Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 87--The collision of pure chakra

Kimimaro was stunned for a moment, grabbed the bone spur, and jumped in the opposite direction. He looked at Jugo with some uneasiness in his eyes, and slowly followed Tsukito.

He ran for a few steps without saying a word, but stopped on the branch again and looked back at Yu Ling: "Nothing can happen to Zhongwu."

"I won't let anything happen to him."

This sentence is a guarantee for Kimimaro, and it is also a confidence for himself.

The slightly orange chakra ball still shone on Yu Ling's hand, penetrating from the outside just like before.

It is first wrapped on the surface of the skin of the whole body, suppressing the Yin chakra in the body and isolating the source of chakra from the outside world, and then the Yang chakra begins to penetrate. Whether it can be integrated into the body depends on the seemingly easy penetration.

You know, the current Jugo's body is full of pure yin attributes that contradict the yang attribute chakra. If you want to participate quietly without damaging the source, you need full chakra control.

Even Yu Ling could only do it reluctantly.

"Why did the captain let this... Bones come with me on his own? Aren't you afraid that he would be harmful to me? There is absolutely no evidence to prove whether the two of them are enemies or friends..."

Moon Rabbit's eyes were fixed on the increasingly weaker purple chakra, and the uneasy alarm in his mind became louder and louder. Compared with the aggressive ninja, her auxiliary type is no different from ordinary people who have no strength. And Kimimaro is considered a strong man after all, so if he really wants to take action, it will only happen in an instant.

"Um... Moon Rabbit? I can't see that chakra anymore." Suddenly, a slightly anxious but very confused voice came from his ears.

"Huh?" Yue Rabbit was pulled out of his thoughts by this sound, and turned his head with a panic look on his face. What he saw was the devil in his heart. He stumbled, accidentally slipped off the branch, and his feet fell apart. under the tree.

"Are you okay? We can't catch up with that chakra." Kimimaro didn't catch up with him. He kicked off the tree in front of him without thinking and fell back to Tsukisagi.

"You..." Tsukito has not yet reacted, whether it was falling from the tree or Kimimaro who looked patient and gentle beside him. At a loss for words, he opened his mouth and looked at Kimimaro, unable to hold back a single word.

"What's wrong with me?" Of course he was still concerned about the task given by Yu Ling, and so was Zhongwu. But the promise made by Yu Ling made him feel more at ease, and he was no longer as anxious as he was at first. It doesn't matter if you can't catch up with chakra. Yin-type chakra is not unique to Jugo alone. As long as he uses the power of the curse seal, Kimimaro can also sense the direction through chakra. It's just that he's not as skilled as Jugo.

"You... it's nothing. Can you help me?" The eyes under the mask were staring straight at Kimimaro's handsome face. The words she spoke seemed normal, but her tone was such that she didn't even notice it. of weakness.

This is not how a qualified female ninja should behave in a mission.

"Okay. Let's go. You've delayed this task for too long." Kimimaro looked at the empty front and stretched out his hand to pull Tsukito up. Then, he jumped directly onto the branch and followed the direction of the purple chakra just now.

Yue Rabbit was stunned for a moment, his legs were stuck in place, with a confused expression on his face, and his hands had nowhere to place, swinging in front of him.

"Um...wait for me..."

So low that he couldn't even hear himself, Tsukito lowered his head slightly, shook his face vigorously, replaced it with a firm and cold expression, and followed Kimimaro's footsteps.

In order to gain the ability to sense chakra this time, Jugo absorbed too much Yin-type chakra at once, exceeding the maximum he could bear, and skipped the stage of going berserk.

Of course, Yu Ling only discovered this later.

"The yang chakra on the surface of the body can't penetrate at all? What's going on... I remember that the last time it was able to penetrate, and then it slowly resisted and intertwined, and finally merged... why did it stop here?"

He put his hands on Jugo's body and felt the abnormal chakra fluctuations. Yu Ling tried his best to suppress the Yang attribute chakra in Zhongwu's body, but it was still of no use.

It didn't take long for the Yang attribute chakra to be rejected and forced out of the body. Yu Ling was also blown away by the strong collision of two polar chakras, breaking a tree before barely stopping. When he looked at Jugo again, all he could see was a large ball of black chakra surrounding his body.

All are of Yin nature.

"What...how could it be possible to have such a strong Yin attribute? Zhongwu's body can't bear it...can't bear it?" In this soliloquy, Yu Ling seemed to have grasped a key point.

"Is it just because I can't bear it..."

Thoughts flashed through Yu Ling's mind, and he stood up and ran towards Zhong Wu.

"Chonggo's body, which has been soaked in Yin-type chakra all year round, would explode because he couldn't bear the excessive amount of chakra? The content is really quite high... I just don't know where the limit of Jugo is. "

Zhonggo's body wrapped in gray matter vaguely appeared in the black mist, lying flat on the ground, his limbs still changing under the wrapping of Yin chakra. His whole body was shaking erratically, and low-pitched roars could be heard from time to time.

It only took a few seconds for Yu Ling to run to Zhongwu's side, panting slightly, looking at the increasing size of the Yin-type chakra, and couldn't help but move his legs back. However, the speed of retreat was barely equal to the speed at which the black mist grew larger.

Now it is no longer Jugo who is actively attracting, but the large amount of Yin-type chakra in nature, feeling the powerful chakra fluctuations, surrounding them one after another on their own initiative.

"Yu Ling... don't come here... I can still... ah!" Zhongwu slowly stood up, his whole body had become inhuman, except for that one eye, which was suppressed by Zhongwu. , Yin-type chakra was stuck in a circle around the eyes, and it was impossible to cover that piece of skin.

His expression was unusually ferocious, his upper teeth were biting his lower lip, and blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth. The growling became more frequent.

"Zhongwu... just hold on, I'll be fine soon." Yu Ling backed up and leaned against a tree.

"We can't retreat anymore. If we don't control Jugo... Kimimaro will also become a destabilizing factor."

His hands began to form seals, trembling slightly, but his frightened expression did not change at all. There is no doubt that the spirit is affected by the negative chakra.

The form of pure chakra has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the influence of chakra itself on the elements in the body, which is now the ability that affects Yu Ling's heart. The disadvantage is that it can be absorbed and dispersed. And this is exactly what Yu Ling plans to do.

In just three seals, the best wind escape ninjutsu was completed.

"Wind Release: Lie Kong Palm!" His arms were still trembling, and the wind-attribute chakra barely gathered in his palms was also trembling. More unstable than usual and difficult to collect. The C-level ninjutsu that usually can be cast quickly took ten seconds to take shape.

Both hands were pushed out at the same time, aiming at the center of the large cloud of Yin-type chakra in the air. But Yu Ling's chakra was still a little weak against the power of nature.

Liekongzhang rushed into the black scene, as if he was stuck in a quagmire. Not to mention dispelling such a large amount of chakra, even if you want to penetrate it, it is an extremely challenging goal.

"Is the power of the Fire Sky Palm a little too weak? Increasing the amount of chakra will only be of no avail. So, what if we change to another ninjutsu?" The wind clone landed on the side. In such an environment, his body rioted. Discord's chakra doesn't look so violent anymore...

"Feng, you rush to the center of the black mist, and then I will release the clone."

"Yes, Master."

The wind clone's boarding ninjutsu is the strongest wind escape ninjutsu that Yu Ling currently masters. If this still doesn't work, he will have to find another way.

The wind clone released the wind attribute chakra on the soles of its feet, accelerated through the air and rushed into the black mist. Jumping high inside, waiting for Yu Ling's operation,

But Yu Ling outside the black mist seemed to have encountered a little trouble... It could be relieved, but it felt like the wind attribute chakra inside was suppressed.

"Never mind, let's cancel it first."

"Clone·Removal. Wind Escape·Eye of the Storm!"

The expected strong wind did not appear, but the wind attribute chakra actually existed in the middle of the black curtain, and Yu Ling could also feel it. It's just that there is no way to control it. It's like being out of the signal area and having no way to control it. What isolates and controls nature is this thick layer of darkness.

The strongest wind escape could not shake this seemingly illusory but actually solid black curtain, so Yu Ling gave up the idea of ​​"dispelling" it. He lowered his hands, forcibly restrained the fear imposed on his heart, and walked towards the dark side.

I still don't have any countermeasures in my mind. Looking at the increasing amount of Yin chakra, his brows furrowed even more.

Internally, the hostility unique to Chonggo also emerged.

"Yang Chakra is probably the only one that is useful... When it was first applied, there was not a lot of it, so it was barely suppressed. Now, the non-condensed Yin chakra should theoretically be able to suppress it gradually. It’s a...method, let’s try it and then talk about it.”

The yin attribute controls the spirit, and the yang attribute controls the form. Shape Controlling God is the method that Yu Lingxin thought of. The method is still mainly suppression.

Without any ninjutsu, pure chakra release, attaching an orange shimmer to the outermost layer of the black curtain.

The earthworm shakes the tree without any effect.

Unable to suppress the Yin-type chakra running around in his body, Jugo went completely berserk. His last eye turned into a yellow cross, and horns even grew on his head. It was also the first time for him to enter this form.

Yu Ling also saw this change. But I can't think of any solution. All the knowledge he had learned in his daily life seemed to disappear, his mind went blank, and he could do nothing except struggling to control the yang-type chakra in his hands.

"No...I promised Kimimaro...the two of them have helped us in more ways than one. Even if it is just to repay their help and trust, nothing can happen to Juugo..."

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