Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 68--Shadow Clone Civil War

"Shuiyue, are you okay..." With a look of disgust and concern, he looked at Shuiyue who was still trembling slightly, feeling speechless.

"I...it's okay. Oh, I'm still so scared when I see him..." Shuiyue trembled, folded her arms, looked forward, and walked nervously, following Xiang Ling's side.

"Are you still not a man? You are very strong, okay? The Guideng family has been completely embarrassed by you."

"Hey, you are not worthy of discussing my family with me!" Shuiyue suddenly raised her voice, turned her head and stared at Xiang Li with a very serious expression.

"Puch! Hahaha, okay. You get excited when I talk about ghost lanterns. Really. Idiot..." Xiang Lu covered her mouth and smiled secretly. What she was waiting for was Shuiyue's expression. As long as he talks about the family he was born into, Shuiyue will be extremely serious. No matter what the situation is, he will change his focus and fight to defend his identity.

"That's... ugly." He had tried this method countless times, but it was still equally effective. Although I was unhappy, at least I received some kindness from Xiang Phosphorus. Shuiyue said no more and followed obediently.

"Talking..." Xiang Liao shook his head, leaped to the branch in front of him, leaned to the right, and hid his body behind the trunk.

"What's wrong?" Shuiyue didn't have the perception ability of Xiang Lian, so he naturally knew nothing about the chakra reaction that Xiang Lian learned about. But the body still bent consciously and smoothly lay on the tree trunk.

"That clone, he stopped. He probably encountered those two Konoha ninjas."

"That's it. Why don't you follow me, you ugly guy..."

"You... the ninja with the curse seal will also have some sensory abilities. We will be discovered in the past. Idiot!" Xiang Ling glared angrily, but he didn't dare to scream loudly. He just stood there, bulging with anger. Explained to Shuiyue.

"Hey, I don't have a curse seal...how would I know...ugly."

"Me neither? You're just stupid. Idiot."

"Don't rely on your perception ability to fool me! You ugly monster!"



"Don't argue with idiots..."


"Tomorrow! Tomorrow?" Under Yu Ling's guidance, Mingyue looked back and found Mingri, who was flying towards them.

However, there are some changes in appearance.

"Mingyue, his chakra is not normal."

"What? He... Captain, what is going on?" Mingyue only saw the changed skin on the body surface, and the violent chakra was not something Mingyue could feel yet.

"Hmm...I don't know. But I feel that tomorrow's chakra is no longer inside." Yu Ling stared at the body of tomorrow's clone carefully, and the passionate natural chakra inside was gone. There was only violent chakra with a little bit of scarlet.

"Tomorrow... nothing can happen to you."


Tomorrow's clone stopped, with its arms hanging down to the ground, its legs bent, and its upper body leaning forward.

"Tomorrow! What's wrong with you?" Mingyue couldn't hold it back, and Yu Ling ran out before he could react. He didn't even draw his dagger, and just ran towards Tomorrow's clone empty-handed.




"Onii-chan and the others should be able to complete the task well, right? Phew, it's really easy to finish my work."


A palm flew out horizontally, hitting Mingyue running towards the waist.



"Hey, Mingyue! That's no longer tomorrow! Come back quickly!"

That's too late.

The uncontrollable figure in the air was caught up by the clone of Tomorrow's body, and another punch hit Ming Yue from top to bottom.

"Tomorrow you..."


Mingyue didn't have the physique of the current pseudo-Tomorrow. After the clone received this heavy blow, it turned into white smoke, returned to the form of chakra, and floated away in the air.


Tomorrow roared, his body lowered to the ground, and his limbs spread out to tightly grasp the soil. The scratches around the area are clearly visible.

"Tomorrow...is a bit like those monsters. The clone is really difficult to deal with. I don't know what happened to Tomorrow's body now."

Yu Ling flicked his thumb, and instantly the hidden sword popped out and he held it with both hands. The improved Tian Lingliu's starting position appeared again, and the clone faced another monster without fear.

"Tomorrow, where is tomorrow?"

The last moment when the clone disappears, the first moment when the main body wakes up. My mind is filled with thoughts of a violent tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, where are you tomorrow?" Without even opening her eyes, Mingyue lay on the ground and opened her mouth to yell.

"Oh brother, what are you shouting for? I'm right over here." Hearing her brother's anxious voice tomorrow, Mingyue was a little curious and rolled over.

"Tomorrow? Are you...are you okay?" Mingyue was stunned for a moment. Looking at the normal ninja in front of her, Mingyue really doubted her own eyes. The gap between this and the clone that attacked him just now is really huge.

"Why are you okay?" Two questions in a row made Ming Ming a little confused.

"Brother, what's wrong? I've always been fine. Is there any problem?" Although Tomorrow has gone deep into the tiger's den, there is no problem with his body at all. I just lost a clone.

"Then...are you still controlling the clone now? Stop him quickly! My clone was destroyed by him. Now he is still attacking Captain Tianling!" Mingyue remembered the problems the captain was still facing. . The rampaging clone of Tomorrow is a troublesome existence even for their captain. The clone loses the advantage of using other clones. One-on-one duel is very disadvantageous for Yu Ling who does not have powerful means.

Tomorrow rarely sees his brother anxious, but after listening to his words, there is really nothing he can do.

"Brother... I have already released my clone a long time ago. At Orochimaru's base, I took the initiative to release the clone before I was attacked." Tomorrow squatted down, holding his brother's shoulders, patiently explained.

"Then... who is that person? He looks very similar to you, with the skin that Jugo and Kimimaro had when they went berserk. The chakra... the captain said it is also very similar. Who is that person..." With the support of tomorrow Next, Mingyue, who was still a little shocked, sat up, holding her head and thinking hard, but she couldn't figure out the identity of that person.

"Brother...that person, shouldn't you say...shouldn't disappear after the clone is released? It's impossible...brother, I'm sure the clone has been released a long time ago?" Tomorrow was a little incoherent. He still remembered the moment when he was dominated by that violent chakra. These possible characteristics all point to the clone before tomorrow.

However, this is not theoretically possible.

"Tomorrow, don't talk nonsense. How can the clone that has been released still exist?"

"But brother, I remember that the violent chakra almost controlled my mind a second before it was released. I don't know what the clone will be after the support of chakra is released..."

"It's impossible, the clone...is it possible that it can still exist on its own? Even for Kakashi-senpai, it is said that the clone has its own consciousness, but it still needs to rely on the chakra control of the main body? No, no, tomorrow, don't think anymore. Now. Let’s protect this place first.”

"Okay brother." Mingyue said so many words at once. Tomorrow rarely saw such a scene. Somewhat frightened, he turned around and walked towards Jugo, looking back from time to time to check on his brother's condition.

"It's so abnormal."

Mingyue hasn't stood up yet, still holding her forehead.

"What happened to my brother? Captain...hasn't he come back yet?"

"Captain Tianling...Tomorrow's clone...free existence..." Without any clue, Mingyue held her head in her hands, eyes wide open, staring at an ant in front of her in disbelief.

"Tomorrow Mingyue, you are all back. How is the mission?" After hearing Mingyue's roar, Yuetu put down Kimimaro and stood up and walked over.

"Yue Rabbit... There may have been some changes in the mission... So far, everything is going well. I have collected some intelligence, and the captain has also approached the secret stronghold. I have also sent back the enemy's information!" Hearing Yue Rabbit's call tomorrow, he He stopped and looked at his brother worriedly before answering properly.

Mingyue said nothing.

"Ming Yue? What about your mission over there? Hey, what is the accident you are talking about tomorrow? Is it serious?" Yue Rabbit also noticed Ming Yue who was addicted to his own world, but that "accident" was more attractive. .

"Well...actually it's not a big deal, it's just...well, I can't seem to get rid of my clone."

"Ah? What do you mean? The clone cannot be removed... What about your clone..."

"Tomorrow! I told you not to talk nonsense anymore." Mingyue suddenly raised her head, and her bloodshot eyes were directly exposed to the sun through the holes in the mask.


"I said, it's impossible! Stop saying it."

"Mingyue, what is going on?" Yuetu became even more curious. Mingyue looked a little distracted, and she felt inexplicably distressed. Of course, it was also surprising.

"I... my clone just now... was knocked back to chakra form by a clone who looked like Asuka. In... Jugo's berserk state, it only took one blow."

"One blow... it's so strong. No, no! You said... he looks like Tomorrow, and has that terrifying chakra?" Yue Rabbit caught the key point, and couldn't help but step back, and blocked it with trembling hands. on the chest.

Even the intensity of the genjutsu cast on Kimimaro dropped.

"Well...it's really like this. I ran over at that time...and got hit unexpectedly. And now Captain Tianling is the only one left.

Without perception, neither Mingri nor Mingyue could detect the two ninjas watching from a distance.

But that doesn't mean Yu Ling can't find it. That's only a few thousand meters away, and if you only need the chakra outline, it's a piece of cake.

"Are there two helpers behind you? They are really cutting the grass and eradicating the roots."


"Why does this person want to kill me? Is it just because I'm close to the hinterland?" The brain is running at high speed, not only to ensure his own safety, but also to calculate the manipulator behind the scenes.

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