Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 8--Start of school

Half a year passed, and it was finally the age for children of Yu Ling's generation to go to school. Under the leadership of their respective parents, some of the children were jumping up and down, grinning from ear to ear with joy for the little friends they were about to meet; some were talking about troubles and procrastinated along the way, which annoyed their parents. They are reluctant to leave until they are dragged; some are not followed by their parents. .

Among these children, there is Yu Ling.

"Grandpa, I can go by myself. You'd better not rush all the way for me. You can rest while I go to school. Goodbye, grandpa." Yu Ling declined Sandai's kindness and walked alone. for the upcoming opening ceremony. For him, the routes in the village were already familiar to him, and it was impossible for him to get lost. And he also liked peace and quiet. As soon as he left the house, he jumped onto the roof and started walking on other people's roofs.

"Will I become a loser? I still don't know the strength of other children in the village." With the same thinking pattern as before, the first thing that comes to mind when I think about the beginning of school is the strength of my classmates. From the perspective of ordinary people, the character of the classmates in the class is the first point that everyone needs to pay attention to. However, Yu Ling is Yu Ling. Without this kind of thinking, Yu Ling would not be what he is today.

In the past six months, he has made a lot of progress. Not only in physical skills, but also in ninjutsu, he transformed all the D-level ninjutsu he had learned into the corresponding C-level ninjutsu according to his own wishes. Level Ninjutsu. However, the Fire Release and Hao Fire Extinguishing that had been used before were also more sophisticated in control.

The evolution of Ninjutsu from D to C is not as simple as simply changing the Ninjutsu. This requires changing the transmission of chakra, improving the release of chakra, or even changing the release pattern entirely. And a child under six years old completed the improvement of five ninjutsu in just half a year, which is quite a feat.

While Yu Ling was making great progress, Naruto was certainly not idle either. He also seemed to have gained wisdom in the past six months and learned to discover chakra. This allowed his physique, which was born with the blood of the Uzumaki clan, to be reused instantly. It is precisely because of this that he also gained a lot of space to store chakra. It is no exaggeration to say that his current chakra is more than five times that of Yu Ling, and he can cast shadow clones on as many as one hundred people at once. This can forcefully transform a one-on-one fight into a group fight! In the student days without mastering ninjutsu, numbers are the ultimate weapon. Too many ants would kill an elephant, not to mention that with Naruto's strength, he was like a group of elephants trampling on ants.

Looking back at Sasuke, he was born with chakra of fire and thunder attributes, but he specialized in fire escape. He has mastered many C-level fire escape ninjutsu at a young age. This was something that none of Uchiha Itachi could do back then. During this period of time, he also got his wish several times, pulling Itachi to practice shuriken techniques with him several times. Under Itachi's exquisite and dazzling technique, Sasuke was so impressed that he also copied the fur. At least, you can hit some blind spots hiding behind objects.

These two people are not like Yu Ling, who has a dark eye on the outside world. Their parents are all high-level people, so they naturally know the general level of the children in the village. One thing that Fugaku and Minato need to do every day is to remember to advise Sasuke and Naruto every day not to lose their innocence because of practice, to be at the age where they should play, and not to just focus on practice every day like an old man. What kid doesn't like to play? However, on this question, the two people's answers were surprisingly similar: "If we don't practice well, we will be dumped by Yu Ling. By then, I will have no shame to play with him anymore."

Does Yu Ling really put so much pressure on people?

You know, the current training ground No. 31 is equivalent to Yu Ling's private training ground. Whenever a ninja wants to go there to train, they will always see the back of Yu Ling's hard work. Of course, there are also people who want to go to the driving range and steal it. But they were all just genin. Now there are no more than three teams in the village that can beat Yu Ling, so those who come to challenge will naturally be defeated by Yu Ling. For chunin and above, everyone will have their own familiar training ground, which is not fixed at the training ground in Konoha. As a result, for more than half a year, apart from Yu Ling, only Sasuke and Naruto would occasionally visit the training ground No. 31.

While Yu Ling was still thinking about how to test the strength of his classmates, he unknowingly walked to the roof of the school. Upon seeing this, he jumped off the roof without hesitation and landed in the far corner of the podium. It seemed that no one noticed.


"Yu Ling! Why are you here so late!" As expected, only Naruto would be so enthusiastic about him. Yu Ling looked up and saw Sasuke beside Naruto.

"Good morning."

"Hey, good morning. Is this the beginning?" Yu Ling looked at the two people with some confusion. Shouldn't they still be with their parents?

He guessed it.

"The speech has already started! All the parents have left. On the stage is the old man who came to my house last time. It seems that everyone calls him the Third Hokage!" Without Yu Ling asking more questions, Naruto will naturally tell everything he knows. exposed. This innocence is truly unmatched.

"So that's it." Yu Ling thought silently. "We'd better go and listen carefully, otherwise Sandai might get angry."

"Okay." Sasuke was still so indifferent, as if he didn't want to say a word more. But if Itachi were here, he would definitely know that Sasuke was still angry. After all, the arrogant little Sasuke still couldn't bear the thought of being defeated by Yu Ling!

The audience was in a mess, most of the children fell asleep leaning on their parents, and the speech on the stage was coming to an end. No one knows why the third generation can talk for such a long time. It is not necessarily a ninjutsu.

"...As long as there are leaves flying, fire will burn! Children, pass on the will of fire!"

"Okay!" Naruto was immediately moved by this passionate speech. Even after hearing only this sentence, he actually cried out with snot and tears. A large number of eyes were focused on Naruto, while Sasuke ducked and hid behind a nearby tree. He couldn't stand the scrutiny of a group of strangers.

"Oh, that's too bad." At this time, Yu Ling only had time to scream secretly. If he did anything else, it would be even more eye-catching. So, he had to directly cover Naruto's mouth, grab his throat, and forcefully drag him aside.

After getting over the limelight, he anxiously removed the hand that had just covered Naruto's mouth and rubbed it hard on his clothes. .

"Okay, kids, wake up and get ready for school." Teacher Iruka appeared at the right time. He is a senior teacher of this ninja school. Although he is not very strong on the battlefield, his gentleness and strong theoretical knowledge comparable to Minato make him perfectly qualified for the role of teacher.

I can hear such a warm voice. The newly reported students also let down their guard and left their parents one after another, heading towards the school and walking alone.

"Let's go too." Yu Ling pulled Naruto and Sasuke and walked inside with the flow of people.

But the hand being held was pulled away instantly. Sasuke, by nature, doesn't like physical contact. As for Naruto, he didn't even need to be pulled by Yu Ling, he had already run far away.

"Naruto!" Yu Ling called, and Naruto, who was rushing to the front, was still yelling, so naturally he couldn't hear Yu Ling's voice.

In just a few steps, we reached the school playground and prepared for the first assembly.

The students have heard that the school's teachers will divide the classes freely, and then directly start doing activities on behalf of the class so that everyone can get familiar with them. However, this year's is obviously different. Some equipment has been set up on the playground.

"Okay, kids, be quiet! The first thing we have to start is the test! This year's class division is different from the past! The outstanding ones can enter deeper teaching. So, what everyone needs now is to complete everything on the field one by one. Project! If your average score is ranked high, or if you have outstanding results in a single project, you will be eligible to enter the advanced class! Let's warm up by yourself! The test will start in half an hour!" Standing on the stage is a man with the iconic scar. The face is Hiki Mori, wearing a black headscarf and an all-black coat.

Listening to such a serious and mighty voice, the students naturally divided into two categories.

One category is like Naruto: "Wow, who is this! So handsome, much more powerful than my dad!"

The other type was too frightened to speak.

However, the next second, they all became the same type of people.

Ibixi saw that none of these children were moving, and no one was making preparations at all. They were still stunned in place. He took out the whip he always had on his body, whipped the ground hard, and shouted: " Hurry up and go! What are everyone doing?"

The students ran away screaming.

"Ibiki, is this too much?" Iruka looked at Ibiki with a wry smile. He trusted Ibiki very much, who was in the Criminal Investigation Department, but he, who always loved and protected his children, couldn't stand it.

"If you don't let the children listen, it will be easy to cause trouble in the future on the battlefield." Ibixi is a real facial paralysis. No matter how hard he tries, no other part of his face can move except the eyelids and lips.

In a little-known part of the ninja world, deep in the mountains.

"How's the seed?"

"It's developing well. It's worthy of our Otsutsuki bloodline. What a genius."

"Is there anyone around?"

"Yes. The head of the Scouting Department, Yu Yefei, is keeping tabs on him personally. If there are any problems, he will report them directly."

"Okay, that's good. I, Otsutsuki, have been buried for long enough. It's time for the world to feel Otsutsuki's absolute authority again!"

"Long live the patriarch!"

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