But Dumbledore shook his head slightly.

“Your idea is already great, I have nothing more to teach you.”

“No, no, no, I am still too young and need the guidance of an experienced and strong person like you.” Tver said quickly.

As if reading his mind, Dumbledore chuckled, but still shook his head.

“Forget it, I can’t keep up with your thoughts now, and you don’t want someone to rule over you.”

“How could it be? I am very happy to accept your guidance——”

“That’s good, I’ll reluctantly accept your invitation.” Dumbledore said quickly and nodded seriously.

Tver: [・_・?]

“In order to ensure that you don’t have any thoughts of harming Muggles and wizards, I need to understand your thoughts at all times, and if necessary, I will interfere with some of your movements.”

“But don’t worry, I will remind you first.” Dumbledore looked at the stunned Turville with a smile on his lips.

Of course he knew that he couldn’t control Tver, not to mention that his focus now was on Voldemort who was wandering outside, and he didn’t have much time to pay attention to it.

Therefore, what he has to do is to prevent Tver from making irreparable mistakes in the general direction.

It’s not like he and Grindelwald were blinded by ambition!

As for the future of the magical world, as Tver said, it should be left to the wizards to decide.

Tver curled his lips.

He was still thinking about asking Dumbledore to help him, but now he has achieved half of his goal. At least Dumbledore will not become his resistance.

Some plans can also be officially put on the agenda!

“By the way, after saying so much, I still want to know the original question.” Dumbledore said suddenly.

“What are your thoughts on Muggles? Offensive, or defensive?”

Turville pondered for a while and felt that now he could reveal some of his true thoughts to Dumbledore.

“I still say the same thing, I don’t know.”

You have to realize it yourself!

If told directly, Dumbledore would definitely not agree, but if he himself thought of the path of merging wizards and Muggles, then it would have nothing to do with Turville!

“But I don’t think either way is the best.”

“The biggest obstacle to attacking Muggles comes from us wizards ourselves.”

“I think you also know that Muggle-born wizards or half-blood wizards make up the majority of the wizarding world.”

“They were the first to disagree with us hurting their parents and friends.”

“The war hadn’t even started yet, and we were falling apart internally.”

“As for defense, it’s even more difficult.”

“None of us are sure when Muggles will have powerful weapons and detectors. It could be tomorrow, it could be a hundred years from now.”

“At that time, the strength of the magical community will be great. I am not belittling them. I have never seen such talented people as you and the teacher from the younger generation.”

“In the future, the strength of the wizarding world, at least its cutting-edge strength, will definitely show signs of decline, while Muggle technology continues to advance.”

“Between this and the other, there is still a huge population gap. I can hardly see the possibility of our success.”

Dumbledore couldn’t care less about modesty.

As the principal of Hogwarts, he had long realized that there might be many elite wizards in the wizarding world, but there were no students as outstanding as himself or even Voldemort.

To put it bluntly, if Muggles really launched a cruel war against wizards, then he would definitely not mind joining forces with Grindelwald and Voldemort.

As smart people, I believe they will not refuse.

However, he couldn’t help but worry that in the future, Tver would be the only one who could fight this war!

“So, we have to hurry up. With you, the teacher and I in the wizarding world, no matter what we do, we will be more confident when facing Muggles!”

Dumbledore also felt a sense of urgency in his heart, but he still raised his hands and suppressed the feeling.

“As far as I know, Muggle technology is far from reaching this level, so you don’t need to be so anxious.”

“As a leader, calmness is your greatest weapon.”

“But you are right, the International Federation of Wizards Conference will be held during this summer vacation, and I can arrange for you to give a speech on my behalf.”

“The higher-ups in the magic world also need to be aware of possible crises in the future. Of course, I don’t need to be called an immortal anymore.”

He said with a chuckle, but seeing Tver’s strange expression, he couldn’t help but ask: “What’s wrong? Or do you mean you don’t want to stand in everyone’s sight so soon?”

“Well, I’ve already got the opportunity to speak on behalf of the United Kingdom…” Tver scratched his head in embarrassment.


Dumbledore stared at him speechlessly for a moment.

“The little girl named Cynthia did it, right? I received many compliments from members of the British branch of the Federation.”

Turville had never hidden their relationship, so it was no surprise that Dumbledore knew about Cynthia’s existence.

If he didn’t know, he would be surprised.

So he nodded affirmatively.

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head.

“Even though I am mentally prepared, I am always surprised by your excellence every time.”

“I’m not sure your idea is correct, but I’m looking forward to your performance in the summer.”

“Ahem, please don’t say that. I still have a lot of things I need to ask you for advice.” Tver was so shy that he quickly took a sip of pumpkin juice to cover it up.

Dumbledore had praised him many times tonight, and to be honest, he was a little carried away.

So he quickly put his problem out to avoid forgetting it out of pride.

“For example, have you ever known about trance?”

Under Dumbledore’s surprised gaze, Tweel then introduced his understanding of this space.

After Turville finished speaking, Dumbledore put away his surprise.

He pondered for a while before speaking slowly and cautiously.

“I really didn’t expect you to have studied it to this extent. I only started to come into contact with the topic of death in the past few years.”

“But since you asked, we can discuss it.”

“The trance is not a space that all dead souls will reach. It can even be said that only a very small number of souls can see it.”

“It’s more like a loophole between life and death.”

“Since consciousness can also constitute space, in my imagination, consciousness is likely to be the entrance to the tangled illusion.”

“When someone is on the verge of death, if he still has a strong sense of initiative, he can appear in a trance.”

There was some uncertainty in Dumbledore’s words, but Tweel was more certain of this idea than he was.

Nonsense, the trance-like illusion in the plot was probably created by Dumbledore. Who else in the whole world knows better than him? !

So for the rest of the time, Turville and Dumbledore spent their time on this topic.

As for the usual Muggle research, they all tacitly agreed not to mention it again…

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