The next day, not only the Harry trio but also the students in the castle knew about Lockhart being taken away.

At first, there were many students who were or were still fans of Lockhart who were a little dissatisfied.

They objected so strongly to this behavior that they threatened to write letters condemning the Ministry of Magic – which has become a daily pastime among wizards these days.

However, after receiving the newspaper delivered by the owl, their dissatisfaction disappeared instantly.

“Gilderoy Lockhart: My Life of Fraud”

It was still an article published by Rita Skeeter, and it still had a sharp title, which immediately attracted the attention of all the students.

Unlike previous articles, Rita presented solid evidence this time.

With the help of Malvolio, she matched Lockhart’s published deeds with reality one by one, and explained the real truth.

It also comes with the client’s accusation against Lockhart.

Lockhart’s crime of using the Forgetting Charm to exchange the fruits of other people’s work into his own name was completely exposed to the eyes of everyone in the magical world.

There were so many such deeds that it was impossible to publish them all at once, so Rita had to start a serialization mode, exposing one thing a day.

Of course, Tver was very suspicious that it was a trick of the Daily Prophet, hoping to increase the sales of the newspaper.

But I have to say that this method works very well.

Her article caused an uproar in the castle, and every day thereafter flocks of owls came to deliver the newspaper.

At first there were still fans who were rude, but then…then there were no fans anymore, and everyone happily discussed who Lockhart had deceived, or which parts he had exaggerated.

He also rarely opened the textbook, which was Lockhart’s set of works, and guessed which character in the book was about to be deceived.

But this is all a thing for another day. For students, attending class is the most important thing they have to face.

In particular, the wish they had been looking forward to all year finally came true – all the remaining Defense Against the Dark Arts courses will be taught to them by Professor Welfare!

Classroom 11.

Tver carried the cage and stepped into the classroom.

“Sorry, I was delayed for a while due to some things.”

As usual, he led the students to the open space behind the classroom.

Then he put the cage on the ground and explained to the students apologetically.

But they didn’t mind this, and instead stared at the cage with bright eyes.

The cage is not big, not as long and wide as their calves, but the creatures inside seem to feel everyone’s attention, and are tapping the cage anxiously, making a “bang bang” sound.

Ron, in particular, nudged Harry’s arm with his elbow excitedly.

He had recognized it. This was the cage they saw in the professor’s office!

And what is inside is the first magical creature opponent that Professor Tver personally prepared for them!

Of course last year’s trolls are not included, as most students have never experienced it.

Tver looked at their expectant eyes with amusement, and did not lift the black cloth immediately, but kept it secret.

“Originally I didn’t plan to arrange such content for you sophomores. First, you have to prepare for the final exam, and second, you don’t have enough magic.”

“However, just because you are about to enter the review state, I plan to arrange an exciting combat tutorial for you so that you can concentrate on your review in the future.”

“Then, I need you to promise that you will concentrate on reviewing after this class and not be lazy or dislike the boring class, okay?”

Tver said seductively like coaxing a child.

Although the students felt a little weird, they obviously would not, let alone refuse.

It’s all about reviewing anyway, and now that I can finally play something other than the light ball game, it’s not too late for them to agree!

“Stop talking nonsense, Professor, we will definitely behave like little babies in the future!” Ron shouted loudly.

The students did not find it harsh, but responded with the cheers.

The corners of Tver’s mouth turned up slightly, and he was satisfied to see their reaction.

“Okay, okay.” He raised his hand and made the classroom quiet again, “That’s it, let’s start the formal class now!”

He stood next to the cage and held a corner of the black cloth.

When it was lifted, the contents inside were immediately exposed to the sight of the little wizards.

They all stretched their necks and looked at it curiously.

But Ron, who was sitting in the front row, took a deep breath of air-conditioning and his eyes widened, like a light bulb that went out.

There was a gasping sound coming from his mouth, and he couldn’t even utter a scream of terror.

Yes, there is a spider inside, the Acromantula that Harry and Ron saw in the Forbidden Forest not long ago!

The Acromantula seemed to recognize Ron, its eight eyes stared at him fiercely, and its two shrunken fangs kept opening and closing.

If it weren’t for its miniscule figure, it would probably scare half of the little wizards.

However, it was precisely because Tver had deliberately shrunk it, so the daring little wizard was immediately dissatisfied.

“Professor, why is this spider so small?”

“That’s right, I can crush it to death with just one kick without even using magic.”

“Speaking of which, it’s not as big as the cat I have at home.”

They also want to face a vicious, huge monster once and then take care of it with a graceful wave of their wand.

Is this the result?

Tver ignored their complaints and pointed at the spider that became angry at the sight of the light.

“Do any of you know what this is?”

“This is an Acromantula, Professor.”

Surprisingly, this time it was Harry who answered immediately.

“Yes, this is the Acromantula.”

Tweel nodded his wand in approval. Speaking of which, is this the first time Harry has been so active in class?

“Legend has it that Acromantulas were cultivated by wizards, but there is no way to verify whether this is true, because they have existed longer than Hogwarts.”

“In the beginning, ancient wizards trained Acromantulas as helpers to protect their homes or protect treasures.”

“But don’t underestimate them because of this. On the contrary, the reason why wizards later gave up on this idea is because Acromantulas reproduce very quickly and are very lethal in groups. The key is that they are unruly and untamed.

Accidentally, their owners were eaten by the spiders as food! ”

“I knew it! I guess Hagrid thought the Acromantula could be tamed and tell us the clues to the secret room!” Ron complained angrily in a low voice.

“So, you should be careful not to easily provoke these Acromantulas in the wild.”

“Even if they have a certain amount of intelligence, they can’t change their cruel and cannibalistic nature.”

Even after Tver threatened them, they didn’t even need to release the spiders. Their faces turned pale with fright, and they were no longer as arrogant as before.

This is a spider that can eat human flesh!

“But it’s so small that it can’t even bite off my little finger?” Seamus said ignorantly.

Not only was Tver not angry, but he was very satisfied with his cooperation.

With a smirk on his face, Tver released the spider from its cage.

It was just when the spider jumped out that in an instant, the Acromantula became half as tall as a man!

And the half-people here are measured by Tver standards!

The eight long legs spanned a full fifteen feet, and a pair of chelicerae in front of it made an excited clicking sound, and together with the shining fangs, it looked very ferocious.

At least judging from the students’ continuous retreating movements, they were really scared.

This was specially chosen by Tver, the largest Acromantula besides Aragog!

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