Hide in the Banished Palace and Level Up To A Big Boss

Chapter 445: The Way of Heaven Severed

Speaking of Li Gonggong, Liu An's eyes lit up.

I never thought that the books in Jingning Palace would be useful for a day.

When I saw that military book back then, I thought it would never be used in my life.

What special operations, what decapitation operations?

Need to train a strong force specifically?

For this kind of thing, just send two masters to assassinate it.

The same result can be achieved without much trouble.汜 minus bxwx.*cO*汜

Unexpectedly, after the monster side became shrewd, the strength of the two sides was similar. When the assassination didn't work.

This kind of tactics gradually appeared in Liu An's mind.

Kill the opponent's powerful masters and commanders, and what is left is a group of skirmishers.

No matter how powerful they are, just besie them.

In this way, it can rush forward quickly without getting entangled with the monster clan. In the end, the two sides kept throwing the lives of masters into it.

Zhou Kun admired it.

"What are you looking for me?"

"We have already occupied Fengchi Mountain, and we must face the Shui Clan next, so..."

"Shuizu, this is a problem! We and Shuizu know that sooner or later the war between each other will break out. I am afraid it will not be easy to pass this time."

Liu An stared at the map, lost in thought.

Half a year later, the human race and the Shui race clashed in Fengchi Mountain.

Then the war broke out.

The war between the human race and the monster race on the mainland has entered a fierce stalemate.

The Yaozu sent a master to attack the human race.

However, the Terran has long been prepared.

After fighting for a long time, it was only a sneak attack on some small fishes and shrimps.

On the contrary, because some of the masters left the front line, the war was tight, and Liu An and others took the opportunity to pick up a lot of bargains.

In front of the small temple, the Black Dragon King looked at the small temple for a long time, and then walked to the stone gate.

"Do you really want to climb over?"

Over the years, I have searched many places and determined that only this place best fits the descriptions of several ancestors.

In all descriptions, entry is from Shimen.

And he bypassed Shimen.

"Entering from a stone gate is very different from passing through a stone gate?"

The Black Dragon King couldn't understand.

Decided to try.

Try to enter from Shimen!

If he passed through Shimen and still couldn't find the flame-like mountain, he would have to return to the dragon clan.

It means that this mission failed.

In fact, the Black Dragon King wanted to go back a long time ago.

I couldn't find the location a few times and wondered if there was a problem with the family record?

But when he went back like this, he would definitely be ridiculed by the other dragon kings in the clan.

And their black dragon clan will become the laughing stock of the whole dragon clan because of him.

"Anyway? I have to do everything I need to do."


The Black Dragon King crawled under the stone gate.

Then I found a path of bluestone slabs.

The path is covered by shrubs, so you can't see it clearly.

The Black Dragon King frowned and ran along the path. Then the path led to a cave, and after passing the cave, it suddenly became clear.


The huge valley seems like a paradise.

The scenery around the valley is beautiful and full of vitality. It is a difference between the sky and the underground with the outside world.

"This...Is it right this time?"

The Black Dragon King is sure that this place is not the surrounding situation at all.

He had already understood the surrounding mountains and rivers clearly.

There is no such place.

why is that?

You have to walk through the stone gate to find this place.


The Black Dragon King felt regretful in his heart. He knew this was the case. He came in from Shimen one step earlier, saw the Feng Clan a few years earlier, and had already completed the mission.

After a round in the valley, I saw a peak in the form of flames.

There were no trees on the top of the mountain, and it was bare.

Not to mention resemblance in appearance, so in god.

The Black Dragon King rushed to the top of the mountain.

A small stone pillar in the shape of three vertebrae stands on the top of the mountain.

"Found it! Finally found it!"

Then the Black Dragon King circled the small stone stele three times according to the clan's account, and then pressed down the stone stele.


Then the world changed color, the surroundings became pitch black, and the divine consciousness was also suppressed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

A moment later, a fainting attack hit, and the Black Dragon King's divine consciousness unfolded and found himself in a sycamore forest.

The tall plane tree went straight to the sky.


When the Black Dragon King was shocked, there was a sound of surprise in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Xuantianzong forbidden area.

Li Mu let out a sigh of relief.

After so many years, finally cracked the formation of the last mysterious place in the Xuantianzong forbidden area.

Walking into the Midi, all ancient secrets pounced on Li Mu.

The consciousness swept.

"The Way of Heaven is cut off?"

Li Mu's spiritual consciousness fell in front of a cliff, staring at the big characters on it.

The big characters have a profound rhyme.

I don't know how many years have passed, and the breath of these words has suffocated Li Mu.

Absolutely ordinary handwritten.

Since it is not an ordinary master handwriting, why write such a sentence.

What do you mean?

Isn't the way of heaven good?


Li Mu gave up temporarily.

This kind of esoteric topic is not something he can think of.

In case this master is crazy, he just writes a word, and he sits here and studies for a few years. Isn't it a waste of time?

The secret of Midi is not only this one.

After entering the secret area, Li Mu quickly found the formation inheritance.


Soon Li Mu plunged into the study of formation.

I can't take care of everything else.

On the plane tree.

The Black Dragon King hung on a tree branch, and on the top of the tree opposite was a giant bird that couldn't be seen.

The Black Dragon King bowed his head, trembling all over.

This is not only the fear of blood, the strong aura on the bird that can't see the color appearance is no less than the aura felt in the ancestor.

"Let's talk about it, Black Long Worm, what happened to our Feng Clan territory? It's not thinking that we haven't tasted Long Worm for many years, and come to improve our food, right?"

"No, no! Something happened outside, and the monster clan is about to end. That's why..."

"Huh? The Demon Race is over? How could it be possible! Is the Demon Race resurrected?"

The long-lasting voice rose from my heart.

The Black Dragon King trembled again.

The strength of this phoenix is ​​probably much higher than that of the ancestor~www.readwn.com~ no! It’s Human~"

"Huh! What a big deal I thought! Human race was once part of my monster race."

"No, it's the human race who wants to kill all of our demons!" Xiru bxwx.co

The Black Dragon King began to cry as he spoke.

"The words of your dragons are not credible. Besides, we have been in hiding for many years and don't want to participate too much. Since it is not for us to give us delicious food, you can go back!"

The wings of the big bird on the opposite side moved.

The Black Dragon King's body flew out involuntarily.

"You don't believe it, you can go out and have a look!"

In the distance, the black dragon king screamed.

On the branches, the fuzzy shadows gradually flashed.

A big fiery red bird, covered in flames all over.

"King Qingluan~"

The big bird in Hokage spoke.


With a cry, a giant blue-purple shadow appeared.

"Go out and have a look!"


The purple figure disappeared.

Firebird tilted his head, thinking for a long time, and said again: "Golden Crow~"


A huge black-red flamingo appeared.

"The dragon family came to the door, indicating that the outside world may really change. Although the words of the dragon family are not completely believed. You go out and capture the most powerful human master back. I have a great use." Mi He Mi


The black fireball left.

The huge Hokage looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: "The way of heaven is cut off, and the cultivation base can only stop at the emperor level. After so many years, it is meaningless to always hide."

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