Hide in the Banished Palace and Level Up To A Big Boss

Chapter 434: I can't stand it anymore, they call me a dog

Liu An stared at the Hundred Eyes and smiled.

I said it a long time ago.

It's easy to find a master of transforming gods, so look for the outer powers of the human race.

There must be outside of Xuan Tianzong.

But the masters of **** transformation outside of Xuan Tianzong are definitely the late stage of **** transformation.

They can't get it.

Then there will definitely be demon masters besieging the next human force.

After thinking about it, Liu An had several more powers in his mind.

So came here first with a group of masters.

It's better to come early than to come by coincidence.

Everything is just right.

The timing was just right, and the number of cultivation bases of the opponent's transformation gods was also just right.

The middle stage of the three gods.

There are eight gods on their side, and six of them are in the early stage.

After holding down the two mid-stage transformations, the remaining problem is six to one.

Six to one, if this is not called experience, then what is experience?

Among the six initial stages of transforming gods, there were two second-tiers of transforming gods.

Even if you can't beat six, it won't suffer.

That's right, he is one of the people on the second floor of the God Transformation.

The ability to break through the gods was the result of Old Mo Han's guidance and help.

Hundreds of years have been able to have such an improvement, which has drained his potential.

He lacks combat experience now.

The three Hundred Eyes Insect Transforming Masters across the face were all dumbfounded at the moment.

Eight masters of transforming gods.

When did the human race emerge from eight gods?

Damn it!

At the same time, the expression on his face was incredible.

At the same time, the human expert raised his head and stared at the sky.

"Did Xuantianzong support it?"


"Where are there so many masters of transformation?"

While speaking, five figures appeared in the distance.

There are five more gods.

"Liu An, I knew that your kid took them away secretly, there must be something good. Sure enough..."

Several masters in the Temple of War smiled.

Said and stared at the three gods.

It's just right, it's the middle stage of God Transformation, and it's the most suitable for practicing.

It seems that there will be meat after Liu An.

"you guys……"

Liu An turned his head, her face black all the way.

"You have meat to eat. Give us some soup. Nie Yun, Old Mo Han, Liu Yu, Liu Huaiting are too fast. We can't find anyone to practice."

Seeing Liu An's expression in the Temple of War, several people looked helpless.

The Hundred-Eyed Worm was shocked again when he saw that there were five more transformations and had just digested the appearance of eight transformation masters in the human race.

Why is there any more?

Listen to them, there are more humanized gods.


Is this the world we live in?

"We found these three middle stages of transforming gods first."

Liu An lightly frowned.

"I know, even one for us to practice hands. Just one."

Several people in the Temple of War pleased him.

Liu An's mouth twitched.


You still have the face to say it.

Five to one.

Liu An completely forgot that he was thinking about hitting one of six.


Seeing that they all came from the same place and needed to practice hand skills urgently, Liu An agreed.

"Thank you brother Liu." Xiru 99bxwx.com Xiru

Several people in the Temple of War were polite, and picked one of the five-level gods and rushed over.

At the same time, the same drama was staged everywhere on the mainland.

The wolf clan lives in seclusion and the Peng clan does not participate.

Among the remaining demon races, there were masters in the late transformation stage, either staring at Xuan Tianzong or being restrained by Wei Yang.

During this period of time, the Monster Race was slaughtering the Human Race.

Wei Yang was not idle either.

After stepping into the half-step imperial rank, Wei Yang counter-killed the monster clan even more fiercely.

Almost all the monsters possessing the peak of the **** of transformation were beaten by Wei Yang, and many of the peaks of the **** of transformation hidden by the monsters were crushed to death by Wei Yang before they were born. Diminish

The death of several gods, the dead are very aggrieved.

Wei Yang moved around.

Other demon clan transforming gods did not even dare to move in the later stage.

Originally, there were not many monsters in the later stage of the transformation of the gods, and they were sleeping and hidden. With Wei Yang doing this, even fewer people can walk on the mainland.

The appearance of Liu An and others caught the Demon Race God on the mainland by surprise.

Before reacting, a large number of demonic transformation gods fell one after another under Liu An and the others.

When other Yaozu masters reacted, Liu An and others had basically finished their practice.

What is terrible is that at this time a large number of Yaozu masters have been besieged to death.

When the remaining Yaozu master wanted to counterattack.

The Dragon Clan's blockade that Xuan Tianzong broke through inexplicably ran out.

Weiyang, Liu Huaiting, Han Laomo and others have already made a name in the mainland.

It can not be said that it is a reputation, it is a reputation.

The situation reversed instantly.

And leaned to one side.

It turned out that the monster slaughtered the human race, and in an instant it turned into the human slaughter the monster race.


Demon Race God Master said angrily.

"I'm furious."

"Where did such a master of humanization come from, and still be so cunning?"

Tiger clan master said furiously.

These demonic transformation gods will choose to besiege them when there are too many people, and choose to attack them when there are few people.

Whenever they organize encirclement and suppression, they run without a trace.

When they gave up, there was a sneak attack.

"Shameless, extremely shameless!"

"They already have so many masters of transforming gods, and they want to attack us, it's really shameless!"

Those who can't beat Terran masters are recognized.

Those who could be fought, but suffered various sneak attacks and ambushes.

After suffering several losses, the tiger clan masters hugged and hid in the tiger clan's sphere of influence.

Can't you hide if you can't beat you?

At this time, Terran will always have a light and powerful master to provoke.

Once a tiger clan master chases it out, he will also be ambushed.

"If we continue to fight like this, our monster clan masters will finish the game sooner or later."

As the time goes.

The tiger masters suddenly discovered that there were more and more humanized **** masters.

All kinds of provocations come to the door, and there are all kinds of unexpected traps ~www.readwn.com~ The order is passed on, and the masters above the virtual realm are not allowed to go out of our sphere of influence. "

The patriarch of the tiger clan said angrily.

To blame, the experts in the tiger clan are self-righteous and angry.

If the Terran master provokes him, he will be fooled.

After the order passed.

Outside the Tiger Clan, there are a group of Terran Return to the Yuan Realm pinnacle masters.

"Tiger tribe, come out and eat meat! When you encounter a big tuo, you turn into a puppy in seconds. One lick left and another lick."


The presumptuous laughter came.

The Tiger Demon King who was hiding in the old lair had an ugly face.

"I can't stand it anymore, they call us dogs."

"No going out! Even if we scold us to death, we must stay in the cave."

The scolding came.

Several Tiger Demon Kings who were eager to move were pushed down.

His face flushed.

"It's just a group of Returning Yuan Realm human races, too presumptuous."

"When you go out, you will become a god. You will be killed at that time. Don't blame us for not reminding you."

The demon **** does not come out.

The monster race without the **** of transformation has basically become a place for the masters of the **** of transformation or return to the origin realm to practice.

Suddenly, other Yaozu masters fell blood mold.

Some phantom pinnacle human races had no choice but to find a demon race with a phantom realm to practice their hands.

Moreover, the human masters in the early stage of the virtual realm could not find a target for training, and they would be crazy when they encountered a saint martial artist.

A large number of Yaozu masters were killed. Mi He Mi

The demon clan below the holy level cannot launch an effective attack on the human city at all.

Instead, he was killed by Terran warriors.

Some wandering warriors suddenly discovered that the monster master who was chasing them had disappeared, turned around and killed them again.

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