Wu Feng's sudden rebellion caused the Feng clan to be in chaos.

When a group of Feng Clan masters are under the pressure of the Demon Refining Tower, they will try their best to attack Wu Feng.


Strange voices rang in the ears of many Feng Clan masters.

"what sound?"

The sound is insignificant.

In the past, they passed by automatically.

It just feels that the voice sounds familiar.

"Whose dantian seems to be broken?"


I always feel something is wrong.

Looking back, a group of masters found that one of them was missing, and there was a figure behind them.


The familiar voice sounded again.

This time, I am more familiar than ever.

A strange long sword penetrated through the belly of one of the red birds.

Then the true yuan leaked.

The red bird master fell automatically.

At the time of the fall, the red bird's eyes were full of expressions that did not understand what was happening.

After flapping his wings several times, he realized that he was unable to mobilize his true essence, his eyes showed panic.

Before turning around, I saw the shadow in the sky.

It turned out to be a personal shadow.

How did you forget him at the critical moment?


When the other Feng clan masters reacted, the figure successfully attacked another Feng clan on the first floor of the emperor level again.


The rest of the Feng clan turned back.

Wufeng, demon refining tower plus a human race.

How did they sneak attack on Xuan Tianzong?

A demon refining tower can hold them, and with a black wind restraining them, it is even more impossible for them to send a master to deal with Xuan Tianzong.

Now there is one more Terran master.

How to fight?

The combat goals of the two sides are not easy to achieve, and it can only be a waste of power to fight.

"What should we do now?"

"Since the human emperor-level master is taking action, then call our monster master."

"What if the dragon clan doesn't make a move?"

"The Peng clan must take action. He still owes us a favor. The reason why he is so easy to achieve the emperor rank is the result of our hard work."

"It's not too late, call them."


The long chirping sound resounded between heaven and earth.

The three emperor-level masters of the dragon family looked at each other.

"what to do?"

"They want to invade our world, and they need us to help if they encounter difficulties. Are we so cheap?"

The fifth master was very unconvinced.

"What can I do? People are strong, and it's easy to destroy us. It only needs an excuse. This time I won't make a move. Once Xuantianzong is destroyed, we will turn around."

"Do we help them, so we can survive?"

"You can live a few more years!"

"They are now in a stalemate, and there is no way that Xuantianzong will be defeated, saying that Xuantianzong will not necessarily be the winner in the end."

"Don't forget the Peng Clan! If the two sides are tied, there will be external forces at this time, and it will be easy to change the whole result."


The dragons discussed it for a long time and decided to take a look.

If Xuan Tianzong showed signs of victory, his mother wouldn't make a move. If the victory leans towards the Feng Clan, they won't be too late to make a move.

As for helping Xuan Tianzong.

Never thought about it.

He really helped Xuan Tianzong win, and Xuan Tianzong would not recite the good of their dragon clan.

Since the world is stable, the Feng Clan will also find a way to send a master to the world.

At that time, the situation they face will be even more troublesome.

As the dragon guessed.

After the Phoenix clan screamed, the response of the dark electric peng king in the distance also swept the world.

Li Mu's face went dark.

At this time, the Peng clan is mingling and looking for death?

He didn't believe anything else, when Changming this guy completely digested Wufeng's primordial spirit, I don't know who is the next unlucky one?

Moreover, Wei Yang had already killed two Feng Clan masters.

Obviously they have the upper hand here.

It only takes a little time, and the Feng clan will finish playing little by little.

What's more, his last big move was useless.

The divine sense locked in front of Emperor Golden Crow, this kind of primordial spirit who did not control the rules was too weak.


This kind of soul has not yet communicated with the world.

The problems left over by the devouring will not be too big.

Just wait for a suitable opportunity now.


The Demon Refining Tower smashed a Feng clan master into the air.

Wei Yang, the center of engagement, suddenly disappeared.


The masters had not yet reacted, and a master of the Feng clan who was hiding from the demon refining tower was placed on the long sword in Wei Yang's hand.

Immediately, the demon pill was crushed.


Emperor Jinwu cursed.

This **** will not only sneak attacks, but also cooperate with the Demon Refining Tower to assassinate the masters of their clan.

how to spell?

"Cooperate, cooperate with each other. Don't attack separately~"

The emperor Jinwu’s divine consciousness spread the voice.

If this continues, their skirmishers will be defeated by the opponent one by one.


A black figure flew from a distance.

The Great Emperor Jinwu knew that the Peng clan masters had come to support him.

But at this moment, Emperor Jin Crow was not happy at all.

What is the use of this support?

He had known this kind of situation a long time ago, so he had to prepare a lot.

At least let this group of stragglers learn to cooperate and come out again.

"Hey~ How could you think that the human race would be so difficult? I thought it would be able to destroy the human race when it came out."

In an instant, Emperor Jinwu's confidence fell.

Originally high-spirited, at the moment he has been sluggish, and his will is gradually depressed.

In the battlefield.

Wu Feng forced the opponent to fall into the wind.

The one who fought against Wufeng was an emperor-level second-tier Feng clan master.

Just controlling Wufeng, there are many Changming who are not familiar with Wufeng's body, and he was continuously severely injured during the battle.

"it's time!"


After a while, the black wind exploded.

The Feng Clan Emperor-level second-tier master who was fighting with Wu Feng, saw that Wu Feng was about to be cut down, but he didn't expect the opponent to blew himself up.

Can't avoid it~

Suddenly he was seriously injured and quit the battle.

At the same time, a transparent primordial spirit flew out from the center of Wufeng's self-detonation and shot towards another Feng Clan emperor-level master.


A white bird who was at war with the ortho rubber suddenly stunned.

It was exactly the same as Wu Feng's performance outside of Xuan Tianzong before.

Not far away, Li Mu smiled in his heart.

Chang Ming's fusion skills are getting stronger and stronger. After this battle, I'm afraid this kid's strength will improve a lot.

It's a pity, so many demon pills were not broken by Wei Yang, they blew themselves up.

Leaving a few of them can help Chang Ming improve his physical defects. At least it can also allow those weak bodies to withstand the powerful soul.

The Dark Electric Peng King galloped in, and was smashed out by the Demon Refining Tower in a blink of an eye.

"What are you doing to support us? Go to Xuan Tianzong!"

One of the giant birds roared.

Flying out, the Dark Dian Peng King took advantage of the situation to escape behind him, and then ran towards Xuan Tianzong in a circle.


Immediately afterwards, half a step was stopped by a white bird.

Another Feng clan master rebelled.

All the Feng clan masters were taken aback.

"We may have encountered a situation we don't understand."

"It's over! Fight like this, we..."

did not expect!

No one thought of encountering this situation.

The Great Emperor Golden Crow who fought with Li Mu shook his soul when Shiratori rebelled.

Sorrow arises.

"Okay, right now!"

Dozens of stones were thrown ~www.readwn.com~ and countless jade slips appeared all over the body.

The stone shattered, and the sword net brought the Golden Crow Emperor Dragon clan. The formation of jade slips protects himself.


At the same time, the primordial spirit went out of his body and went straight to Emperor Jinwu.

A look of despair appeared in the golden crow's expression shrouded in sword energy.

How can this fight?

It's been three days, and I can't get the seventh level of the human emperor level. Don't think of a chance in the future.


The surrounding space is shattered.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

"I have to find a way to get out! Get out of this battle and go back to find support. If you continue to fight like this, it will be even harder for me to get out when there are results over there."


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