After finishing his teaching work for the day, Snape returned to his office, enjoying only a short moment of free time.

Because he will be inspecting the castle later.

Thinking of the tasks Dumbledore had left for him, even though he was used to being busy, he felt a little helpless.

Principal room.

“I may leave the castle tomorrow to complete other things. Before coming back, I need you to protect the students in the castle.”

Dumbledore’s blue eyes were hidden behind the lenses, but they were still projected sharply on Snape.

Snape looked at the First White Wizard without fear and even responded to him coldly.

“Don’t you like that benefit very much? Why don’t you let him do such a thing?”

Dumbledore chuckled, and the sharpness in his eyes disappeared.

“What, you think I can trust him more than you? Severus, I can even trust you with my life.”

There was a pause in Snape’s indifference, and he couldn’t help but look away.

“What does the student in the castle have to do with me? My mission is to protect that child, that’s all.”

“As for the other students, just leave them to other professors.”

“Don’t be so cold, Severus,” Dumbledore said with some dissatisfaction, “Others have their own tasks, but you, I need you to pay close attention to the third floor.”

“Watch for any students there and any movement.”

“Third floor?” Snape couldn’t care less about his grudge, “Are you doubting Welfare? Or are you that idiot?”

There are not many rooms on the third floor, except for the two Defense Against the Dark Arts offices, the trophy display room and the abandoned girls’ washroom.

Dumbledore shook his head.

“It’s not necessarily them. I suspect the entrance to the secret room is there, or even in that weird bathroom.”

“If you are careful, you will know that when the secret room was opened fifty years ago, the only death case occurred there.”

“Then why don’t you seal off the bathroom and go check it out?” Snape asked.

“Or is it that your strength has declined to this extent? You don’t even dare to face creatures that may be basilisks?”

Dumbledore seemed to be used to Snape’s venomous tongue, and he just smiled softly.

“There is only one entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, but there are many exits to the Basilisk, and our key is to find the heir to the Chamber of Secrets.”

“So I need you to pay close attention to the third floor and pay attention to whether there are any suspicious people there.”

Dumbledore’s tone was filled with earnestness, and Snape also knew that the current situation was more urgent, so he stopped refuting.

“Okay, but if the person I catch is Welfare, you won’t be merciful then.”

Dumbledore nodded noncommittally.

Recalling his conversation with Dumbledore, Snape stood up helplessly.

Although some of the old man’s various words drove him to do things that had nothing to do with protecting Harry.

But sometimes he also felt that Dumbledore’s decision was always the right one, and he still had to follow his instructions.

As night fell, Snape walked out of the office, observing carefully as he walked towards the third floor.

The hypothesis that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk was arrived at by Dumbledore and him after research.

Even though he hasn’t really faced it yet, he has already confirmed this idea in his heart.

According to the records in the books, the most powerful thing about the basilisk is undoubtedly its eyes and fangs.

But his strength is not comparable to that of a fool like Lockhart. As long as you are careful, it is not difficult to deal with the basilisk.

Especially after that duel, he quietly practiced his magic for a long time.

Just waiting to fight that boy from Welfare again, no matter what excuse he uses!

His mind was full of thoughts, but his face showed nothing strange.

Slowly reaching the third floor, he walked straight to Tver’s office.

It was the only place to go to the girls’ bathroom, so he had no welfare in mind~

A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

But the next second, his smile disappeared completely.

“Who are you?!”

He actually saw a person who looked exactly like him, and he appeared in front of Welfare’s office!

With years of experience in potions, he immediately thought of Polyjuice Potion.

So his anger was barely suppressed.

Someone actually dared to use Polyjuice Potion and transform into his appearance!

The panicked “Snape” was frightened by his cold words and turned around in panic.

With just one look, he knew the cause and effect of the matter.

This is Hermione Granger.

She suspected Foley of being the heir to the Chamber of Secrets (good idea, Snape sneered.


Then he obtained the hair he lost in class and put it into polyjuice potion (yes, a second-year student can brew a potion of this level, but it is a shame that he is a reckless Gryffindor.);

Finally, he transformed into his appearance and planned to come over to question Welfare (…).

Withdrawing Legilimency, Snape didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Bold ideas, interesting guesses, resolute execution, and fearless courage.

It would be better if he didn’t transform into his appearance…

As he thought, Hermione’s transformation time came to an end.

There weren’t many potions left over from Christmas, so I spent a long time knocking on the door of the office, and now it’s time to get back to my original shape.

So in the midst of Hermione’s panic, her stature shrunk instantly. In less than five seconds, her small body was submerged in the large robes, and her person changed back.


At this time, Harry, Ron, and Ginny suddenly appeared at the corner, and they looked at Snape who was sneering in panic.

The three of them shrank their heads, but still came to Hermione’s side firmly.

“If you have no brains, I can remind you again that you are not allowed to walk around the castle at night!” Snape glanced at these little wizards who were shrinking their necks.

“Professor,” Hermione raised her head, “I just… just want to test the effect of the potion, not -”

Before she could finish her words, a golden light film instantly enveloped her.

At the same time, her body stiffened, her whole body turned gray, and she fell into the arms of Harry and Ron with her eyes wide open.


Snape’s hair stood on end, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart.

Damn, these kids are still here.

His face suddenly became serious, and when he turned around with his eyes closed, the wand was already in his hand.

He can capture the location of the basilisk without using his eyes!

Raising his hand, he struck with a divine sharp edge. At the same time, the floor and ceiling near the basilisk instantly turned into sharp stone pillars, piercing deeply into its body.

No feedback was felt, but Snape was confident that the basilisk was injured.

He learned this trick from Foley. He was panicked for a while when he first dealt with it, let alone a basilisk!

Snape took advantage of the victory and pursued the attack. The corridor was too narrow compared to the basilisk, and he could easily hit the basilisk with his eyes closed.

Several divine blades disappeared in succession, and the basilisk was retreating steadily after being attacked. Snape even heard the sound of the basilisk spitting blood.

The basilisk’s hard skin was almost like paper in front of Shen Feng Wuying!

Snape smiled slightly proudly.

If I can’t deal with Welfare, I can’t deal with you?

But at this moment, Harry behind him suddenly let out an exclamation.

damn it!

He opened his eyes eagerly, but before he could turn around, he saw a big yellow snake eye occupying his entire field of vision.

Snape stared blankly as the golden film in front of him disappeared, and the last thought before he stiffened turned around in his mind——

“Asshole, if something happens to Potter, I’ll skin you to make a potion!”

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