The new semester has officially begun, the school’s teaching order is back on track, and the laziness during the holidays has disappeared like snow.

However, the humidity and coldness of winter are still stubbornly resisting, which makes the students feel a lot worse in class.

Arena, fifth grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

“Professor, can you teach us some magic that can make people happy?” George said loudly while stamping his feet.

It was obvious that Turville had decorated the arena with a large number of torches to make it warm, but the Weasley twins had to pretend to be cold.

Even Davis and Cedric were imitated, looking depressed and sighing.

It seems that if Tver announced that this was a theory class, they would immediately fall to the ground in sadness.

The other students followed suit, shaking their heads and not forgetting to secretly observe Tver’s expression.

“Okay, I can teach you a magic that can make people very happy.”

Tver looked at them amused.

In fact, there was originally this teaching plan, but the difficulty of this magic was very high and there were not many applicable scenarios, so the original plan was to conduct it in the sixth grade classroom.

“But I have to remind you that this magic cannot be learned in a short time.”

“So, if you fail to master the skills in this class, I will not continue to teach you in subsequent classes.”

“After all, your focus has to be on the O.W.L.s in half a year.”

He waved his wand at the sky while the students were looking at him, and a silvery-white light shot up into the sky and flew towards the outside of the school.

George watched the silver light disappear from his sight, then turned back and asked curiously: “Is that the silver light we want to learn?”


“Isn’t that very simple!” Fred said confidently, patting his thigh.

“Indeed, if you can’t learn such a simple magic, why should you go to school? Why not accompany Filch to sweep the floor!” George agreed.

It’s just that Davis’s face looked a little weird. He kept looking at the direction where the silver light flew, and there seemed to be a small black spot there.

The small black dot was entangled in the silver light and instantly became a little distorted. However, the distance was too far and he could not clearly see the reason for this distortion.

But no matter what, based on his understanding of the professor, the professor said it was very difficult, so it would definitely not be a simple magic.

“Guys, I think it’s better to be serious.”

Cedric nodded in agreement.

“It’s better to wait until we understand this magic before we can talk about it——”

Before he finished speaking, the classmates suddenly let out an exclamation.


George and the others quickly looked up.

A dementor was flying towards them rapidly!

Except that it seemed to be carrying something on its back, this dementor was exactly the same as the one they saw at the school gate.

Soon, the dementor with its claws and fangs reached the sky above the arena, and it continued to fall!

The target is them!

The students immediately pushed each other and hid around the professor in panic, as if this would give them some courage to face the dementors.

It’s not that I’m too timid, it’s that the dementors are too difficult to deal with!

They quickly comforted themselves in their hearts.

Ordinary magic has no way to work on Dementors, and all the dueling skills they learned will be ineffective when facing Dementors.

If the dementors really came over, they would have no choice but to wait and be killed!

Wait, in their panicked eyes, they suddenly discovered that the dementor seemed to be coming in the direction of the professor?

They dispersed in a hurry and fled far away from the professor’s position. Only a little witch remained in place, trembling all over.

Tver was even a little moved.

“Aren’t you afraid? The dementors are coming for me?”

The girl slowly turned back, showing her bitter face.

“I…my legs are weak and I can’t walk anymore, wuwuwu.”


Just when Tver was speechless, the Dementor finally landed on the ground, right next to the girl.


She was so frightened that she covered her ears and let out a scream that could be heard throughout the castle.


The girl screamed for a while before she realized that the dementor hadn’t attacked her.

No, he even lay on the ground, motionless.

And she also saw clearly what was on the Dementor’s back.

A cute little silver bear?

In fact, it cannot be called a cub because the size of this bear is not small.

The reason why she had such a small idea was that the bear’s body and head were swollen, and it looked much more innocent than ferocious.

“Professor, is this your patron saint?”

Confirm that the dementors are suppressed

After a tight fight, Cedric cautiously came over.

“Yes, this is what you will learn in class today, including Dementors and the Patronus Charm.”

Before they could see what it was, Tver scattered his patronus and turned it into something like a silver-white rope, tightly binding the dementor.

Then he floated it up in the air.

“It turns out that dementors can also be hung up!”

Davis seemed to have discovered a new world and ran over excitedly, pointing at the dementors.

If it weren’t for the depressing atmosphere of the Dementors, he would have taken action!

“Normal magic has no way to deal with non-existences like Dementors, but adding the Patronus Charm can. This is their nemesis.”

Tver reminded them, lest they overestimate their capabilities and run to tie up the dementors.

Seeing the obedient Dementors, the students were no longer afraid and gathered around excitedly, discussing the knowledge of Dementors in low voices.

“It is said that dementors have no body, but why can they be tied up?”

“It may not be a real bundle. It is probably a kind of binding magic. By adding the Patronus Charm, a kind of restraint can be achieved?”

“But the robe on it is so real. I wonder if I can touch it?”

“It still doesn’t work. Even from such a distance, I can feel a gloomy emotion emerging from my heart.”

After all, this was their first time observing Dementors at such a close range.

And unlike the boring text descriptions in books, only by truly coming into contact with Dementors can they understand how painful the despair-filled heart is.

But the dementors being watched felt much more uncomfortable.

The silver light of the Patronus Spell has been working, causing it continuous burning pain.

Tver’s power is well controlled, just immobilizing it rather than actually hurting it.

Fortunately, Dementors have no brains and only have the instinct to eat, so there is no need to worry that this kind of torture will drive them crazy.

Tver nodded with satisfaction.

He liked this easy-to-control creature best.

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