Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 89 - The use of Yin attributes

"Hmm... Curse Seal·Fake, Tailed Beast Jade!" Jugo roared in the air, raising his arms to cover a lot of air holes. The Yin attribute chakra in the body instantly seeped out from the air holes, a concentrated The black chakra ball slowly appeared in the palm of his hand.

Starting from a sphere the size of a fingertip, it slowly increases in size. In a few seconds it had become the size of a head.

"It would be very bad if such a powerful chakra hits... Is it possible to interrupt first?" It is absolutely impossible to hit it hard, but as long as you are fast enough, you can interrupt the gathering chakra before the ninjutsu is released. If Carat takes action, there will be a chance to avoid this damage.

But...if it doesn't succeed, the end will only be worse.

"Fire Escape·Fire Clone!" Yu Ling started quickly. The thunder flow on his hidden sword did not disappear. He put down a fire clone behind him and immediately burst out at the highest speed. The function of the fire clone is naturally to speed him up.

"Fire Release: Blazing Feet." There was no sealing process. He raised his hands flat, and the fire clone aimed at the soles of Yu Ling's feet and released his chakra. The pure fire attribute chakra was not affected by the environment, passing through the thick air and attaching itself to Yu Ling.

The blast of wind danced wildly, and Yu Ling flew more than ten meters away as he kicked his feet.

This isn't over yet!

The fire clone pulled back with one hand and charged forward with the other hand. The two fire-attribute chakras with unbalanced energy collided together, drawing out the chakra in Yu Ling's own body.

"Fire Release·Fire Explosion!"

This is the ultimate goal.

The fire attribute's speed bonus increased to the extreme, the air compressed in an instant, and the body seemed to teleport, dragging dazzling firelight straight into Jugo's core.

The firelight in the black mist was so dazzling that Zhonggo couldn't adapt to it for a while. He turned his head and naturally opened his hands, and the chakra ball was released...

"That's right. Now Jugo doesn't have any fighting skills... Well, this is a good thing for me, but I can't compete with the strong combat power." After the surprise, he frowned again, and the speed of his feet did not slow down, surrounding Jugo. The lower plate circled, and thrust out a sword from time to time.

Thunder surged and fire exploded.

Beyond the thunder and fire, there is endless darkness...

"Ugh... Bastard! Cursed Seal: Duolian's Unself-Repeating Cannon!" The secret ninjutsu that used to consume a lot of chakra is now just a casual throw for Jugo. Miniature black chakra balls condensed on each air hole, and followed the trajectory of the arm, hitting the surroundings one after another.

There are no rules at all, but its power cannot be underestimated.

Yu Ling's originally rhythmic pace was forcibly interrupted. Apart from dodging the chakra balls falling from the sky, there was no extra time for him to organize an offensive.

"Fire clone, help!" Instead of using his mental power to transmit instructions, Yu Ling stared closely at the chakra ball in mid-air, moved his feet left and right, opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

The fire clone received the message, and Jugo was also attracted by the shout.

"Um...you are here." He turned around and aimed his fist at the ground. "Curse Seal·Seismic Flame!"

The shattered ground vibrated in reverse, and Yu Ling's sight was completely blocked. Except for the subtle light between the gaps, nothing else can be seen. If you use ninjutsu in this environment, you will most likely injure yourself.

"Fire clone...you should hurry up."

"Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!" The remote assistance finally arrived in time... The five fireballs were aimed at the rocks closest to Yu Ling under exquisite control. The unstoppable momentum and explosion destroyed the gravel. All pushed out.

Yu Ling twitched his right leg forward, and the counter-thrust force of the blast directly pulled his body parallel to the ground. Taking advantage of the downward trend, Yu Ling pushed hard on the ground with his left leg, and the whole person flew backwards, far away from the large number of people still there. Jugo exploded with chakra.

"Catch me"

"Yes." The fire clone instantly dodged and appeared on the route Yu Ling flew out. The flames in both arms receded, and Yu Ling was caught steadily.

"Thank you." As soon as he landed, Yin Shi was already on his hand. "Wind Release: Wind Clone Technique!"

Although the speed provided by a fire clone is extremely explosive, because the effect is too obvious and the sustainability is not strong, it will lose the initial explosive power within a few minutes.

But if it is a combination of ninjutsu, this shortcoming can be avoided.

"Wind, Fire, you two speed up for me together and calculate the time." Yu Ling resumed his starting speed, leaning forward and raising his heels. The original flames on the soles of the feet had dissipated, and the fire attribute that was not solid was spilled into the air by Yu Ling's shock just now.

"Yes." The two clones aimed their palms at Yu Ling's soles, waiting for the moment when Yu Ling's physical speed exploded.

"Now!" With a loud roar, his front legs stepped on the ground first, pushing his body that was already close to zero distance from the ground to fly out. White and red chakra also entangled at this moment, intertwined, and exploded at the soles of the feet.

"Wind Escape·Wind Whirlpool!"

"Fire Release: Blazing Feet!"

The clockwise rotating miniature hurricane, carrying the heat wave of flames, formed two chakra balls on the soles of the feet.

Still the same as before, the fire clone pulled with one hand and released with the other hand. The different forces once again triggered an explosion inside the chakra ball.

This is exactly the effect Yu Ling wants.

"Hmph... I can finally use it. Combined Ninjutsu Hot Wheels!"

The spherical chakra was cut by the chakra pulled out of Yu Ling's body, and was directly compressed into a ring shape, rotating and trembling irregularly around his ankles. Dots of chakra fragments will be thrown out and fall on the ground aside, causing an inconspicuous vibration.

Yu Ling's footsteps did not stop, and he plunged into the faint black mist within a breath. The explosive wind attached to his heels blew away the place where Yu Ling ran, and the Yin attribute chakra was also directly Blast away.

"Hmm... little bug! The troublesome thing, Curse Seal and Earthquake Flame!" Yu Ling couldn't control Zhongwu before, so naturally he couldn't restrain his actions. But for some reason, his feet never left the spot. He was just waving his hands aimlessly, releasing chakra on a large scale, suppressing Yu Ling out of reach of his body.

"Are they going to hit me again... The range is too big. Even if it can't hit me, it will still have an impact on my path." Yu Ling thought silently, looked back at the clones who were preparing ninjutsu, and turned around He tilted his head and his eyes became firm.

"Isn't it just a monster... I've defeated it once before, so I can do it this time!" His arms vibrated by his side, and he inadvertently absorbed a small amount of Yin-type chakra.

The thunder flow on the hidden sword is mixed with a little black.

Yu Ling, who was focused on fighting the enemy, still didn't care, his narrowed eyes filled with fighting intent.


The fist came down, larger than before, and the powerful chakra visible to the naked eye rushed towards the face, as if leaking, exploding uncontrollably, facing the empty ground.

"Here it comes... My speed should be able to get close at that moment." Yu Ling is not sure what level his current speed can reach. After all, wind and fire increase speed at the same time, so does he. Fully used for the first time. The control over this "Hot Fire Wheel" is extremely weak, coupled with the spread of fire and the voidness of wind, making this ninjutsu even more difficult to control.

This is why two clones are needed to help perform it. With his current chakra control, it is a big problem to separate the two attributes, let alone the difficult operation of releasing and fusion at the same time.


The crack caused by the punch had extended to Yu Ling's feet. His ankle sank and was forced into the ground by the cutting power of the chakra ring. Only when you have a point of strength can you fully explode. Without moving your whole leg, you rely on your stuck lower body to throw your upper body out first. Then your body shape drives your lower body and pulls you directly out of the pit.

At this time, it is the opportunity for the chakra ring to explode.

Yu Ling glanced out of the corner of his eyes, their eyes met, and the gestures of the clones changed instantly.

"Combined Ninjutsu·Explosive Wind Cyclone!" Four hands were aimed at the Hot Wheels that Yu Ling was riding. The same theory as the previous Blazing Explosion was used to increase the amount of traction, causing friction and explosion of chakra itself. However, the wind attribute was also involved this time, 1+1\u003e2, and the effect was not as fast as Yu Ling could have imagined.

"Don't even think about hiding... You can't hide! I will definitely kill you." The syllables were slowly squeezed out of Zhongwu's throat one by one. When he said the first word, Yu Ling had already appeared. It's in the back of his head.

Of course, this is not where Yu Ling wants to go.

"Hmm... This explosive power is so strong. I accidentally flew so far...! It's really difficult to go back. I have to be more careful next time. Such violent chakra is even worse than thunder... Hmm ?" I just wanted to compare the thunder flow on the hidden blade, but this is amazing.

All the thunder currents turned black.

"What's happening here?"

The steps stopped, and Yu Ling looked at his two hidden swords, staring at the more intense black lightning jumping above them, with a confused look on his face*.

And it seems that he can control them, completely following his thoughts.

Yu Ling unfolded his chakra perception and saw that his body contained extremely high concentration of Yin-type chakra.

"Huh? When did it happen? Why did I absorb so many Yin attributes... Will I go berserk?" In an instant, too many questions emerged from my head, one after another, pushing and occupying the front of my brain. leaf area.

He was about to be assimilated by the enemy while fighting. It was the first time that Yu Ling encountered such a situation. He was a little nervous, but mostly dull.

There was no reaction, so he quietly observed his body, feeling the rich Yin-type chakra.

"How do I fight this?"

The two clones were still standing in the distance, with their respective chakra attribute spheres condensed in their hands, ready to support Yu Ling.

"Time to give up?"

Looking back at the bright sunshine outside the dark fog, Yu Ling smiled slightly.

"Perhaps my control will be better than that of Jugo."

There can be light in darkness, just like there can be hope in despair.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

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