After speculating like this, Jin Crow suddenly thought that the most powerful human master on this continent might not be Xuantian's.

Very likely to be a master of hiding from the human race.

"Fortunately, I think more about it, otherwise the real human master will escape. But then again, where is the most powerful human master?"

In other words, where is the small world of this human race?

Stared at Xia Guo's palace for a long time.

"Since they came from the small world, they may know the location of the small world."

Jin Wu muttered to himself.

Two days later, the Golden Crow flapped its wings and stretched out its paw towards the Xia State Palace.

While the Golden Crow was moving, red clouds in the sky suddenly appeared and began to condense.

When the robbery cloud condensed, a fire suddenly burned the robbery cloud clean.

When the robbery reacted, the Golden Crow had already grabbed a person and went away.

At the same time, all ethnic groups in the mainland stared at Xia Guo.

"Another emperor master!"

"What kind of fire is this, so powerful! Jie Yun has been burned."

"That is Terran territory, is the luck of the Terran so great?"

The dragons are shocked!

The whole Yaozu was shocked.

So that the demons who were still fighting on the battlefield were lost in surprise.

The situation was reversed in an instant.


"Can't fight anymore, we lose!"

After the demon masters lost their minds, they all panicked.

How did you win?

An emperor-level master appeared in the Xia Kingdom of Human Race.

"It looks like this is an emperor master who controls the rules of fire."

"The Xuantianzong is too far behind this one."

"too horrible!"

Originally thought that it was the movement made by the human emperor-level master traveling through Xia Kingdom.

But the fire was too dazzling.

At the same time, the human side was also dumbfounded.

"We Xia Guo also has an emperor-level master? This Xia Guo has hidden too deeply, right!"

"Liu An still has such a hole card? How could it be possible!"

"Who has the ability to break through the emperor rank?"

Not only the mainland natives are confused.

Even more daunting are the people who have seen Liu An develop.

"In the end what happened?"

"Will it be Wei Yang? Only he has such strength."

"It's definitely not Wei Yang! The emperor rank is not so easy to break through, not to mention that when you break through, you still have the heart to put on fire, and you can burn the heavens."

Inferred repeatedly.

This is a master who has achieved emperor rank for many years.

"It's not Liu An and the others, it's not our human race, is it the monster race?"

After analysis, the human race became nervous.

Fight unintentionally.

The battle between the human race and the monster race quickly calmed down again strangely.

"Ask what happened to the imperial city?"

After waiting for a long time, Liu An was anxious without waiting for a message from the imperial city.

The emperor-level monster appeared above the imperial city.

There is absolutely nothing good.

A little bit of time passed, and Liu An was in torment until the communication Yu Jian lighted up.

"Nothing happened?"


In the big tent, several human masters looked at each other.

Really okay?

It's okay, how could there be a robbery cloud, and that terrifying coercion.

"Impossible! Let you see again, is there anyone missing?"

Liu Andao.

"They said it takes time to investigate, and many masters are in retreat, which is not to disturb. So far, everything inside and outside the imperial city is normal, and nothing has happened."

"It's okay!"

Several other masters of God sighed.

Only Liu An frowned.

"An emperor-level master appeared in the sky above the imperial city, and then he was discovered by Heavenly Tribulation. This shows that he did it."

"If you just come over and have a look, it's possible to leak the breath without checking!"

Several people guessed.

It's all thinking in a good way.

"Our human race doesn't have any emperor-level masters. As long as it's not an emperor-level master of my human race, then it's definitely not a good thing to come here."

At the same time as the Golden Crow shot.

The emperor blood dragon lying in the valley under the sea opened his eyes again.

"What a powerful breath!"

Inside the Xuantianzong secret area.

Li Mu returned the stone in his hand to the system space and stared at the distance.

His brows gradually frowned.

"There is another emperor-level master in the monster race!"

Li Mu sighed.

This is not a good sign.

The dragon clan is not afraid, but there is a demon refining tower too!

This demon refining tower has always wanted to kill him.

Unexpectedly, another master of Yaozu appeared.

"That location is Liu An's Xia Country Capital City! Why are you going there?"

It's definitely not a good thing.

It's better to go and have a look.

At least you have to know which side this emperor-level monster beast is from and which force it comes from?

Think for a moment.

In the next second, Li Mu disappeared.

Somewhere in the desert.

Jin Wu put the middle-aged man in the early stage of transforming gods on the ground.

The person has passed out.

It can be seen from a cyan shirt that this is a scribe.

The scribes seem to be only forty or fifty years old, with a long scarf on their heads, and a long beard that gives people an elegant feeling.

This dress is completely different from the human masters wrapped in most animal skins on the mainland.

Not only is the style of clothing different, but the temperament that he reveals is also different.

Jin Wu can be sure of this style, he has never seen or heard of it.

There are many strange dresses in that imperial city that resemble this middle-aged man.

In contrast, this person is more typical.

Stared at the middle-aged man for a while.

The divine consciousness moved a bit.


The middle-aged man who was unconscious on the ground woke up.

"Who are you?"

汜豜汜. Before opening his eyes, the middle-aged man was suddenly startled as if he was thinking of something.

I don't know if it's afraid, or the hot fire is too hot.

The middle-aged man quickly retreated back.

Then I found that my true essence was empty, and I couldn't raise the energy.

Despite this, the middle-aged people kept moving back.

"The response is good ~ a genius in the human race."

Jin Wu looked at the middle-aged man, his curious eyes getting heavier and heavier. "It doesn't matter who I am, what do you want to say next when I ask?"

"Yaozu? What do you want to ask me, unless I die!"

The middle-aged people couldn't escape, and gradually they stopped being afraid.

"I advise you to say it better! After I search for the soul, your secrets will not be hidden. At that time, I want to know more, and I have to arrest people again. Don't you think about your companions? "

The Golden Crow threatened The middle-aged scribe's eyes flashed with fear, and then turned his head.

"Where are you from? Where do you take the entrance to the small world?"

After a while, the middle-aged scribes did not move.

"Did not say?"

Jin Crow frowned.

This human race really has a backbone.

"Don't say, then I will search for souls!"

The Golden Crow Spiritual Sense strongly invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of the middle-aged scholars.


Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. At the same time the middle-aged scribes spurted blood.


Jin Crow frowned.

The current divine consciousness envelops the mind of the middle-aged scribe, quickly absorbing something.

A moment's time.

The eyes of the middle-aged scribes lost their luster.

"Nanzhou Xiaguo? What else is there, why is it so messy? It's really a small world!"

Jin Wu obtained many fragments of memories from the sea of ​​knowledge of middle-aged scholars.

But these memories cannot form a whole paragraph.

The signs of human life inside are completely different from those on the mainland.

Make sure this is a small world of Human Race.

But where is the little world?

Where is the entrance?

The middle-aged scribe committed suicide, and he has too few memories.

"If one doesn't work, then grab another one!"

Speaking of the Golden Crow flapping his wings, he was about to leave.

"Emperor Human Race, the reaction is so fast! Are you not afraid of the catastrophe?"

Mi He Mi. Whoosh~

A black stone brick flew up from the sky and slammed it towards Jin Crow's forehead.

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