waved Ron’s wand rapidly, with an agility that belied his appearance.

But Harry’s reaction was also quick.

“Iron armor protection!”

Sirius showed a look of surprise.

Although this was his first time fighting with a wand in the past twelve years, he was still surprised and delighted that the disarming spell was blocked so easily.


Without saying a word, Hermione fired backhand at Black with a disarming spell.

“Iron armor protection!”

Likewise, an iron armor spell helped Blake block the magic.

But it was someone else who cast the spell.

It’s Lupine who’s coming in a hurry!

After Lupine blocked the curse, he and Black looked at each other in silence amid the shocked eyes of Harry and Hermione.

“I didn’t expect that you would become like this…”

Lupine looked at Blake’s current appearance with emotion, and his thoughts seemed to be pulled back to twelve years ago, or even longer.

At that time, Blake was the most energetic among the four of them. Of course, he was also the most energetic.

He’s the most handsome one.

As a result, now, it has become like this: a person is not a human, a ghost is not a ghost.

“People always change. Harry and his friends, for example, are only in third grade and have such strong fighting skills.”

Black shrugged nonchalantly, showed the gentle smile that Lupine was most familiar with, and opened his hands to him.

But Lupine didn’t return the hug, even though he had lowered his wand.

“Tell me, was there a new person?”

“That’s right,” Blake sighed.

“Then why did you hide it from me?”

“It’s my fault. I was too smart and trusted the wrong person…”

Black’s expression darkened, but at this moment, Lupine responded to his hands that had not yet been closed, and hugged him tightly.

“Professor?!” Hermione looked at this scene in disbelief, “Why, why do you want to help Black? We trust you so much!”

“The truth is not that simple, Hermione.” Lupine explained quickly.

“The truth is that you are a werewolf!” Hermione looked at him sadly and yelled.

“When did you figure it out?”

“Professor Snape has taught a lot about werewolves, and it corresponds to yours one by one!”

“Furthermore,” Harry stood next to Hermione, “during the summer vacation, Professor Foley once asked Cedric’s father about your whereabouts.”

“We turned to Mr. Diggory for help and we were able to confirm this 100 percent.”

“Ah, yes,” Lupine shook his head with emotion, “If it hadn’t been for Tver, I would have died in the summer.”

“Then why don’t you tell my story?” He forced a smile.

Harry hesitated, “Well, Professor Foley said, don’t judge a person based on their appearance, because that’s one-sided.”

“But obviously, you betrayed his trust, and also betrayed Dumbledore’s trust!” Hermione said angrily.

“Have you ever thought that you are also judging Black based on the surface?” Lupine put away his wand and walked gently to them.

Hermione wanted to raise her wand, but Harry stopped her.

“Can we trust you for the last time? Tell me, what exactly happened that year?”

After these two years of dealing with big and small things, he has long since learned to be patient. At least, he still has the confidence to be calm.

“It’s Peter Pettigrew, remember when you saw his name on the map?”

Lupine took it out and realized that in his haste, he had even forgotten to bring the Marauder’s Map.

“No matter what, a person who should be dead is staying in this room!”


Suddenly, an urgent voice came from the open space at the door.

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