Hide in the Banished Palace and Level Up To A Big Boss

Chapter 432: A large number of human masters have come to kill

Many monsters had no chance to escape, and then it was over.

Even groups of monsters and beasts were collectively destroyed.

Think about it, more than five hundred masters of transforming gods.

Two thousand return to the original realm.

Followed by a long-time famous Void Master.

These virtual realm masters don't have much resources in the small world, once they get outside.

Strong vitality, blessed by abundant resources everywhere.

In just a few days, many virtual realms broke through again and again.

There are also a handful of Guiyuan Realm peak masters who were brought out by Liu An Xu Xiao, and after a period of shooting, they broke through to the Void Realm.

The army of such masters is almost always crushed all the way.

Not to mention that the monster clan master ran away, there was no chance even to report the letter.

"Finally I met a tribe with three gods. Everyone, don't compete with me, I will practice my hands first."

Zhou Kun laughed.

The small world has long suffocated him for hundreds of years.

With the help of Han Laomo resources, under the suppression of the rules of the small world, he barely broke through to the peak of the Guiyuan realm.

After he came out, he was the first to be promoted to the **** of transformation.

In less than a month, he was promoted to the second level of Huashen.

Along the way, there was no chance to fight with the **** of transformation.

Old Demon Han Liu Huaiting and Nie Yun in front.

Especially that Nie Yun, he was always the first to see the monster beast.

Before they could do anything, the demon beast's power was sucked up.

"Leave a few hands for my Xu family, too!"

Xu Xiao said.

After killing the Demon Land, Wei Yang presented him with a lot of God-Transforming Demon Pills.

Many experts in the Xu family have now stepped into the transformation of gods.

The Xia country masters trained by the Liu family had robbed them, and the natives like Zhou Kun also robbed the gods and monsters.

Along the way, their Xu family didn't even drink any soup.

"Don't think about it, let's continue to move forward!" Several masters in the Temple of War shook their heads.

The figure flashed and ran towards the distance.

The Guiyuan Realm Monster Beast had no meaning at all.

It's better to resist the beating of the master of the **** of transformation.

The three transforming gods, monsters and beasts were dumbfounded.

Hundreds of Hua Shen stared at them, not to mention that many of them had higher cultivation bases than them.

Even if they were all the human races who were new to the **** of transformation, with hundreds of people surrounding them, the fiery gaze alone could kill them.

Now, the fierce gazes of countless human races around seemed to see food.

That's it!

Speaking of which you may not believe, I have been surrounded by hundreds of humanized gods.

In other words, when did the human race appear so overwhelming?

Where did they come from?


At the same time, the hearts of the three transforming gods and monsters began to tremble.

That's it!

At present, all the masters of the deity of the Yaozu probably don't have that many together!

The monster race is over!

"Success to death~"

Two human races rushed out across from each other.

The three transforming gods and monsters are still in a daze.


It's panic.


The fear is extreme.

"Why is the transformation of the gods and monsters afraid?"

"Scared or stupid?"

The Xu family who followed shook their heads.

And the native gods are even more excited.

For many years, I have never seen a monster be scared since I was a child.

Even if they followed Liu An and the others to encircle the monster beasts in the cave and slaughter them, the monster beasts were not only not afraid, but also a hint of arrogance.

Despise human beings when they die.

Today, they seem to be afraid of the monster race they have seen!

It is still scared of the monster beast of the level of transformation~

Just be afraid!

We will retaliate for all the crimes you have committed against mankind, and you will still have time to be afraid in the future.


The two monsters reacted and resisted instinctively.

"Dare to resist? Kill!"

Zhou Kun said angrily.

In the past, this was what the Yaozu said to humans.

I paid it back today.



Nie Yun, who followed, was afraid that Zhou Kun would **** his demon pill, it would be a big move.

"Bei Ming Divine Art~"

With Nie Yun as the center, several vitality vortexes are formed.

Whale swallowing~

The surrounding vitality was instantly swallowed by Nie Yun.

Even the vitality of Zhou Kun and the monster's attack was taken away.

"This Nie Yun is too domineering!"

"It's better than Wei Yang. Wei Yang has always been low-key, even if he is with us, he secretly absorbs the true essence of monsters and beasts."

"Wei Yang's growth environment does not allow him to make any mistakes. Nie Yun is different. He originally had a bit of a flamboyant personality, but he was sheltered by so many people."

"Stop talking, let's go on, these three monster beasts don't have our share."

"Hey~ I'll go one step ahead. We are no longer here."

There are wise to leave directly.

The three monster beasts that were unwilling to see were gone, and then sighed and left.

"Are we pushing forward so swarmingly?"

Xu Xiao said.

With so many gods, there is no way to grab food.

"You mean to team up in batches?"

Liu An asked.

"I think it's best to form a team."

"We've all pushed several domains horizontally, it's almost done. These transformation gods are also familiar with their own strength, and there is no need for another swarm of attacks."

Liu An nodded.

Next, Liu An and Xu Xiao went ahead and divided the masters in their respective teams into more than a dozen teams.

Considering that the masters they brought out were not familiar with the mainland, the indigenous masters were divided into these teams.

Then, hundreds of troops, or three, five, or seven or eight marched towards the mainland in all directions.

"As long as they don't encounter the sacred animal group, they are still very safe."

Xu Xiao watched the last batch of Dongzhou children leave, and couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry, can't you run away if you can't beat them? After so many years of consumption, the monster beasts on the mainland have not been transformed into gods. Many powerful monsters such as the wolf clan have lived in seclusion." B*xw*汜

Three or five transforming gods, some monsters might not be able to come up with them.

What's more, there are seven or eight Huashen teams.

Among the humanized gods in these teams, there are many natives.

There is also the veteran Huashen leader.

"This is a very good experience. It can solve our human crisis and let them see the cruelty of this world."

Han Laomo added.

"After holding back for hundreds of years, I want to look at the world again."

Liu Yudao.

After coming out, a series of breakthroughs.

The strength is improved, and the form is also changing.

"Let's get together!"

The Peng clan is hermit.

Apart from staring at Xuan Tianzong, the Dragon Clan seemed to be quiet.

When the Yaozu vigorously attacked the Human race.

Xuan Tianzong also sent a dozen elders to put out the fire.

As soon as he came out of Xuan Tianzong, he was blocked by the Huo Lin family's transformation god, and then entangled.

In addition to Huo Lin, there were also two Transfiguration Gods participating in the entanglement of the Jiao Clan.

Finally, they ran out of the two gods, but they were blocked by Toad.

"Don't we just watch the human race being destroyed by the monster race a little bit~www.readwn.com~ our Xuantianzong fundamentals are finished a little bit?"

Inside the hall.

Several elders were panting.


But there is no way.

"I can only watch, what else can I do? You think that the Huolin, the Jiao clan and the Toad clan are staring at us?"

Wang Qian's security Cheng had a black face.

"Does the Dragon Race really send a master to stare at us?"

Wang Qianan nodded.

This is not nonsense.

There is an emperor-level master in Xuan Tianzong, it is strange that the Dragon Clan does not send masters to stare at.

Maybe they are worried about their ancestors, so they hide farther.

Once Xuan Tianzong has any movement, he will also take action.

"This is him, mother."


"From the information we currently have, the human population on the mainland has lost more than one billion during this period. The warrior has lost more than 10%, and it will take a few decades. Our humans will disappear on the mainland." 75zhongwen.com Xiru


After the intelligence elder finished speaking, the other elders all frowned.

"It's not the population loss that is terrible. The loss of the genius warrior is too great. I am afraid...There are still many inheritances gone. Many great forces have been slaughtered, and the inheritance is severed."

"This..." Mi He Mi

The atmosphere is solemn.

In the depressed atmosphere, an elder finally couldn't bear to stand up and walk out.

"I spelled me~"

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