Half an hour later, the basilisk’s huge body finally turned into a pile of rubble, and the students who had been swallowed were also sent out by Tver.

The few remaining teams on the field collapsed helplessly on the ground, leaning on each other, breathing heavily.

But they all had smiles on their faces.

Percy was lying on the ground covered with stone dust, looking up at the blue sky and the occasional white clouds drifting by.

I couldn’t calm down for a long time, and I had something stuck in my throat that I didn’t know what it was, and I wanted to say it but couldn’t.

He grinned happily.

This was the first time he had defeated such a powerful opponent with regular magic, not relying on black magic or using tricks.

Defeated the basilisk with dignity and dignity!

The most important thing is that this time, he truly united his teammates and realized the importance of the team.

He thought about what he said at the beginning of the semester, and also thought about Professor Foley’s response.

This time it was indeed their shared victory.

The students present all had the same feeling. They gathered around with their teammates, hugging their shoulders and leaning on their backs, and loudly boasted about their heroic performance just now.

After a year of study, at this moment, they finally truly understood the meaning of cooperation with teammates!

Of course, there was also a hint of admiration for Harry in their hearts.

How on earth could he deal with such a terrifying monster alone? !

This summative class was also repeated in the fifth and seventh grades. Everyone saw the ferocity of the basilisk and realized the role of teamwork.

For a time, the atmosphere of the castle improved a lot.

Especially among various colleges, due to the existence of cross-college teams, the atmosphere of competition between colleges has been reduced a lot.

The students have been discussing things they are working together all day long, and there is no trace of the dullness caused by the previous basilisk.

At least Twil gave the test in class, so they had no complaints.

late at night.

Tver finally squeezed out some free time for himself and quietly opened the door of his office, but there was only a small gap.

Through the gap, he observed the corridor at the door.

He smiled proudly when he saw the looming gold thread on his head.

It seemed that this was the magic Dumbledore used to spy on him.

As long as they are in the castle, the principals can take advantage of various powers granted by the school.

This is recorded in Ms. Rowena’s book.

However, this ingenious magic was probably performed by Dumbledore himself, and Tweel couldn’t see through it for a while.

But it’s much easier to avoid.

He cast a disguise spell on himself, and the magic fluctuations on his body were reduced to a minimum.

Immediately, Twil disappeared at the door. Even if Snape was standing here, there was no way to notice anything strange.

After doing all this, he slowly walked to the girls’ bathroom.


The renovated door still cannot change the traces left by time.

Tver closed the door helplessly.

Myrtle, who was in the cubicle, floated out with some confusion.

“Who is it? Who’s there?”

She glanced at the door in confusion, but didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.

Could it be that the sound I just heard was an illusion?

Wait, do ghosts also have auditory hallucinations? !

Myrtle, who was suspicious of spiritual life, did not notice at all that a hole appeared inexplicably where the faucet was facing away from her.

Tver does not know Parseltongue, but he can shapeshift!

As long as you know the location of the entrance to the secret room, it is just a piece of cake to create a small opening through transformation.

This is not a particularly hard wall or a wall protected by magic.

If he wasn’t worried that other channels wouldn’t be able to accommodate him, or that something strange would appear, Tver could just find any channel and go in.

Soon, he came to the secret room through this pipe again.

However, the snake skin I saw before is gone, and I don’t know who took it.

Basilisk snake skin is a good ingredient for making potions, Tver thought with some regret.

The hole in the secret room door was still there, but there was a magic power slowly repairing it, but the repair speed was very slow. If he hadn’t sensed this magic power, he wouldn’t have noticed it.

But it was precisely because he was aware of the existence of magic power that Tver nodded with satisfaction.

I’m not afraid that you have magic power, but I’m afraid that you are really just a bare secret room.

After receiving the guidance of Ravenclaw, he set his sights on the remaining two founders.

Speaking of Salazar Slytherin, the most obvious thing he left behind was this Chamber of Secrets.

The last time I came here was in such a hurry that I couldn’t search the secret room in front of Harry and Percy.

As for recently, it is time constraints, coupled with the need to reduce Dumbledore’s

Suspicious of him, he has only now had time to come over.

Tver stood at the door, not going in, but groping for the stone door that was vaguely flowing with magic power.

The way this magic works is very similar to ancient magic, that is, runes are carved on objects and then work according to certain rules.

Cleverly, there are no runes clearly engraved on it.

Tver fumbled for a while, and relying on the knowledge and insights left by the two founders, he reluctantly realized that runes and magic were actually integrated into one!

That sounds a little weird.

To put it simply, the runes here are made of magic power, and the magic power is increased by the runes.

This solves the problem of magic being unable to be stored on non-magical materials, and also gives magic the ability to exist for a long time.

Thinking about it this way, Tver understood how this door operates——

That’s weird!

Magic also requires paying attention to basic laws!

Runes are runes, magic is magic, how can they be confused!

Even if he doesn’t have a deep understanding of ancient magic, he still knows that if it were separated from the real runes, the magic on it would have been ineffective long ago!

Not understanding the principle of this door for a while, Tver simply gave it up.

Because he has another trick – line of will!

As long as there is magic power, there will be a will line, so he can follow the will line of this magic power to find the owner of the magic power.

That is Salazar Slytherin!

Tver put his hand on the center where the magic response was strongest, the magic power surged throughout his body, and he closed his eyes slightly.

Of course, you don’t have to close your eyes, he just thinks it fits the atmosphere.

But the next second, he felt that he might as well close his eyes tightly.

too messy!

This magical will line is like a ball of yarn, or a ball of yarn that a cat has played with.

Wrapping around this door, he was blind and could not see the initial point and end point of the will line.

But what he can be sure of is that both the starting point and the ending point are at this door.

Wait, Salazar Slytherin turned into a door? !

If anyone were here, they would see the welfare professor, who has always been confident, showing a dumbfounded expression for the first time.

His big eyes blinked blankly several times, and with the looming dark circles under his eyes, he looked more like the national treasure panda.

I don’t know anything, after all I am just a young professor…

After thinking about it all night, almost all his magic power was consumed, and Tver couldn’t figure out what was going on with this door.

Fortunately, I have encountered this situation before in the Room of Requirement, and I already know that the founder’s secret is not that easy to find.

So he relaxed and left for the time being.

Of course he will be depressed, but he is very patient now.

After all, there are still a large number of students waiting for him to hand out test papers.

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