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In the Xuantianzong forbidden land, Li Mu received his merits.

The sixth floor of God.

"It is rumored that in the closed-eyed toad, there is a late stage master of the gods sleeping. Now I..."

Li Mu shook his head.

Now he has the ability to protect himself against the blue-eyed toad.

Just protect yourself, which includes escape.

Compared with the blue-eyed toad, his ability to shrink the ground is even higher.

It must be no problem to escape!

Even facing the blue-eyed toad at the peak of the transformation, Li Mu had a message to leave.

"The problem now is that Green-eyed Toad has attacked the human race!"

so much pressure!

Never had such a headache.

He needs time.

It takes a long time to upgrade one's cultivation base to the late stage of transforming the gods.

I wonder if Blue-eyed Toad will give him time?

Obviously impossible!

Killing the blue-eyed toad a god, that was a vengeance with the blue-eyed toad.


Li Mu is not afraid!

Liu An, what about them?

In other words, it has been a long time since I heard from Liu An and the others.

I don't know where they are hiding!

"At this time, the less news from Liu An and others is received, that is good news!"

Li Mu came out of the forbidden land.

In any case, he also had to stop the blue-eyed toad from continuing to move.

For a moment, Li Mu appeared in the intelligence hall.

The Xuantianzong Information Hall is collected by the Xuantianzong disciples scattered all over the mainland.

These news are very reliable!

Zongmen will re-record the important information collected.

Li Mu looked for the latest news from the mainland.

After watching it for a while, I was stunned.

"The blue-eyed toad actually attacked the monster race, it's really dead! However, this also shows the power of the blue-eyed toad from the side."

People dare not put most of the monster beasts on the mainland in their eyes. This is strength.

Do not!

There is self-confidence besides strength.

With such a defensive ability, he can't escape to the bottom of the lake. Except for the Dragon Clan, it seems that no monster clan can do anything about him.

However, the reaction of these monsters who were bullied by the blue-eyed toad also surprised Li Mu.

"The big one can't bully, the little one can't bully. It's really interesting!"

It is the same as some races in some countries in previous lives.

If you bully me, if I can't beat you, I'll change to a better bully.


Unexpectedly, the monster beast is the same.

Li Mu wanted to laugh.

Look at the recent news on the mainland.

"It seems that the wolf clan is even more unlucky!"

Calculate carefully.

Many monsters were found to be grudges with the wolf clan itself.

In addition, these monsters did not have a good impression of the wolf clan, so they found the wolf clan to force the wolf clan to take action.


Since Human Race has nothing to do for the time being, Li Mu also relaxes.

Return to the forbidden area to complete the registration, and then come back to check the news on the mainland.

Wolf domain!

The wolf tribe is annoying.

In anger, hunt down these orcs and monsters who want them to take action.

However, it was useless.

After killing one batch, another batch.

I don't know what's going on, the demolished monsters on the mainland just can't understand them. There are always orcs and monsters looking for psychological imbalance and shooting at their descendants.

"If this continues, our wolf clan is really over!"

"More than a dozen elders are guarding the borders of the domain, and they can't stop them. There are always monsters coming in."

"Patriarch, or talk to the blue-eyed toad. If this goes on, the monsters of the whole continent will be finished by them, and finally they dive into the lake, no one can use them!"



Between several wolf clan elders talking.

Thousands of miles away, a roar came from somewhere in the wolf clan cave mansion.

Then, the cave mansion collapsed, and many members of the wolf tribe were buried in the rubble.

The wolf clan chief turned his head and stared into the distance.

"It's the demon clan who has been arrested and blew himself up again!"


If the Yaozu is arrested, it's better to say.

Before being caught, these orcs and monster clan masters all chose to blew themselves up.

Some self-destruction amounts to suicide.

But more blew up, smashing the mountains and rivers and resources around the wolf domain.

Some even blew themselves up in the caves of some branches of their wolf clan.

After the explosion, a large number of wolf tribe branches were killed.

"Can't wait!"

The patriarch of the wolf clan said.

"Patriarch, negotiate with Blue-eyed Toad, I'm afraid I will have a master. If this is the case, then the safety of our wolf domain is..."

The blue-eyed toad has five gods.

If their wolf clan wants to negotiate with each other, at least seven elders at the level of transforming gods are required.

What will the Wolf Territory do after the seven transformation elders are dispatched?

Now so many masters of monsters, beasts and orcs are attacking indiscriminately in the wolf domain. Without the suppression of these masters, wouldn't their damage be even greater.


There seemed to be something holding in the hearts of all wolf clan elders.

"I'll go alone!"

The patriarch of the wolf clan said.

"Patriarch, what about your safety?"

"Blue-eyed Toad, dare not offend our wolf clan yet!"

"I'll go with you!"

One of the red-tailed wolf said demonly.

"Then seven elders follow me! If something happens, he can come back and report to you as soon as possible!"

There is no way now!

Their wolf clan has no choice.

This is the rule of heaven.

After the weak are bullied, the grievances accumulated in their hearts will move towards the weaker ones.

It's just that their wolf clan lives a lot, and many return to the original realm monsters regard them as targets for venting.

Now the whole continent is in chaos.

Going around and chasing Blue-eyed Toad over half of the continent, he finally stopped the five masters of God-Transforming Blue-eyed Toad from a certain area.

"Patriarch Wolf, what are you doing?"

"Stop! Now the entire continent is in chaos. Not only the Human Race was killed by you, but also the Orcs and the Monster Race! If this continues, our Monster Race will be in chaos."

"Then what about our blue-eyed toad's hatred? If your patriarch is killed by a little human, how do you feel?"

The headed three-eyed toad said angrily.

"Then you find the human race! It was the human race who killed your patriarch, not our monster race."

The wolf chief was angry.

Obviously the evil was made by the human race, but their wolf race suffered.

Where does this make sense?

"The group of people is gone, I suspect that the monster race on your land is protecting them."

He glanced at the patriarch of the wolf clan opposite.

Although they were a wolf alone, they did not dare to be careless.

On the mainland, how could it be that simple for a monster race to control a region.

"Doubt? Just because of suspicion, are you going to kill all the monster races in the mainland? Why don't you suspect that the Peng clan kept these people in captivity to deal with the dragon clan?"

The wolf clan chief said with red eyes.

"Huh? You mean..."

"I didn't say anything. Doubt, there is no evidence! Please stop~"

The patriarch of the wolf clan denied.

Before he came, he had considered **** the blue-eyed toad.

Don't even think about the strength of their wolf clan.

Unless Blue-eyed Toad finds his own death?

The blue-eyed toad is not stupid!

Thinking about going to ~www.ltnovel.com~ only to pull out the Peng clan.

It's best if the blue-eyed toad is looking for death.

"No, we won't stop. We will only stop when that group of people show up. If you want us to stop, you have to help us find that group of people."

"Good means! Your purpose of killing demons and killing people everywhere is to force our demons to help you find them? You think too beautifully. Do you think all demons on the mainland have not looked for these human races?"


The rapid wind blew past the ears of the two monsters.

Toad with closed eyes squinted at the wolf demon.

What do you mean?

Is it true that what the wolf demon said just now?

The Monster Race on the mainland really couldn't find that group of people? Still find it and dare not do it?

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