Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 85--Forbidden Technique·Eight Gate Escape

"Huh? It's a bit interesting...but it's still not enough!" The mysterious man slowly floated up, but his mouth was unforgiving.

"Isn't it enough? Then...the second gate of the Eight Gate Dunjia, Hugh Gate, open!" In this state, Kai could no longer feel the fatigue. One hundred percent of the effort was made with the whole body, and the consumption caused by opening the door was offset.

"Two states? It's a really good ability...but can you master it?"

"Can't come up? Well... I really can't come up. Okay! The third door of the Eight-door Dunjia, the Shengmen, is open!" The attack power and speed are further improved. Blood oozed from the body surface and slowly turned red. At this point, the safe zone of the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation is over. This is also an area that Kai is now able to master.

"Is there a higher form... Then maybe this is not the end of this move. That kind of powerful vitality seems to be comparable to the five elders. It seems that you need to be more careful."

The mysterious man frowned slightly, swinging the hook left and right in his hand, and stared at the young man in green who was squatting on the ground.

"I'm coming! Take my attack! Konoha Fluid Art·Omote Lotus!"

The mysterious man is in the air, eliminating the need to knock the enemy into the air and then catch up in the air. He used both legs on the spot and made a deep leap. His whole body rushed straight upward, leaving behind two vague footprints and a series of air waves.

"Such a strong explosive power... I should be able to dodge my Moon Step. Physical strength is not my strong point." Another kick in the air, breaking through the air and moving smoothly laterally, leaving the track that Kai rushed up to. The hook was dragged in place, and the invisible, colorless and odorless thread was placed in mid-air, between the two clouds.

"Yeah! Look, I'm coming up right now! However, it's a bit far-fetched to use the Pyo Lianhua from such a distance." Kai straightened his legs and leaned his arms back, minimizing the resistance of the air.

Then, he stepped out in mid-air...

Kai can also move in the air!

The bonus of the Eight Gate Armor allows the protection of body functions to be directly unlocked, allowing 100% use of all the muscles in the body. Coupled with the bonus of the technique itself, Kai's speed is already comparable to that mysterious man from the Otsutsuki clan!

The secret to moving in the air is that it requires a lot of pressure from a large surface. Opening to the third door, Kai has met this condition!

"He can also walk on the moon? What's going on...how can he understand the secret Qi Flow Skill passed down by the family?"

The mysterious man hurriedly took a big step back, his footprints deeply engraved in the air. The air flow clearly passed through the sides of the legs, driving the body to move backward.

Kai kicked again... with the power to break through the sound barrier, stepping through the clouds, and a noise like the roar of thousands of lions erupted from his heel. He leaned forward and suddenly exerted his strength to sprint again.

As if flashing, the light green figure disappeared from the eyes of the mysterious man in an instant. A breathless Kai, dragging his afterimage, appeared behind the mysterious man.

"Hehe... I succeeded! Konoha Fluid Technique·Shadow Dance Leaf!"

This is the first part of Biao Lianhua, which is a move to control the opponent's body shape. Also using the force in the air, Kai crawled all over the illusory air, kicked his right leg vertically upwards, and aimed at the mysterious man's back.

"Will this be useful? I can still capture your movements...paper drawings. Huh? Can't your body keep up..."

The mysterious man turned his head and stared at Kai below him, and used his family's Qi Flow Kung Fu and Tai Technique with a look of disdain. However, the super soft body shape that was supposed to appear did not appear as usual. It's like being locked, my eyes can follow, but my body is imprisoned.


The glaring Kai had somewhat of a mental impact on the mysterious man.

After all, Kai now consumes his own life force to support his high-intensity battle. The energy and so-called aura that burst out cannot be resisted by pure chakra.

"Here we go! One kick!" The ability to walk in the air indirectly facilitates the second stage attack in the air. After the kick flew away, Kai caught up again and added a kick without hesitation.

The mysterious man still couldn't escape. Being able to walk in the air used to be his advantage, but now it was suppressed. The frustration in his heart was beyond words, but his expression remained indifferent.

"The ability to escape...what impact does that have on God? Anyone who blasphemes God will be punished!"

He closed his eyes slightly and allowed Kai to catch up below. His body shape remained the same, motionless. Pull your hands back from the drooping position, place them on your waist, and slowly complete the postures one by one.

"Succeeded! Konoha Fluid Technique: Table Lotus!" After three consecutive ascending kicks, the real master finally appeared. This move is a powerful taijutsu created by Kai, and is classified as a B-level taijutsu in Konoha's taijutsu scroll. Moreover, the requirements for this physical skill are also relatively stringent. It can only be used if the Eight Gates of Dunjia are activated.

Kai, who has opened three doors, can use his own physical skills at his fingertips. Opening his arms naturally, tightening his legs, and kicking his legs at the same time, he approached the mysterious man and untied the bandages wrapped around his arms. The skin full of scars was exposed, and bandages stained with blood were wrapped around the mysterious man's body in layers. The limbs are naturally included.

Kai and the mysterious man's body began to spin, and the surrounding airflow was cut and squeezed out. A vacuum appears around the cyclone. This is an area without any focus.

"What...are you actually using an item like this...my seal was interrupted...this can only be regarded as a mortal wishing for death."

The title of the strongest in the ninja world cannot be given up even if it is beaten. If he thinks he is a god, then he is a god.

It's just that this time, I have to endure it firmly.

"Ah! The blow of burning youth... fell!" The sky that was tens of meters above the ground was crossed in an instant.


Head down, they both landed at the same time. The figure with green light jumped out of the smoke and somersaulted twice before landing on the flat ground not far away. As the target of the attack, the mysterious man is not that simple.

His head was driven directly into the ground, cracks surrounded the surrounding area, and his hands and feet had been released, but he was not in a hurry.

Just stay rooted in the ground, your feet are hanging quietly in the air, your hands are placed on your chest, and you quietly continue to form the seal. His back was to Kai, and his hands were just in the blind spot of his vision.

Kai was panting heavily on the side, staring closely at the mysterious man in front of him, with his hands on his knees, and the green light on his body slowly faded.

"Are you... going to die?" What the mysterious man saw in his vision was the gradually weakening vitality. The previously strong energy level returned to the level of a normal person.

Kai's eight doors have been closed for the time being.

"I've missed you too much! I can fight again... but you, can you get out?" Kai panted, barely holding back a sentence with some space.

"Ha... You're still being stubborn after this. Next, it's my turn." The mysterious man still didn't emerge from the soil, his head fell into the soil, and his dull voice spread along the ground to Kai.

"You say I'm tough with my mouth? Let me tell you, my body is tough too! Can you come out first and then fight me? I won't make a sneak attack."

"Come on. Otherwise, you will lose directly. And the price is your life."

"Huh? Can you stop talking nonsense? Come out, are you scared?" Kai's tone was not forgiving, but his actions were honest. He ran his hand down the leg bone and took off the orange leggings. What was exposed was a total of twelve pieces of iron weight. The number on each piece is the same 15kg.

"I gave you a chance..."

"Oh...then you still haven't come out..." The two sides faced each other, each preparing his next step and stimulating the other at the same time. It's just that there are some differences in mentality.

"Yomi Hirazan!"

"The third gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, the Sheng Gate, open!"

Yingying green light once again wrapped around Kai's body, and the mysterious man disappeared directly into a black pixel surface, with no breath at all.

"Huh? Where... the chakra reaction disappeared immediately, I can't feel anything. Even my fighting intuition can't help me." Kai scratched his head, not being able to see the enemy's actions really made him a little bit nervous.

In another space, the mysterious man stood next to Kai, swinging the hook high in his hand. The two spaces overlapped but could not affect each other, so the mysterious man could not hurt Kai for the time being.

"Kimimaro, are you awake?"


"Do you remember anything?"

"I remember...two hundred and fifty-nine days ago, I ate roast rabbit for lunch that day."

"Why do you remember this thing?"

"This is what's at the forefront of my memory. This is what comes to mind as soon as I think about it."

"What about...what else?"

"Something else? What else?"


"Orochimaru...this name is familiar. But I probably don't recognize it."

"Don't you know...it's interesting."

"Interesting? Why is it interesting?"

"Nothing. Okay, Tsukito, Jugo. It's time for us to set off."



"Yomi Hirazan!" The black pixel cave appeared again, this time, just to Kai's right. The figure did not appear, only a hand holding a purple hook was exposed. The hook flicked horizontally, scraping a large area and piercing Kai.

"It seems it's too late... The fourth door, the injury door, open!"

Indeed, Kai's extreme speed just now was not enough to avoid this unpredictable attack. But the conditioned reflex of the muscles gave him another way.

Open more "doors". This gate is naturally the seal of the Eight Gate Dunjia. With the blessing of the fourth gate, Kai's speed further increased, and he jumped out of the hook's attack range in an instant.

"Can I still speed up...Eight Gate Dunjia...Could it be that there are really eight gates? Then he only has half of his power now. I'm really envious of such a pure and huge life force. If the elder knew that I solved such a The character should be greatly praised. Well, go all out and defeat him."

The mysterious man became serious. The seal that had just been completed appeared again at this moment, with a few more seals appearing for no reason.

"Looking at it this way, the intensity we prepared just now is indeed not enough. So, how about strengthening it a little bit?"

"Ninja Technique: Extraction!"

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