Students were pleasantly surprised to find that this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts exam has once again changed.

It’s a change they like to see!

Although it is still divided into theory and practice, they still need half a day to sit in the classroom and take the exam.

But in another classroom, there is a maze waiting for them!

A maze filled with magical creatures!

Not only that, there are also some puzzles arranged by a caring professor, as well as barriers that need to be solved correctly to pass, etc.

But don’t worry, students don’t need to get everything set up exactly right.

After all, there is still a gap in the level of students, and Tver has also specially prepared some difficult links to distinguish the level of outstanding students.

Therefore, when they face a problem that they cannot solve, they can choose to take a detour, but it will take more time.

The final score will be measured based on the performance in the maze and the time spent.

However, it was beyond Tweil’s expectation. He clearly set up the sessions in accordance with the standards of the course, but the students performed better than expected.

Especially when facing some magical creatures.

After being trained in duels, they were much more decisive when casting spells.

The only problem was that in an emergency, they actually used a lot of offensive magic, rather than the correct response that Lupine expected to see.

If Tver hadn’t prepared some healing potions, the magical creatures in the maze might not have survived the end of the exam…

Although Lupine looked helpless about this, just as Tver said when comforting him.

“The so-called correct method is only what we think is the optimal solution, but for students and even wizards, as long as they can pass safely, it is the optimal solution.”

“Then you still deduct points from students?!”

Lupine glanced at Tver angrily. He had just given the student who knocked Kabbah away an A (Acceptable).

“But this is not reality, it is an exam!” Tver responded confidently.

“The optimal solutions are all aimed at the weaknesses of these magical creatures. Like the Kabbah, you can obviously lure it ashore, then trick it into bowing, and you can pass through unharmed.”

“But Thomas had to waste his magic power and fight it alive in the water.”

“If there were other creatures in the water, he would probably have died there!”

“So, if it weren’t for the good use of the Obstacle Spell, I would have given it a P (poor), let alone an A.”

Lupine nodded in understanding, but Dean Thomas, who had just come out of the maze, didn’t look very good.

He thought he was very handsome in the fight just now. Not to mention the high score, at least an E was still okay.

As a result, in the eyes of the professor, he was only worthy of an A at the next level…

After this, the students no longer dared to be clever and behaved themselves and took advantage of the weaknesses of magical creatures as much as possible.

But it is precisely because of this that they truly realize how much help this coping method can bring to them.

“Most of the dangers we face actually come from wizards, so I hope you can apply the vulnerability analysis skills you have developed in magical creatures to wizards.”

After the exam, Tver said solemnly to the students present.

“This weakness does not necessarily come from their physical defects. It is most likely due to their spell-casting habits, or their unfamiliarity with a certain type of magic, etc.”

“This requires you to analyze and take advantage of it, so that you can better deal with these possible dangers.”

This is equivalent to a kind of adaptability on the battlefield.

This group of students is different from the ones in the plot. Tver has been teaching them for three years.

From laying the foundation in the first year, to contact battles in the second year, and now in the third year, they are able to carry out formal duels in a decent manner.

If nothing else, their combat effectiveness has at least been truly improved.

But arrogance and contempt appeared in their hearts unconsciously.

The creatures that Lu Ping brought to class were all already in the textbooks, and the dangers were definitely not that high, so if they chose to go over there, it would not bring much danger to themselves.

But considering the future, the dangers they will face are not just that simple.

By that time, it will be too late to use your brain.

Lupine didn’t know why Tver was so serious, but he could understand Tver’s thoughts.

In other words, having experienced battles large and small, he strongly agrees with this concept.

“To be honest, if we go by the standards of third graders, your abilities are very good.”

“But by wizard standards

Look, every one of you has failed, no matter how you judge it. ”

Lupine poured cold water on them at the right time.

“Even when dealing with these simple little creatures, you have to do your best. What if you face some powerful ones? Do you just have to sit back and wait for death?!”

Lu Ping was worried at first that the words they said were too harsh and would dampen the enthusiasm of the students.

But what he didn’t expect was that not only did the students show no signs of depression, but they became more and more excited.

It’s like the school’s pumpkin juice is spiked with joy.

They were completely obsessed with this test method, and even after finishing the Defense Against the Dark Arts test, they still wanted to continue through the maze.

Some outstanding students even set time requirements for themselves and started playing speedrunning competitions.

Unable to withstand their pleading, after discussing with Lupine, Tver removed some dangerous magical creatures and temporarily retained the maze.

However, this is only one of the exams, and it is the subject that can be completed the fastest. Students still have to prepare for several remaining exams.

Therefore, Tver repeatedly promised that the maze would not be dismantled before they left school, so they reluctantly put their minds on other exams for the time being.

But Tver, like them, has not yet been able to relax.

With Lupine’s help, he completed the final task of this school year faster than before, but because of the different exam formats, he and Lupine still had to review the test papers of five grades.

Professors usually save this work for the summer, and then send letters to students with the new school year.

However, Tver and Lupine were destined to be busy with too many things during this summer vacation, so they had no choice but to work overtime to solve this part of the work first.

In particular, some people always like to add a little more work to the two of them during this busy time…

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