"Nothing to say, right?"


If the people guarding the Soul Pai Hall were overlooked for a while, where did this month go?

Knowing that the blood dragon has suffered heavy losses, why not come and see?

If one of their golden dragon masters discovered that the blood dragon had suffered a heavy loss, it is possible that they did not report it to the patriarch.

Didn't report to the patriarch, so what is he doing?


There is no way to explain it.

Whether the patriarch knew it or not, it was the fault of their Golden Dragon side.

"Go and die! Our blood dragon side has lost so many masters, and your golden dragon side don't want to take care of yourselves."

"Fifth, if you acted on us, didn't you do something that hurts the enemy's relatives? At the very least, you have to figure out who did it directly, right?"

One of the old dragons burst into laughter.

The fifth wife was taken aback.

"Even if you didn't take the shot directly, you are one of the culprits, look for a fight!"


The valley collapsed instantly.

The surrounding vitality became messy.

Inside Xuantianzong.

Wang Qianan and the others stared outside, but there was still no movement.

Half a day passed.

They were caught in another kind of torment with a sword hanging over their heads.

"I'll go out and see!"

Wang Qianan couldn't wait.

"Brother, maybe the Dragon Race is waiting for you to go out!"

"It's okay, if something is really going to happen, I can go back to the big formation again."

"Brother, it's better to be careful. The dragon race has a peak of transformation, and once you go out, I'm afraid..."

Bai Zhijing bit her lip and said anxiously.

Isn't it just a sword hanging from the head?

What's this?

"Don't worry, those demon dragons are exhausted and they can't catch me."


Bai Zhijing wanted to persuade again.


At this time, vitality fluctuations appeared in the distance.

Especially when there is no vitality around Xuan Tianzong at this moment, it is particularly abrupt.

"This is a battle with masters, is the Peng clan coming?"

There was joy on Wang Qian'an's face, and he flew out without saying much.


Bai Zhijing pursed her lips, stomped her feet and flew out.

After out of the big array.

The thin vitality almost shook Wang Qianan back.

Enduring the discomfort, slowly flew away. The real yuan rotates quickly, and the divine consciousness scans the surroundings little by little.


Suddenly a shadow appeared behind the consciousness.

When he turned around, Wang Qianan's face sank when he saw that it was Bai Zhijing.

"Brother, there are no demon dragons in the sky. They are all on the mountain over there, and one seems to be outside the Immortal Mountain."

Before it was too late to scold Bai Zhijing, Wang Qian'an swept away.


These monster dragons are lying between the mountains and rivers.

If you don't look closely, it's no different from a mountain far away.

"The vitality in them is quickly dissipating!"

Wang Qianan drew his sword and rushed towards the nearest demon dragon.

When he reached the body of the monster dragon, he picked the long dragon with the sword pick.

"Huh? Really dead!"

The monster's abdomen was cut open by a sharp weapon.

Long Yuan disappeared.

The demon dragon died in the destruction of the soul.

Checking several demon dragons in a row, they basically all die in the same way.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

The exhaustion of the past few days disappeared.

These dragon masters are dead.

All are dead.

Also, the ones who disappeared, don’t know what happened?

"But who moved the hand?"

Wang Qianan was puzzled.

"Brother, the Zhenyuan riot in the distance is still going on. I think it was the Peng Clan who made the shot."

"Is it the Peng clan?"

Looking at these wounds, Wang Qianan always felt a little familiar.

It was injured by a sharp weapon, not the claws of the Peng clan at all.

"It must be the Peng clan! At this time, only the Peng clan will take the action. Brother, you see that the fight seems to be the peak of the **** transformation and the later stage of the **** transformation."

Bai Zhijing said excitedly.

Wang Qianan raised his head and glanced, vaguely feeling that something was still wrong in his heart.

"Brother, the true essence of the peak of transformation seems to be insufficient. Do we want to support..."

"Don't worry. If it is the Peng and Dragon Clan, let them fight! Let's go over and we will be targeted."

Wang Qianan jumped aside a dragon body again and found that the situation was the same.

Stepped out in one step and appeared in front of the dragon corpse outside Immortal Mountain.

"This one has resisted."

When he saw several scars on the demon dragon's corpse, Wang Qianan drew his sword and compared them.

It was done by a human master.

Did the ancestor make a move?

Not like the style of the ancestors.

The ancestor must kill these monster dragons, it must be earth-shattering, there is no need to do it silently.

And the ancestor was not very interested in things like Long Yuan.

Now these dragon corpses have not only lost their dragon yuan, but also many dragon scales have been scraped off.

"When did Terran have such masters again?"

Somewhere in the mountain stream.

Wei Yang held a few Long Yuan and swallowed it quickly.

"Long Yuan is much gentler than the Demon Pill of the Peng Clan."

After these dragon elements were absorbed, they would definitely reach the half-step emperor level.

Whether it can break through in the future depends entirely on God.

No matter how hard you try, it is no longer useful.

"If Liu An and the others knew that after they left, my cultivation level was so successful, I wonder what the city looks like?"

Stay here, I chose the right one.

Only I can stay here, and it's okay to make trouble in the Yaozu.

After coming out of the demon refining tower for hundreds of years, he has been attacking every day tremblingly, hunting down many masters of the demon race, and achieving today's achievement.

How many times of danger did he get a demon pill.

Especially the dragon clan emperor level and the Peng clan emperor level in the battle.

Almost at the risk of being bombed into scum, sneaked into the Peng Clan's lair in the chaos and got two demon pills.

Only then can there be a chance for the cultivation base to break out.

What should I do after I have really reached the half-step emperor level?

Walk the world to find a way to break through the emperor level, or to explore the whereabouts of the two emperor level masters in the endless sea?

Forget it, let's first turn these dragon elements into their own skills.

Holding Long Yuan, he recited a meditation mantra silently, letting go of the Yuanshen and sinking the Yuanshen into the rules of heaven and earth.


What about dragon fighting?

Wei Yang opened his eyes.

The figure jumped into the sky, staring into the distance for a long time.

That place is where a dozen old dragons were attacked and killed last time.

Two dozen dragon yuans have not been used up yet.

"Internal fighting is good!"

Inside the carving clan, somewhere deep in the cave mansion.

The Golden Winged Roc lay in a certain formation, fully restoring the true essence.

Suddenly, he rushed out of the cave.

"War within the dragon clan?"


Soon, another shadow appeared beside him.

"Indeed it is."

"Which one of you will go and see what happened?"

Golden Wing Dapeng said.



If the dragon clan has internal fighting, it will be a great thing for them Peng clan.

But how do the dragons fight internally?

The blood dragon side and the golden dragon side are at odds.

Will not tear the skin easily.

Is it because our Peng clan has not fallen behind, the dragon clan is arrogant, there is no external pressure, and internal conflicts have erupted?

"I went to see!"

A black lightning flashed in the sky.

Dark Dianpeng Wang flew out~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, it is not only the Peng clan.

Many masters who were awakened by the vitality fluctuations between heaven and earth in their cultivation, one after another left the pass and flew towards the direction of Tianyao domain to check.

"Could it be that Xuan Tianzong was destroyed?"


"Xuantianzong was destroyed, that human race..."

Several demonic transformation gods pondered, their eyes revealed surprises.

In these hundreds of years, many large families in the human race have accumulated a lot of wealth.

Some big families have not been passive for nearly a thousand years.

Those good things should belong to them.

Especially the pill that is extremely lacking in the world.

It seems that a certain family has produced several high-level alchemists!

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