Hide in the Banished Palace and Level Up To A Big Boss

Chapter 464: Green Monster Beast advancement

There are really things left by the emperor-level masters.

   seems to be quite a lot.



   The green monster beast went around the cave several times, and it was difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart.

   just deprived a little bit of feathers, it can actually be rewarded.

   What if this feather is refined?


   can't think about it!

   Green Monster Beast dare not think about it anymore.

   Excited for many days.

   finally found that this place was not very safe, and then quickly searched for a place where there were no monsters, and it was impossible for monsters to come and go.

   Make sure the surrounding is safe.

   blocked the hole and began to refine the cyan feather.

   The momentum inside the cave suddenly changed two months later.

   Numerous fierce beasts around were crushed in the territory by a powerful aura.

   "I have broken through to the human level, and working hard for a year or two may not be able to achieve the virtual realm."

   Virtual Realm!

   The sleeping ancestor in their clan is a master of the virtual realm.

   The upper limit of their Qingling clan's cultivation is the virtual realm.

   If there is one more virtual realm in the clan, their clan will be stronger.

  The important thing is that this kind of virtual realm can enjoy a higher level of treatment in the clan.

   What's more, the virtual world is not his ultimate goal.

   Now that even one-thousandth of the refining of this feather has not been completed, the blood in his body seems to have changed again, especially the fleshy wings are a little itchy, it seems that something is about to grow.

   "In addition to the things for cultivation, there seems to be some inexplicable things in my mind."

   In addition to cultivation base perception, there are also some memories of flame manipulation.

   In addition, there are memories of powerful monsters in flight.

   These memories are intermittent and inexplicable, and always inexplicably appear in dreams every time they rest.

   Wake up, but can't remember anything.

   "If you want to figure it out, hurry up and refine it!"

   went out of the hole and swept around.

   Green Monster Beast decided to change the place for refining.

   It is safe here.

   But he has been exposed once.

   If any monster smells or smells and finds here, it will be miserable.

   Changed a place, Qing Yao Beast stayed for more than a year.

   In this year, another dangerous place has been added on the mainland.

   Except for the master of transforming gods to take a look, the monsters of other levels did not have as strong curiosity as before.

  The center of the fight, the remnants of the tribulation and the sword intent can destroy everything.

   Many Guiyuan realm masters were accidentally cut off several knots in their consciousness.

   Even if the **** of transformation is not paying attention, it will be severely damaged.

   The gods of the world are basically stubborn.

   Human race even dare not take the initiative to attack.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "The emperor level of the monster side is one after another, and our human race has only one emperor level master. Fortunately, he won again this time."


   Not only Liu An and others are worried, but also some casual cultivators who have not paid much attention to the development of the human race.

   "The monster side, where are so many emperor-level masters?"

   "Maybe it lurked a long time ago!"

   Among all the people, only Xu Xiao did not speak.

   Detailed investigation these years.

   In the end, it was certain that the ancestor of Xuantianzong was Li Mu.

   There is only one imperial master of the human race, and that is Senior Li in his mouth.

   Although Senior Li did not explicitly say it.

   Liu An and others can still guess a lot of information.

   Among these people, Xu Xiao is the most worried, and he is also the most assured.

   tangled back and forth between worry and rest assured.

  I am worried that there are too many emperor-level masters of the monster race, and Li Mu is not an opponent. What is assured is that Li Mu is so powerful that he can kill the opponent every time. It proves from the side that Li Mu has a lot of means.

   "Let’s practice hard! Being strong is more important than anything else!"

   "Yes, as long as there are two more emperor-level masters in our human race, then there is no need to worry about the monster race."

   "How difficult is it to produce two emperor-level masters. Wei Yang can't guarantee that he will become a emperor-level master in two to three hundred years. And the emperor-level masters of the monster race have appeared one after another in the past few years."

   "In less than ten years, four emperor-level masters. This is not even the previous endless sea fight."

   When mentioned this, Liu An and others frowned.

   Great pressure hits.

   Everyone became nervous.

   is an emperor master after all, that is the existence of the ultimate weapon.

   One clan can be destroyed.

   If it hadn't been suppressed by Heaven, the world would have been messed up long ago.

   But the problem is, despite the catastrophe. Those monster emperor-level masters still appeared one after another.

   If it weren't for a master to block it, they wouldn't know how many times they had died.

   "Wei Yang, how many years will it take to enter the emperor rank with your cultivation speed?"

   Liu An asked back.

   "Even if the resources are abundant, it will take at least several hundred years."

   Wei Yang smiled bitterly.

   He is really unwilling to become a master-level master!

   At this point in the cultivation base, it's all right.

   can go to the world without fear of the catastrophe.

   Why do you want to force him to become an emperor and then hide in Tibet?


   sighed one after another.

   Weiyang, such a great person, needs hundreds of years, still with abundant resources.

   Not to mention others.

   "Tingting, how long will it take you to reach the half-step Emperor level?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "It will take decades! Mr. Xu, you know, the later the cultivation base, the more difficult it is."

   Liu Huaiting said.

   She has done her best.

   The Xu family and Xia Guo gave her important resources.

   In addition, Wei Yang came back from time to time to guide her.

   If this were not the case, she would have no hope of a half-step imperial level.


   sighing sounded again.

"Emperor-level masters need great luck at all. Maybe just a comprehension is enough. This kind of opportunity is not enough for the cultivation base. In addition, there is also the heavenly catastrophe. Whether or not it can survive the heavenly catastrophe is enough. problem."

   mentioned the catastrophe.

   Everyone shuddered.

   In the past two years, the catastrophe has been one after another.

   The desperately powerful, they can hardly breathe.

   "Take one step and see one step at a time, it's really not good. It's not bad if we go back to the old age!"

   Someone suggested.

   Back in the small world, they turned their gods into cultivation and walked almost sideways inside.

   "Enjoy life? God doesn't allow it!"

   "It is impossible for a strong like us~www.readwn.com~ to enjoy life."

   When they were weak, they tried to survive.

   I didn't expect that after the cultivation base was so strong, he would fight for survival.

   I feel the atmosphere is different.

   Liu An hurriedly said: "We are desperate, and the monsters are not comfortable. They have many mythical beasts who hope to become emperor-level masters, but they are all suppressed by the heavens."

   "Yes! Even if they became the emperor-level masters, look at the robbery. In just a few years, they killed four emperor-levels in a row. They are even more desperate than us."

   "After successive monster emperor level masters are killed, the remaining emperor level monsters should not show up."


   Time passed a little bit.

   Li Mu returned to the secret land of Xuantianzong after two years on the mainland.

   "Where is the Phoenix Lair?"

   For two years, I haven't noticed anything.

   "The information about the Phoenix clan on the stone tablet of the Demon Slashing Land seems to be in the Tianyao Region. And so are many records. The Tianyao Region is just that big."

   The important thing is that Li Mu has been to several dangerous places in Tianyao Region, and he has not noticed the slightest.

   "Forget it, what about finding them? If the opponent is really strong, it will be bad if you accidentally stabbed a hornet's nest."

   In a certain valley, suddenly burst out a strong aura.

   Soon a blue monster appeared at the entrance of the cave.

   "Void Realm!"

   Green Monster Beast has deep eyes.

   When the cultivation base reached the virtual realm, the memory in the feather became clearer and clearer.

   Many pieces can be connected together.

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