Soon, Tver knew what happened from the unlucky child’s mouth——

The portrait of the Fat Lady at the door of the Gryffindor common room was torn to pieces!

Thinking about the remaining half of the cake, Tver knew that this person was Black.

So he followed Dumbledore with a dissatisfied look on his face, and walked through the curious students with other professors.

But at the door, they only saw the torn painting of the Fat Madam and the chattering students.

“We need to find the Fat Lady. She is probably hiding in some painting in the castle.” Dumbledore only took one look and made his decision immediately.

“Tver, please inform Filch to search for the portraits in the castle. If possible, you’d better help.”

“No need to bother, Headmaster Dumbledore.”

It was Peeves. He didn’t know when he appeared, floating above everyone’s heads, and said in a respectful but greasy voice.

“I just met her. She was in the landscape on the fifth floor, trembling, hiding behind the trees and crying, Jie Jie Jie.”

Peeves looked gloating and looked very happy.

“Then did she say who tore down the portrait?” Dumbledore asked softly.

Peeves suppressed his smile, but his eyes were still narrowed in a mischievous smile.

“Of course, who else could it be? Of course that grumpy man – Sirius Black!”

Dumbledore’s face suddenly darkened, and Peeves was so frightened that he didn’t dare to giggle anymore.

“All Gryffindor students are to return to the Great Hall and are not allowed to stay anywhere else in the castle!”

He spoke loudly, with undoubted power in his words.

“Minerva, you take them over first. Severus, Filius, and Pomona. You all go back to your own colleges and bring the students into the auditorium.”

“Tonight, they will rest in the auditorium.”

“Remus, find the other professors and gather everyone in the auditorium -”

“Headmaster,” Snape suddenly took a step forward, “have you ever wondered how he got in?”

“There are many ways to enter the castle, so we need to verify them one by one.”

Snape glanced at Lupin with a sneer.

“Maybe there’s someone in the castle who can help him? I think there’s someone who can—”

“No.” Dumbledore looked at him firmly.

“Severus, I don’t think anyone is going to help him. This topic was closed at the beginning of the term. Let everyone go about their duties!”

The students were then taken away by the professor, and the originally crowded corridors and stairs gradually became empty, leaving only Terver, who had no mission, and Dumbledore, who was groping for the portrait.

“Tver, can you see how this torn portrait is?”

After a long time, Dumbledore suddenly said.

Tver was stunned. He thought he would have a search mission, but now it seems like it has turned into a detective novel?

“It must be some kind of sharp weapon, right? Maybe you need to ask the Muggle police to help check it out.”

“Ha, indeed, their technology is very magical.” Dumbledore laughed easily, and the serious atmosphere tonight was dispelled.

“But not now.” He said pointedly.

After speaking, his finger touched the crack on it, and a ray of golden light shone on it.

After doing this, Dumbledore took a few steps back, stood side by side with Tweel, and looked at the portrait.

As if going back in time, the cracks in the portrait were refilled, and then slowly returned to their original state.

At the same time, a big black dog suddenly appeared and tore the portrait apart again with its claws.

Hour reversal spell? !

Tver’s eyes widened slightly.

This spell is the principle behind the Time-Turner, but as we all know, it can only be used on a Time-Turner.

But now, Dumbledore actually made this painting go back in time for a short time!

Wait, Tver watched as the golden light dissipated, the shadow of the big black dog also disappeared, and the portrait returned to its torn state.

“It’s a little magic that goes back briefly and allows us to see some of what happened here before.”

Dumbledore said calmly, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

Of course, Tver was indeed relieved.

If Dumbledore could really control time, he might as well surrender and confess.

However, the strength of the old man next to him is indeed deeper than he imagined.

Is this short paragraph a demonstration to yourself?

Tver didn’t know whether to laugh or not, he was so honored to be treated like this.

I just don’t know how powerful the teacher is

After recovery, can you still fight?

With these thoughts in his mind, he only frowned slightly.

“So, Black is the black dog?”

“I suspect he’s an Animagus.”

It was said that he was doubtful, but Dumbledore’s tone was firm, as if he had seen with his own eyes how Black had transformed.

But he did not continue on the topic.

“Let’s go back to the auditorium first.”

Turville shrugged indifferently and followed Dumbledore back to the auditorium.

The place was already crowded with noisy students, and the student council president and prefects were barely keeping order.

It’s just that everyone learned what just happened from Gryffindor’s mouth, and no matter how hard they asked, they couldn’t settle down.


Dumbledore made a deafening sound, and all the students fell silent and looked at him obediently.

“Tonight the teachers and I will search the castle. To ensure safety, you will stay here to rest for one night.”

He waved his hand, and the original four long tables were moved to the wall. Then hundreds of soft purple sleeping bags fell from the air and slowly came to each student.

At this time, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick lowered all the doors and closed them tightly, leaving only a small door.

“Good night to everyone.” Dumbledore turned and walked towards the last small door.


The last door was also closed.

After Dumbledore walked out of the auditorium, he glanced at the professors standing outside.

“Search. Everyone responsible for an area, including the astronomy tower, student lounge, etc., must search carefully.”

He simply assigned search tasks to everyone, and even Tver led them to the area on the first floor.

Really, the biggest space was left to me.

He curled his lips dissatisfiedly.

However, searching doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go there yourself!

Tver waved his wand triumphantly, and a series of little ghosts flew out happily, looking a little weird in the dark castle.

Anyway, Black has probably slipped out of the school and gone to Hogsmeade, so there won’t be any problem if he just looks for it!

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