After settling the matter with the Malfoy family, Tver temporarily felt relaxed.

But Malvolio and Cynthia are different. They have been very busy recently.

Because Sirius Black escaped from prison!

Now all the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic have been sent to hunt him down, and the always effective Delis is no exception.

The workload in the Ministry of Magic also increased sharply, and Cynthia inevitably worked overtime continuously.

Fudge initially thought of keeping the lid on and notifying the media until the person was caught.

It’s just that he underestimated the reporters’ sense of smell, and also underestimated the sensation caused by a major event that would require all Aurors to be dispatched.

After reporters learned that the first prison break in Azkaban’s history had occurred, they didn’t need any guidance. Almost all newspapers reported on Black’s story.

Even “The Quibbler”, which is usually out of tune, has gained a lot of popularity, but the content is still out of tune.

– They described Black as a pop band frontman who was scapegoated by the Ministry of Magic and thrown into Azkaban.

In any case, the pressure on the Ministry of Magic is very high now, especially because the Chamber of Secrets incident has been criticized once, and they desperately need an honor to save the reputation of the Ministry of Magic.

What disappoints them is that, let alone Malvolio, even Tver, the time traveler, doesn’t know where Black is now.

Even if he knew, he had no intention of telling the Ministry of Magic.

He didn’t have a good or bad opinion of Blake.

If you have to say it, the death of Harry’s parents can actually involve many people.

For example, Snape’s leak of the prophecy, Dumbledore’s dereliction of duty in not personally acting as the secret keeper, and Peter Pettigrew’s leak.

Blake’s arrogance can only be said to be a tragic part of it.

With Voldemort’s momentum at the height of his power at that time, even if the secret keeper was not changed, it might not be possible to protect James and his wife all the time.

So if one person must be held at fault for this crime, it would be Voldemort, the perpetrator.

“Can’t you predict for me where Blake is hiding now?”

Malvolio suddenly appeared and sat down opposite Tver, exhausted.

Cynthia barely maintained her ladylike appearance, but her tired face didn’t look very good.

“I already said I won’t prophesy.”

Tver picked up the teapot skillfully, poured them all a full cup of pumpkin juice, and thoughtfully contributed his own biscuits.

This is actually Cynthia’s house, located in the suburbs of London, where Teville and Malvolio lived during this time.

Jeff would come over sometimes to do some cleaning and stuff, so Twell was very comfortable living here.

Anyway, at home, his parents often left him to live in a world of two.

Might as well stay here, read a book and drink afternoon tea.

He finally understood the meaning of what Luna said before the dinner, so just let it take its course!

Malvolio did not dislike the sweet taste of pumpkin juice this time, so he picked up the cup and took a big sip.

But after taking a sip, Cynthia discovered that there was also a little restorative potion added to it.

He quickly drank in small sips, not much slower than Malvolio.

“But didn’t you predict that Blake would escape from prison?”

Malvolio put down his empty glass and tapped the table, waiting for Tweel to continue pouring him pumpkin juice.

“I…forget it, I can’t predict anything just by thinking about it.” Tver said without a word.

Malvolio curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

Cynthia also quickly drank a glass of pumpkin juice, and in order to cover up her embarrassment, she quickly found a topic.

“By the way, I heard that Fudge is now relying on Malfoy again, and it is said that he also wants him to serve in the Ministry of Magic.”

Tver poured them pumpkin juice leisurely, not forgetting to pour himself a glass as well.

“Don’t worry, Lucius’s behavior was ordered by me. Fudge will still be a minister for several years. It is still necessary to maintain a friendly relationship.”

“And you can also compete with Lucius in the Ministry of Magic and play tit-for-tat.”

“In this way, Lucius can gain more trust from Fudge, and you can also establish an image of resisting the pure-blood family. Fudge will be happy to see this kind of drama of confrontation between his subordinates.”

“Tsk,” Malvolio snatched the biscuit from Tver’s hand with a look of emotion on his face, “I learned another trick.”

“But aren’t you worried that Lucius will rebel? After all, our power has not grown yet.”

Tver was not annoyed and picked up another biscuit.

“Now he is like this cookie, held in my hand. As long as he is not stupid enough, at least he will not betray me now.

them. ”

“Of course, he is still waiting and watching, waiting for the situation to become clear before he actually makes a bet, but he will not take the initiative to undermine the situation.”

“The Malfoy family relies on this trick to survive to this day.”

After saying that, he stuffed the cookie into his mouth.

Malvolio and Cynthia were thoughtful.

“No wonder my body relies on people, but also dislikes the Malfoy family. Such smart people are the most difficult to drive, but they have to be reused.”

“But how can we ensure that he stays with us?” Cynthia asked.

“That’s what we’re going to do next.”

Tver smiled slightly and leaned on the back of his chair, the sunlight leaking from the parasol just shining on his face.

“Remember those unsold antiques in Malfoy Manor? Jeff has helped sell some of them.”

Malvolio immediately showed contempt.

“Who would buy that stuff? It doesn’t do anything.”

“Of course wizards won’t buy it, but what about Muggles?” Tver narrowed his eyes proudly.

“Muggle?” Malvolio was stunned for a moment.

“Even if Muggles are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it, it’s useless for Malfoy to ask for Muggle currency?”

Cynthia has been exposed to a lot of trade, and she suddenly thought of many methods.

“Not necessarily. The Muggle currency exchanged by Gringotts every year also needs to be spent.”

“Many raw materials such as food and cloth from the magical world are purchased from the Muggle world and then sold to wizard merchants to be exchanged for galleons.”

“No, no, no, selling antiques like this will sooner or later result in nothing, so I asked Jeff to use the money to acquire a company.”

Tver took out a small box and placed it in front of them.

Cynthia pursed her lips in amusement, because the cover of the box showed a beautiful woman.

Malvolio picked it up nonchalantly. The box, which was slightly larger than a palm, was somewhat delicate, but this kind of exquisiteness meant nothing to him.

“What’s this?”

“This is a face mask, a face mask that’s going to be a big hit.”

“What’s the mask?”


Cynthia does understand this kind of Muggle stuff.

“Face mask is a skin care product commonly used by Muggles. It can make their faces smoother and whiter.”

“Bai Nen?”

Malvolio touched his face unconsciously. What he was most dissatisfied with was that his appearance at this time was not fierce enough.

It doesn’t fit his aesthetics!

“Why do you have to be so tender?”

Cynthia didn’t understand this time either, and looked at Tver in confusion.

With the looks of the three of them, there is no need for such a thing.

In other words, there are magical ways to maintain whiteness and tenderness in the magic world, it just depends on whether you want to do it or not.

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