Hidden in Lenggong, Goucheng, Big Brother, Chapter 469, Feng Clan asked for "They seem to be asking about human emperor-level masters."

   One of them has a lingering fear.

   After being arrested at the time, not to mention resisting.

   didn't even have the thought to resist.

   not only suppresses the cultivation base, but also suppresses the blood vessels.

   seems to be stared at by some big horror, and the game will be over if there is a slight change.

   "There is also the matter of Heavenly Tribulation."

   Another Huashen added.

   "I don't know the other masters. The main question I asked was the question of the Tribulation, especially the matter of the sword repairer of the Human Race before the Tribulation appeared and cooperated with the Tribulation."

   "It seems that these emperor-level masters are afraid. They are afraid of the heavens and the human emperor-level masters. I am even more afraid that they will unite~"

   Several Huashen gathered together to sum up, and soon I figured it out.

   It is mainly because the problems of several experts of the Feng clan are too straightforward.

   "So many emperor-level masters! I don't know where they came from?"

   Speaking of this, several avatars looked at each other.

   "To be able to become an emperor-level master, the tribe must have a super animal. Only if they are infected with the blood of the super animal, and his comprehension can have a chance."

   one of the masters reminded.

   "It looks like a master of the Feng clan."

   Except for the Feng clan masters, they did not expect that other races have so many masters.

   "It was said that the few emperor-level masters who were smashed to death by the tribulation were related to the Feng clan, now it seems that they are."

   "Three emperor-level masters suddenly appeared, this is going to happen!"

   "I think they may have trouble finding the human race."

   The three masters of the Feng clan quickly figured out what happened.

  According to the information obtained from the mouths of various gods, it can be determined that the four emperor-level masters who died were all of their Phoenix clan.

   There are only a few imperial masters from the outside world.

   One of the dragon clan died with the Peng clan.

   There are no emperor-level masters in this world.

  According to the detailed calculation, they Feng Clan sent three emperor ranks before and after. It is normal for another one to follow.

   "Xuan Tianzong can't get away from it!"

   "Wu Lao San's mission is to capture the emperor-level master of Human Race. It seems that this matter will fall on our heads."

   The eyes of the three masters were full of anger.

   "Wu Lao San's task is to catch that. It is estimated that the two sides will have a feud at that time. However, this human race emperor-level expert is damned to be united with Heavenly Tribulation."

  Golden Wudao.

   Although there is a discrepancy in guessing.

   But it’s the right thing to find trouble with Terran.

   "Go, go to Xuan Tianzong."

  Xuantianzong secretly.

   Li Mu found the comment of Wujigong from a cave.

   Compared with my own comprehension, I found that my comprehension is still a bit biased, not enough for the profound and comprehensive comprehension of this emperor-level master.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Sure enough, the ancestors of Xuan Tianzong came out in large numbers. There are so many ways of Promise."

   The second half of Wuji Gong is the practice method to transform the gods to the peak of the emperor level.

   In front of you, Li Mu and other masters have long understood

   is the foundation after all.

   "If I practice in this way, I can reach the top of the emperor rank. This is just an expectation, it's too difficult."

   Then Li Mu found a comment on the prohibition rune of the space formation in a cave.

   I also figured out a few puzzles.

   "I want to know the runes of other rules now."

   Li Mu shook his head.

  Space runes, only a few parts do not understand.

   But it does not prevent the use of runes to build a small world.

   At least storing the ring, for him there is no problem at all.

   There are other rules now.

   has other rules, then this space will live.

   If the rules are complete, it is a small world.

   For Li Mu, there is no need to use all of this heavenly path, only the simplified version. Then it is possible to create the world where the body was in the previous life.

   Of course, the world had too many secrets in the last life.

   only need to be a land of killing monsters, trapping the tower of refining monsters.

   "I don't know what bad idea the demon refining tower will hold back."

   Li Mu had a headache when he thought of the Tower of Refining Demon.

   There is a chance, this thing must be destroyed.

   It’s not easy to destroy it!

   There is no fear at all of things that the heavenly catastrophe, the things that the sea of ​​riots can't hold back.


   Suddenly, a warning sign rose in Li Mu's heart.

   The figure disappeared from the secret area.

   At the same time, there are several more black floor tiles in his hand.

   Divine Sense falls into the floor tiles, re-characterizing the inadequate areas.

  Xuantianzong is not far away.

   The three Feng clan masters stopped flying and stared at the person blocking the road in front.

   "It's amazing! We restrained our breath all the way, but we didn't expect it to be discovered. The emperor-level master of the human race?"

   Zi Kite stared at the human in front of him.

   There is nothing special, just an ordinary emperor level master.

   It seems that it has only been a century since entering the Emperor Class.

   It didn't take long for the cultivation base to be stable.

   Such a master can actually kill Wu Lao San?


  Wu's third child really wants to do it, I'm afraid that a single look can kill him.


   Li Mu's face was heavy.

   is still a familiar taste.

   It was this familiar taste that made him discover these three masters in time.

   Almost, these three entered the Xuan Tianzong.

  By the way, there are enough emperor-level masters of the Feng Clan!

   killed four emperor-level masters, and three more.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Staring at the giant purple bird in it, Li Mu couldn't help but twitch.

   This is the same as when he faced the black and red thing.

   The same sense of oppression, the same expression.

   Then Li Mu glanced at another black shadow.

   Yes, that's it.

   black and red, like a black hole. It's a pity that this cultivation base is not very high.

   Another giant blue bird was the same as the blue bird he killed the second time.

   is not only the same color, but also feathers on the top of the head.

   Compared to this, this feather is longer and more colorful.

   But the strength is similar.


   Li Mu let out a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, the cultivation base has not exceeded too much.

   "You know us. It seems that you killed the third youngest Danfeng in Qingmingwu."

   Zi Yuan stared at Li Mu.

   I really don't understand what this man has the ability to kill Wu Lao San.

   Even if it is combined with Heavenly Tribulation, there is no such possibility!

   I am afraid that the Tribulation of Heaven has not yet fallen, this person was killed by Lao Wu, and then he hides his breath so that the Tribulation cannot be found.

   "You mean the masters of the Feng clan! They are all dead under the catastrophe~www.readwn.com~ How can I be a small emperor?"

   "Huh! How do you explain so much sword energy? Join forces with the robbery to fight against the power of all things in the world, you **** it!"

   The Golden Crow said angrily.

   I thought that Qing Ming’s death had something to do with Wu Lao San.

   Unexpectedly, Wu Lao San was killed.

   "No, I'll do it with them, Heavenly Tribulation has to intervene. It's really none of my business!"

   Li Mudao.

   This matter, if you can't admit it, don't admit it.

   can fool the past best.

   As long as the three of them are scattered, it will not be easy to kill a few of them.

   "Huh? It's your ability, can you work with Wu Lao San?"

  Golden Wudao.

   "They did it to me, I resisted!"

   "This is pretty much the same."

   Jin Wu nodded.

   Ziyuan did not say much.

   According to reason, it should be the Golden Crow who arrested this human emperor-level master, and suffered a catastrophe caused by resistance.

   In this case, it is reasonable.

  Human tribe troubles their Feng tribe?


   It's impossible to give him a hundred guts.

   "Since you are related to the death of Wu Lao San and the others, please come with us."

   "Where to go?"

   Li Mu frowned.

   Is this here to catch him?

   "Do you still want to resist?"

"miss you!"

   "Huh? Looking for death!"


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