On the first day of Christmas vacation, Tver still got up early.

Skillfully pouring himself a glass of pumpkin juice, he also sorted out a lot of precious information scattered on the ground.

He looked out the window leisurely.

It’s a clear winter day.

The heavy snow that fell all night yesterday has stopped, but its task has been successfully completed – covering Hogwarts with a thick layer of snow.

There will be more students choosing to stay in school during the Christmas break this year, at least much more than last year.

Tver is no exception.

According to Lupine’s situation, it would be a full moon night in two days, so he decided not to go home for the time being in order to study a new generation of werewolf bracelets.

That’s right, it’s just temporary.

He didn’t dare not go home for a reunion during a holiday like Christmas, especially after he was re-elected as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Otherwise Melinda would really send him a howler letter…

It didn’t take long for a few little wizards to occupy the open snow and have a snowball fight.

Of course, the kind that controls snowballs with a wand.

This kind of game can be played by first-year students, so it was natural for Tver to popularize it in the school.

Of course, demonstration is definitely essential.

Thinking of how embarrassed the students were when they had a snowball fight together before the holiday, Tver couldn’t help laughing.

Even if the whole class comes together, he can easily drown them with snowballs!

The reason why I have free time to play games is because this year’s course is unexpectedly easy.

Although Lupine disappeared from time to time, he still took on more teaching duties than his two predecessors combined.

What’s more, Lupine is resting, and there is Snape!

Although the students strongly requested that the substitute be replaced by Professor Welfare, it was obvious that Tver would not give them this opportunity!

This also led to Snape clearly preparing courses for students carefully, but in the end he still had to endure the students’ casual accusations——

They believed that Snape had forcibly snatched the course so that Professor Foley had no chance to take Lupin’s class.

So now, Tver only needs to choose between dueling class and theory class every day, and then leisurely provide guidance to the students.

For the rest, Lupine would be helpless, but still perfectly help him fill in the rest.

As for the duel competition, that will only happen in the second half of the year!

For a time, students loved and hated Professor Welfare.

What I love, of course, is the professor’s still high level of dueling guidance.

During class, even if they are practicing combat in a small team, the professor will still provide professional guidance to each of them.

Including their advantages and disadvantages, as well as corresponding exercise methods.

If you make progress through exercise, you will not only get praise from the professor, but you will also be taught by a higher level!

After several months of practice, they clearly felt the improvement in their strength.

In the past, I would tremble when I cast a magic spell, but now even if I get into a fight, it’s a back-and-forth magic showdown!

So now the easiest way to resolve disputes in the castle is to have a fight in the duel field!

There is protective magic arranged by Professor Welfare, which cannot be defeated at least with the strength of the students.

As a result, every time Malfoy wanted to taunt Harry, Harry would angrily fight back with a duel.

If it were one-on-one, Malfoy would certainly not be afraid, and would even be eager to have such a duel.

However, in order to ensure that the strength of the team is relatively balanced, the rules of the duel field have always been in the form of small teams.

So he looked at Ron and Hermione behind Harry, and then at Goyle and Crabbe behind him.

He didn’t know how many times he regretted his arrogance——

He thought that since he wanted to be as powerful as the professor, he could defeat all opponents even with two oil bottles.

It turns out that these two oil bottlers are really holding us back!

But if he abandoned them, the pride of the pure-blood family in Malfoy’s heart would not allow him to do so.

Ever since, Malfoy had to change his mind and instead stared at Harry with resentful eyes.

Once Harry glared back, he quickly looked away, feigning innocence.

But no matter what, while the students are aggressive, it is also because their strength has increased and they want to show off in front of their classmates.

Moreover, after learning about such high-quality guidance, even Professor Flitwick said with emotion:

“Why didn’t I meet such a good teacher in the first place?”

Professor Flitwick can be so strong without such a good teacher, so now that they have the guidance of the professor, wouldn’t they be even stronger than Professor Flitwick!

As soon as this idea came out, the students’ already high enthusiasm suddenly increased.

As for issues of talent and hard work, that is certainly not considered by students.

However, Professor Welfare is not always giving guidance on dueling!

Whenever the professor thinks it is necessary, he will postpone the dueling class and change it to a boring theoretical class!

There are theoretical studies that may last up to two classes!

So now students in third grade and above have a thrilling feeling of opening a blind box when they are in class.

Before each class begins, they don’t know what the professor will teach them today.

If it is a theoretical class, even if they are staying in the duel arena, they must sit on the professor’s transformed desk and chair and listen to the class obediently!

Fortunately, the wind, snow and cold outside were blocked by the professor’s magic, otherwise, coupled with their desolate hearts, most of the students would be sick before Christmas.

If it weren’t for the professor’s explicit prohibition, the Weasley twins would have made more Galleons than they had in their family’s coffers by gambling in theory and practical classes!

Therefore, the students’ love for Professor Lupine has skyrocketed now.

Now in the school, not only did no one dislike his shabby robes, but even if someone dared to ridicule Professor Lupin, Harry would be the first to glare at him.

Of course, it’s also because the sarcastic person is Malfoy…

Tver is certainly happy to hear this.

The things he wanted to study this year were much more complicated. The transformation of his soul alone had made the dark circles under his eyes thicker, not to mention there was a confusing illusion that he still couldn’t figure out.

In addition, there is the facial mask business outside, Cynthia and Malvolio’s Ministry of Magic layout, and Lucius’s wooing of other pure-blood families.

But fortunately, all this is proceeding at an ideal speed.

At least it went better than he planned.

In a happy mood, Tver drank all the pumpkin juice stock in the office.

In fact, this is the only cup left…

Shaking the empty bottle, he decided to go to the kitchen before eating breakfast.

After all, you can skip breakfast, but you can’t live without pumpkin juice!

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