Hide in the Banished Palace and Level Up To A Big Boss

Chapter 425: Changes in the pattern of the world

"It's amazing! So Jieyun was distracted."

It's not that there have been no emperor-level masters on the mainland who rely on powerful strength to break Jieyun away.

But after breaking the robbery cloud, it will be targeted by a more powerful robbery.

Not only the calamity of wind, fire and thunder, but also the calamity of the heart demon.

There is no emperor-level master who has survived the tribulation time and time again, and eventually was burned to death under the tribulation.

"This kind of sword intent is many times stronger than that of the emperor-level master of the dragon clan who blew himself up!"

"Is the person really a human race?"


While talking, the red clouds of Heaven's Tribulation that had broken apart gathered again.

The gathering place this time was closer to Tianyao Domain.

"He is running towards here."

"This speed is too fast!"

"Sure enough, an emperor-level master."

"Is it a human race or a monster race?"

Regardless of the Yaozu or the Human race, the mood became tense at this moment.

Is it a human race or a monster race?

In the dragon clan, the expressions of several masters of transforming gods kept changing.

They knew that their ancestors could not be a sword repairman at all, without this talent, and without this leisurely mind.

Especially the old dragon king who has received the message, feels complicated.

It's not the ancestor of their dragon race at all, but the emperor of the human race.

How should we inform the patriarch of this news now?

The divine consciousness just unfolded, and the pressure between heaven and earth shattered the divine consciousness.

Except for the patriarch, the gods of the peak masters, who can barely resist the pressure of this tribulation, other cultivators simply can't do it.

I don’t know if the patriarch noticed the message on the jade slip?

Even if the query is reached now, it is too late.

The emperor-level master makes a move, where can he escape if he wants to escape?

As the red clouds condense.

The figure under the red cloud gradually appeared in the sense of the masters.

"Really human!"

"My God! The world is about to change."

"I knew that the world was going to change, but I didn't expect it so soon."


Humans actually have emperor-level masters.


The world may really have changed since then.

"Is it too late for us to take action against humans at this time!"

Yes it is.

Too late!

The Terran not only appeared a master of transforming gods, but also a master of emperor level.

In addition to the overall strength of the Monster Race being stronger than the Human Race, it is impossible to destroy the Human Race, but it must be cautious to suppress.

"Xuantianzong is okay!"

Wei Yang stared at the distance and muttered to himself.

Not only is Xuan Tianzong okay, even he is okay.

But I didn't expect Li Mu to break through the emperor rank.

After catching up all the way, he still didn't catch up with him.

"After this time, the human race and the dragon race have competed for the world."

"No, it's the human race and our monster race."

At this moment, the dragon clan, especially the five-claw golden dragon's eyes kept changing.



At the critical moment, an emperor-level master unexpectedly appeared in the human race.

At this time, the five-clawed golden dragon remembered sending the jade slip.

The divine consciousness moved a bit.

His face changed again.

Ancestor’s warning.


Nothing can be done.

If they do it again, they may be left in Xuantianzong.

"Patriarch, we still have information about this human emperor-level master..."

"Let's withdraw first, and investigate the others slowly."

This emperor-level master came too fast.

Was it the one who broke through in their endless sea?

Didn’t that go to the Sea of ​​Riots?

Come out of the sea of ​​riots?

If he really came out of the sea of ​​riots, what is in the sea of ​​riots?

What about the Demon Refining Tower?

Where is it?


There are too many questions in my mind.

All need to be investigated.

It must be too late now.

Only by living can we figure out these questions.

Following the order of the five-clawed golden dragon, the dragon side quickly retreated.

And Jie Yun is also quickly entering the Tianyao Region.

"Is it the ancestor?"

At this time, Wang Qianan and other talents could clearly see the figure under the robbery cloud.

"It must be! Our ancestor is Jian Xiu."

"He is coming to our Xuantian Sect."

Xuan Tianzong and other masters stared at Jie Yun under pressure, and even ignored the Dragon Clan's retreat.

The pressure is increasing.

Wei Yang watched for a while, and the pressure of the robbery was too heavy and he had to leave.

Especially he is a master of transforming the gods.


After seeing the robbery again, Wei Yang felt desperate.

No wonder so many half-step emperor-level masters are reluctant to take that step throughout their lives.

Under such a catastrophe, there is really no way except that the dragon clan's scales can resist it.

"Go back and prepare for a breakthrough! A half-step Imperial rank is good."

Holding Long Yuan, Wei Yang left.

He knew that after that, it would be more difficult to keep up with Li Mu.

Emperor level, this is a huge gap.

"My strength is enough to protect Liu An and the others. Xuan Tianzong has such masters, it means that the entire human race is unimpeded."

Wei Yang left soon.

The demon transformation **** masters who were still waiting in Tianyaoyu could not stand the pressure of the tribulation and quickly retreated.

"Intensify the suppression of the human race, otherwise our monster race will really be over."

"We must take advantage of the presence of the dragon emperor-level master and the strength."

The patriarch of Huolin clan solemnly said.

"Hey, I didn't expect that for a moment, Human Race would have grown to such a point."

Six-eyed Toad said.

"If you were thinking of revenge at the beginning, how could you be passive today."

"Hehe, let's do it, you wait and see, right? We lose strength, and you don't have to watch the human race finish playing. If our strength loss is big enough, are you going to do it to our Toad race?"

Six-eyed Toad shot back.

The Toads originally lost the Blue-eyed Toads, and they have lost again.

The toad will really become the food of other monsters on the mainland, and the land that the toads have fought for tens of millions of years will become the resources of other monsters.

"Stop arguing about this. If we continue to argue like this, our resources will become humans."

"We must unite."

After Jie Yun entered the Tianyao Region, he went straight to the forbidden area of ​​Xuan Tianzong.

The pressure came.

The Xuan Tianzong masters lay on the ground.

In the air.

Li Mu's eyes were complicated.

Xuan Tianzong was shattered under him.

That half-step imperial rank formation was all ruined.

Glancing at the Xuantianzong forbidden area~www.readwn.com~ Li Mu's figure flashed into the forbidden area.

Now, Li Mu understands many of the runes in the Forbidden Land.

The arrangement and arrangement of the runes are basically clear.

Although there are still a small number of people who don't understand, Li Mu thinks that he can understand if he spends some time.

This time came out from the land of Slashing Demons, and then to the Sea of ​​Riot.

Forbidden runes, the formation runes gave him the greatest help.

In the face of the catastrophe, runes basically work.

Li Mu became more interested in the formation runes.

These things all represent the operating rules of this world.

Especially after experiencing the sea of ​​riots, Li Mu was even more in awe of the formation.

Can create fog in the sea of ​​riots and control such a master. Wouldn't it be easy for such a person to kill someone?

Runes, like mathematics.

A symbol carries a rule, but mathematical symbols do not have the ability to communicate between heaven and earth.

If he broke the rules of heaven and earth, wouldn't he have the final say in this sky?

Li Mu's figure fell into the forbidden area of ​​Xuantianzong.

Wang Qian'an and the others froze for a moment, and cheered from the bottom of their hearts.

It's the ancestor!

It really is him.

Thunder and lightning flashed. ,

Wang Qianan and others have numb scalp.

Suffered, the catastrophe is still there.

If the ancestor was in the Xuantian Sect, then...

He looked up and stared at the sky that was red.

The elders of Xuan Tianzong were very anxious.

"Hurry up"

Wang Qian'an endured the pressure and opened his mouth.

It's a pity that the voice was masked by thunder.

Divine consciousness cannot be unfolded.

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