Tver’s class ended successfully and successfully aroused discussion in the school.


Not Lockhart’s dueling club, which is more useless than playing house, but a real duel!

Especially the appearance of the duel competition made them even more excited.

Because they learned from Professor Flitwick that this is Durmstrang’s tradition!

Professor Foley was Durmstrang’s school champion for four years.

The students don’t know much about Durmstrang, but they now have a simple idea——

Duel Champion=Professor Foley.

If I win the duel competition, then I = duel champion.

So, I = Professor Welfare!

No matter what happens, this champion can prove that they have similar fighting talents as the professor!

Thinking of the professor’s casual but elegant movements, he easily cleaned up the senior students.

Their faces are full of longing for the future.

The duel champion must be mine!

This idea instantly took root in the minds of the students.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing in the castle is the Professor’s Defense Against the Dark Arts Club.

If there was a hot search list, this topic would firmly occupy the first place.

Although the professor is more serious in class, it also means that they can learn powerful magic in the club!

It’s not the disarming spells, obstacle spells, etc. in the textbooks, but very powerful magic!

Otherwise, the professor would not have said so much to them so seriously!

It is precisely with this in mind that the students who come to Tver to register in the past few days are almost crushing the office door!

In the end, he had to hand over the task of collecting the list to Percy before he calmed down.

Really, there are rumors in the school that the club will contain dark magic, and there is no fear that Dumbledore will ban the club!

Sitting in the office, Tver thought helplessly.

“Hey, did you fall asleep while reading?” Malvolio’s voice came from the badge.

“Maybe Tver has something going on. Don’t interrupt his thoughts too often!” Cynthia’s dissatisfied voice followed.

“You think I’m happy to report things at this time. I’ve been running outside every day lately, and I’m exhausted.”

“It’s not like you, sitting in the office, getting more and more credit! Maybe it won’t be long before I call you Director Cynthia~”

“Oh, you are now the number one Auror that Fudge relies on. As long as Scrimgeour (Director of the Auror Office) retires, you can take over his position in an instant!”

Why do you feel like these two people are showing off to themselves by quarreling?

Tver picked up the badge oddly.

“Okay, I know you are all working hard, so let’s start this meeting quickly so that you can have time to rest.”

With Cynthia muttering “I don’t want it to end so soon”, Malvolio began to report.

“Fudge has been a bit weird lately, to be honest. He seems to think that he can force Dumbledore to give up his position as long as the reasons are legitimate.”

“Although there has been no action yet, I always feel that he is planning something. I often discuss it privately with Senior Deputy Minister Umbridge.”

“As a side note, it was Umbridge who drove the Ministry of Magic to arrest that Lupin during the holidays.”

“Why did she do that?” Tver asked in surprise.

“I don’t know. It is said that Fudge’s instructions were involved.”


To be honest, Tweel was a little unsure of what the Minister of Magic was thinking.

In the plot, Fudge’s character and thoughts are actually easy to guess. He is just a timid politician.

But arrest Lupine now?

Wait, isn’t it because Lupine is a former member of the Order of the Phoenix and wants to use this to demonstrate against Dumbledore?

Tver felt that he had guessed the answer. Otherwise, if there were so many werewolves, why would they focus on Lupin, who had a good reputation?

Speaking of which, after the fall of Voldemort, the situation of the members of the Order of the Phoenix was not very good.

This is partly because Dumbledore doesn’t want to get involved with the Ministry of Magic, but more importantly, it’s because the Ministry of Magic is afraid of the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore.

The person who acquiesced behind the scenes was naturally Fudge, who was the minister at the time.

It seems that this politician has smelled the fragrance of power…

But as long as he doesn’t interfere with his plan, Tver will not deal with him.

On the contrary, keeping it can give Dumbledore a little more interference and make Dumbledore pay less attention to himself.

This is something Tver is very happy to see.

“Ignore him, Fudge is now a good helper for your promotion in the Ministry of Magic. Just have a good relationship with him.”

“Is there any other important news?”

Malvolio paused for a moment before saying casually:

“It’s nothing, most

Recently, the Ministry of Magic has been tracking information about Black, but ironically, the latest trace of Black was discovered by Muggles. ”

“And the location is not far from Hogwarts. I suspect it has lurked in Hogsmeade.”

Twil was not very impressed by Blake’s plot this year. Most recently, he only knew that he would enter the castle one night and, um, destroy a painting.

“That’s about it. Hey, you have a badge yourself -”

Malvolio’s voice became lower and lower, and finally it was replaced by Cynthia’s.

“Tver!” Even with just her voice, Tver could feel her excitement.

“Let me tell you, facial masks have been sold like crazy in the UK, and the discussion formed in the second batch has become a hot topic in all newspapers and TV programs in the UK (Cynthia slip of the tongue)!”

“Part of the money earned has been successfully converted into Galleons, which is even a little higher than Gringotts’ exchange rate.”

“However, Lucius graciously agreed that this batch of Galleons should be used first to purchase beauty potions.”

“But how to sell the third and fourth batches piled in the warehouse?”

“Because the marketing effects of the first two batches were so good, people in the company no longer dare to make their own decisions. They wait every day for Jeff, the investor, to speak.”

Tver sighed helplessly.

The reason for handing over the company to professional managers was not only because he didn’t want to be noticed by the Ministry of Magic, but also because he didn’t want to waste time on this business.

I don’t love money, I really have no interest in money!

“As long as you can make money, you can handle it however you want. You will be responsible for the company’s affairs from now on. Remember, our focus is always on the confidentiality law, not making money.”

“The facial mask business is just a typical example for pure-blood families and ordinary wizards. The more money you make, the better, but it’s not an important thing.”

“After all, our facial masks can make a lot of money just by selling them on the street!”

Tver simply handed over this matter to Cynthia, which was considered as a training for her. After all, it was inevitable for them to deal with Muggles in the future.

As for him, of course he can be a little professor with peace of mind!

Afterwards they talked about Trance.

Yes, Tver asked Cynthia to check the ancient books preserved by the Ministry of Magic to see if there is any such content.

After all, the Ministry of Magic has a department called the Department of Mysteries, which specializes in studying these unusual things.

However, Cynthia’s work is a bit far away from the Department of Mysteries, and she hasn’t been able to master any useful information for a while.

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