Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 92--Corpse Veins

Kimimaro didn't answer, he kept his head down and kept running as fast as he could, his arms holding the bone knife tightly swinging behind him.

The dust on the ground rose up, covering Kimimaro's figure.

"Since he... wants to go up, then let me play my role." Yuetu set up his seal, his eyes became calm, he raised his head slightly and stared at the white-robed man in mid-air. She has always been an auxiliary ninja, so naturally she still stands behind Kimimaro as an auxiliary ninja.

"Huh? How dare you not answer my question? Arrogant humans... haven't given you pain for too long, haven't you? Then let you two feel it first... God is beyond the reach of humans!" The white-robed man Turning back, he looked down at the ground for the first time, revealing the reincarnation eyes in the two deep eye sockets.

"Corrugated eyes...are you from Otsutsuki?" Yuetu also recognized these iconic eyes at a glance. The emotions he had finally suppressed began to fluctuate again, and the shock was clearly visible in his eyes.

Otsutsuki should not have appeared in the world.

"Today's ninja world is too chaotic and has endless wars. We need to use our own methods to quell these battles."

This is what Yu Yue, the envoy of the Otsutsuki clan, said more than eight years ago.

"But, isn't the method he mentioned the same as Yu Ling, who is called Seed?"

They will only intervene when Yu Ling cannot change the world structure.

This is the message that the Otsutsuki family has conveyed before. But now, it is clear that the world is still prosperous, and disputes have not yet broken out. There is no reason for Otsutsuki's clan to show up in the ninja world and interfere in minor conflicts between ninja villages.

"Yes, I am Otsutsuki, a member of the Clan of Gods." The man in white robe hadn't realized the problem yet. He smiled proudly and admitted in a rich voice.

"Otsutsuki...why are you here? Doesn't this comply with the commission you made eight years ago?" Tsukito asked the question straight to the point, and by the way, it also helped Kimimaro delay for a while.

"Why am I here? Good question... However, this is not a question that a humble human being should care about! Also, don't slander the trust of our Otsutsuki family. Every piece of garbage we throw away will be cherished by humans... Haha, You really deserve the name of God." He spoke unabashedly. The man in white robe waved his hand and curled his lips when he said "trash", showing disgust and disgust.

"Garbage... that is obviously the seed entrusted to us by the kind-hearted Lord Hazuki! He saved our Hidden Leaf Village and gave us the seed that can balance the ninja world!" This so-called seed is Yu Ling, who is Moon Rabbit's captain and companion. How could she allow a stranger to insult her captain at will?

"Yuyue? You're the scum of that clan? I've entrusted you with a burden, and you still treat it as a treasure? Hahaha, it's really ridiculous. A humble human being only deserves to be the most despicable bloodline in our clan. Oh! A freak's lackey... actually gave away the freak's child? Haha..." The expression of the man in white robe slowly turned cold, and his murderous intent leaked out.

Although he is just an ordinary Magatama member of the organization, he is still a strong man with some say in the entire Otsutsuki clan. After all, the proportion of people who can become members of the organization is only one in a thousand.

In his position, it is inevitable to know some family secrets. What's more, it's such a big event...

"Yue Yue... scum? Despicable bloodline... What is going on..." There is no doubt that Yue Yue is the first ninja to come into contact with this information, and the first thing she can think of now is to tell this The message gets across. It’s just that I can’t say whether it can be given away.

Kimimaro, who was sprinting, didn't care about their conversation, and took this opportunity to rush to the feet of the man in white robe.

"Corpse Bone Vein·Willow Dance!" He held the bone knife in his right hand, kicked his legs backwards, and spun his body while flying into the air. He lifted up his left hand and untied the clothes on his upper body, revealing his strong and flat body. It’s not about showing off your body, it’s about… showing off your bones. Countless bone spurs penetrated along the shape of the ribs, stained with blood.

"Yo yo... my little brother is about to charge up. Haha, bloodstains... Are you planning to use this immature blood inheritance limit to fight against me? You really are not what I said... you are a waste who overestimates your capabilities!" Such an extent! The limits of blood inheritance are indeed unacceptable to the eyes of the Otsutsuki clan. After all, one of the family's secret arts is a ninjutsu that uses bones like this. However, the effect is dozens of times stronger than this bone that can only be chopped with a knife.

As a member of the killing team, the man in white robe would naturally know how to do this.

"Waste? Tsk, then you can feel my taijutsu!" Kimimaro approached the man in white robe, relying on his super high speed and good wrist strength, the bone knife in his hand and the bone spurs covering his body were chopped. To him.

The dazzling afterimage, the seemingly seamless and invulnerable attack, seemed a little funny in Otsutsuki's eyes.

The man in white robe burst out laughing.

"Haha... Hahaha, I've seen it! Is this the... juggling that is widely spread in the ninja world? Bones... forget it, just because I'm in a good mood, I'll show you what bones are. Corpse bones Let's kill the ashes together!" A gray bone spur emerged from the palm of his hand, without any blood color, and there was no crack in the palm of his hand.

The bone spur seemed to appear out of thin air, lying peacefully in the hand of the man in white robe.

"Corpse bone veins... Is it not just the secret technique unique to the Taketori clan? Why do you also..." Kimimaro was the only member of the Taketori clan to survive the night of massacre. He looked at the person in front of him who summoned strange bone spurs. The man showed a moment of hesitation.

"Hahaha... the secret technique of the Taketori clan? I also want to ask you where this secret technique came from! As the founder of the ninja world and the ancestor of ninjutsu, our Otsutsuki clan has a unique and powerful ninjutsu. Isn’t it strange? But you... Why do you use the family’s advanced secret techniques? "

"Article 5 of the Otsutsuki Clan Rules: Never reveal the secrets of the clan. Anyone who violates the rules will be killed without mercy." Kimimaro's behavior of showing off his sword in front of Guan Gong made him even more unhappy. The playful mentality is gone. After the words are broken, there is no need to give them hope of survival.

Chakra erupted from the palm of his hand, and the gray bone spurs dragged the purple chakra and flew straight towards Kimimaro.

Kimimaro relied on the power of Yin-type chakra to throw out the bone spur in his hand and connected it to its tail, manipulating the path to resist the thing called the "Ashes of Shared Killing".

"Delaying for unnecessary time... the end will be the same, why are the ants still struggling?" It is also a bone spur, the difference in density and the difference in spells bring about a difference in strength.

The two bone spurs undoubtedly collided, but the expected confrontation did not occur.

The corners of the white-robed man's mouth curled up inexplicably, and he glanced disdainfully at Kimimaro, who looked shocked.

"This is the difference between gods and humans... Hahaha!"

Kimimaro's bone spurs turned into ashes...

"How can it be……"

He is known as a once-in-a-hundred-year genius in his clan, and he has the purest corpse bloodline.

The results achieved by a talented young man coupled with years of practice are nothing more than an insignificant speck of dust in the hands of a truly strong man.

The bones of the common killer continued to fly. Although Kimimaro was stunned for a moment, he still persisted and waved out bone spurs one after another, and then watched as the bone spurs were touched one after another, and then disappeared into ashes.

"Oops... Kimimaro's state."

"Illusion: Naraku no Jutsu!" Tsukisagi looked at Kimimaro who was wielding more and more disorderly, and couldn't help but change the target of the spell, aiming at Kimimaro, and then manipulated his behavior.

He barely dodged the gray bone spur that was bound to hit him.

"Thank you... thank you." His lips kept trembling, and he seemed to have something to say, but then stopped abruptly.

"Kimimaro..." An inexplicable feeling of distress came over him. Yuetu glanced at Kimimaro who was falling to the ground, placed him next to the tree, and released the illusion. "The enemy in front of us... is obviously not on the same level as us. It depends on when the captain arrives."

Captain Tian Ling can be said to be Yue Tu's only hope at the moment.

"I don't know what that little fool did after changing his memory. There should be no chance of survival for that Jonin team in Konoha. Even with the little fox's chakra, if it is incomplete, that woman is not enough evidence. . In this way, the young master’s contribution to this mission will be huge! Okay, I’ll go shopping around first... Tsk, I’m really reassured that the young master is safe and sound.”

On the other side, in the woods. Shuttle Yu Ling, two clones and Zhong Wu.

"Jugo, you still haven't woken up?"

"No. Vital signs are normal, breathing is even. No signs of awakening."

"Okay. I feel strange chakra here, slow down and follow. Support if necessary."

"Yes." The two clones slowed down and paced on the branches. Yu Ling, who was running ahead, probably encountered a battle or found some clues, so he notified the two clones.

Just now, something inside Yu Ling's body was pulled. Immediately afterwards, a trace of purple chakra appeared in front of his eyes.

"Huh? Purple Chakra...is that thing that makes me feel in danger? Is it nearby..." Yu Ling was a little excited and nervous, and his steps involuntarily accelerated a little.

Not long after, my heart was moved again.

Try again after a few seconds.

As his pace quickened, the frequency of pulling became higher and higher. Until he saw Tsukisagi sitting on the ground and Kimimaro leaning on the tree, the frequency of pulling was equal to the frequency of his heartbeat.

"Why do I have feelings..." Yu Ling didn't pay attention to the white-robed man floating in the air. He buried his head and stared at Yuetu and Kimimaro thoughtfully.

In front of his eyes was chaotic purple chakra. Several chakras extend from one corner to another, crossing the air. That familiar feeling is exactly what this chakra radiates.

"Hey, what kind of lowly human is this? Looking at these miserable companions in front of you...do you have any thoughts? Humans, hehehehe, are arrogant and arrogant! This will also be your fate, little friend... "

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