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Who is the other person?

Among these people, everyone knows all about their strengths.

Those who returned to the Yuan realm half a step, relying on powerful resources and Xu Xiao's guidance, had long since become a cultivator in the Yuan realm.

Those who haven't been halfway back to the Yuan realm are working hard.

Chu Qing was only the pinnacle of the Void Realm before, and being able to directly become the Guiyuan Realm was naturally a pill for transforming the gods and demon.

The other people didn't have the God Demon Pill.

It takes less than half a step to return to the Primordial Realm, and if you don't have enough accumulation, you want to break through.

"Senior Xu, stop selling it!"

"Everyone has been in retreat this year, no one noticed a breakthrough."

"Who is on duty, I'll ask them to go! They must know who is so violent."


"Senior Xu, you also broke your studies!"

Liu Yu teased.

Indeed, this year he spent all his body and mind on cultivation, and he did not dare to be careless.

Who told him and Old Mo Han didn't **** the demon pill of the closed-eyed Toad Returning to the Yuan Realm peak.

For fear of lagging behind others in cultivation, Liu Yu closed his six senses and immersed himself in cultivation.

The same is true for Old Mo Han.

Thinking of the demon pill I missed, I felt regretful in my heart.

Although the monkey rushed to the front when fighting the fire and snatched a demon.

That was just a silver back in the middle of the return to the original realm.

And the demon pill was also contaminated with poison.

Compared with that toad return to the Yuan realm peak demon pill, it was more than ten thousand miles away.

What if the resources are not as good as others?

Only by working hard to repair and practice.

However, I heard that someone broke through the return to the original realm?

Is there such a big change in just one year?

Knowing Chu Qing, Old Mo Han was still convinced.

He has a God-Transforming Demon Pill in his hand.

That demon pill seemed to be eliminated by the terrifying Grandpa Li.

One year's time from the peak of the virtual realm to directly break through the return to the original realm, it is understandable.

What about the other person?

Old Mo Han looked at everyone in the Xu family.

Then shook his head.

Indeed, many of Xu's family have reached the peak of the Void Realm.

According to Xu Xiao's urinary nature, these experts in the Xu family would never be so unstable and easily break through.

Even if you have accumulated enough to reach the half-step return to the original realm, even if you have been led out of the spiritual sense.

Xu Xiao won't let them break easily.

Cultivation is fast, but it must be steady.

Xu Xiao valued every seedling of the Xu family.

Everyone shook their heads to see who might break through.

Then he fixed his gaze on Xu Xiao.

"Wei Yang!"

After a long time, seeing everyone waiting anxiously, Xu Xiao slowly said.


"Have not heard!"

"Who is Wei Yang?"


Many people don't even know who this Wei Yang is?

More than that, I haven't even seen this name.

Among the group of people, there were a few who had heard of Wei Yang, and couldn't remember which one it was.

Only in the corner, a few people stared at the young man who never talked much beside him in surprise.

No one thought that in the past, following them to charge forward, the person who was always the first to kill the orcs and monsters constantly absorbing the power of the orcs and monsters would break through silently.

And first broke through to the Guiyuan realm.


Everyone's facial expressions can be imagined.

Even Liu Yu, who is already in the Return to Yuan Realm, has a twisted face at this moment.

What a strange name.

It is certain that he has never seen it.

"Who is Wei Yang?"

Old Mo Han stood up and shouted to the surroundings.

Since it was not among them, it was not from the Xu family, nor was it from the Temple of War.

Those are the masters recruited and trusted after entering this world.

At this moment, not only Old Mo Han thought.

Other people thought of it too, and cast their eyes on the group of people to the west of the cave.

It's not right to think about it!

They also recruited masters, who have seen a little bit of strength.

"Who is Wei Yang? Better than our Zhou Qing!"

The more the female relatives looked in the crowd.

Many people would rather believe that Zhou Qing broke through, or it is hard to believe that someone they have never heard of broke through.

Liu Wei also looked back at Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing craned his neck to look around.

Obviously, she was also very curious about Wei Yang.

"Wei Yang, come out! You have a place here too!"

Xu Xiao pointed to a seat next to him and shouted towards Wei Yang.

When Wei Yang broke through, Xu Xiao was also taken aback.

After investigating Wei Yang carefully, he found that this person was in front of him every time he charged.

In addition to the bleak identity, it gives people a gloomy feeling, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It just so happens that this group of mainland human warriors who have taken refuge in them also need a representative.


At this time, the eyes of those virtual realm warriors who had taken refuge in turned red.

After joining this organization for so long, many warriors know that position, and only the core personnel can sit.

In other words, if it is a bandit, that position is the head of the family!

Even if it's the 19th master, it's also the master!

If it is the sect, then this position is the real power elder!

Just to count, the overall strength of their gang is not below the fourth-level power.

The elders of the fourth-level forces.


Especially those Void Martial Artists who rushed over first, the eyes of Wei Yang were red.

The warrior who rushed over from behind was full of envy.

They entered the group either for revenge or to grab resources.

Never thought of really joining this group of people.

In an instant, many unrealistic ideas arose in many people's minds.

If you can sit in the leading position, you will have no regrets in this life.

If one day, they established a sect. Didn't that lay a great road to wealth for one's own family and children and grandchildren?

"Wei Yang, come here!"

Liu An also waved to Weiyang.

Wei Yang, he paid attention to it a long time ago.

I have seen someone who is smart, and I have never seen such a smart person, especially sensitive to crisis, almost to the point where I can feel it in advance.

Liu An welcomes Wei Yang to enter their circle.

Several other people also stood up and welcomed Wei Yang's admission.

Later, more Void Martial Artists also stood up and showed respect to Wei Yang.

"Go! Go there, you can speak more for us!"

Several people beside Wei Yang carried Wei Yang out.

Zhou Kun even hugged Wei Yang to the seat and pressed it down.

Wei Yang was dumbfounded during the whole process.

After Wei Yang sat down, the group of Void Realm masters who joined behind seemed to be relieved.

Although he was jealous at Wei Yang sitting in this position.

At least convinced.

Wei Yang has always rushed in front of many fights.

Defeat the strong with the weak, even with one enemy as many.

Many masters who have enemies with orcs have never been so crazy.

What's more, Wei Yang is now a master of Gui Yuan realm ahead of them.

In an instant, the souls of everyone in the cave seemed to be fused together, and those who joined later were also less susceptible to the previous gang.

"The second thing I want to say,"

When everyone calmed down~www.ltnovel.com~ Xu Xiao said.

Everyone in Jiandong** looked at him, and then said: "Blue-eyed Toad did not give up looking for us. For more than a year, they looked for us everywhere, and even killed the human race..."


"I am going to kill them!"


"Don't worry, wait for Senior Xu to finish!"

Liu An pressed his hands against everyone.

The scene quieted down instantly.

"Blue-eyed Toad did not find us in the human race. It is suspected that the monsters have taken us in. Now they are killing many monsters!"


"Good job!"

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