Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 64--Another weirdo

"It seems there are people around." Yu Ling's shadow clone walked to a big tree and stopped.

"The water vapor was a little thick at the beginning. Is there something wrong?" Mingyue noticed that the mist was getting thicker and thicker, and the amount of chakra inside also increased to the point where he could feel it.

"Yes. This fog is not naturally formed. It seems that there are two people on the side of us, and one of them is moving in our direction, and the speed is not slow."

"Captain, do you want me to fight?" Tomorrow's clone jumped in front of Yu Ling eagerly. For some reason, he sensed the chakra of the person coming from the side, and even felt an inexplicable attraction.

"Well... ok, pay attention to protect your own information. If you can't defeat it, just cancel it, and then send the message to our body." Yu Ling thought about it and agreed to this invitation.

In this situation, it is indeed most appropriate for Tomorrow to resist head-on. As a cover, let Yu Ling and Mingyue continue to sneak in.

"Okay, then I'm leaving!" Tomorrow's legs were slightly bent, as if they were on a string.

"Wait a minute, I feel that the unmoving ninja is sentient. If you go directly, our plan will be discovered. You can only stay here now, wait for that person to come, and then delay him. The captain and I will continue first Moving forward." Mingyue grabbed Mingri's arm behind her, calmly analyzed the current situation, and with a flick, threw Mingri behind a tree, hiding herself slightly.

"Okay. Then leave this place to me!"

"Okay. Be careful."

As soon as Yu Ling and Mingyue set off, Tomorrow stopped staying where he was and ran directly towards the ninja approaching him.

"Mingyue, your brother... still doesn't obey."

"I see... I'm sorry for causing you trouble, Captain."

"It's okay, his heart is also for the mission. This should not affect our mission."

"I hope so. Fortunately, it's a clone, so there's no need to worry."

"Stop talking, the air around you is getting a little tense..."


"Will something happen to Yu Ling and the others? There is no news after so long."

"Captain, they have only been gone for a day. Didn't the border guard send a letter saying that they are fine?"

Similar conversations like this have happened countless times throughout the day.

After the Tianling team went to support, Kushina felt a little uneasy. The Kyuubi gave her the ability to sense evil. She was always vigilant in this forest, and her spirit was never able to relax.

"That's right, you see Yu Ling is so strong, he will be fine. Besides, he is a passionate young man who has inherited my youth!" Kai turned his head and looked at Kushina, raised his right hand and raised his big Thumb, showing a mouth of white teeth.

"Is your blood... useful? Hey Kai..."


Metkai crashed into a tree in front of him. Before the bag that had been punched out had disappeared, a new one came out of it.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

"Idiot." Kushina jumped over the edge without even looking.

"Hey, Captain! Don't leave me..."

"Hurry up and follow." Asuma rushed over, grabbed Kai's wrist, took advantage of the momentum to pull him up, and threw him to the tree trunk in front, and then returned to Kurenai's side.

"Hey, don't worry..."

"Captain of the Dark Force..."

"Oh, okay! Then let us use the blood of youth to save..."

"Shut up."

"Yes, Captain."

"Just let me behave well."

Tomorrow kicked out and flew towards the visitor.

For some reason, he could clearly detect that person's chakra this time, including its flow, shape, attributes, and even storage capacity. He also plans to use this time to make a splash and prove his talent and individual combat capabilities.

"I will definitely not fail this time."

The cold light flashed, and the short knife in his hand shook up and down, reflecting the sun that was at its peak.

"Haha, I took the bait." The man running towards the shadow clone of Tomorrow raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Naturally, he could also feel Tomorrow running over.

Two black figures faced each other, sprinting through the forest. Leaves were blown off by the strong wind and scattered in the gaps between the trees.



The two black shadows separated as soon as they touched.

The dagger met the kunai, but the sound of metal collision did not occur as expected.

"Hey, you are quite enthusiastic. Come with me." The man stood in the shadow of the trees, and his erotic voice reached the ears of Tomorrow's shadow clone across a few trees.

"Anbu will not rebel! I want to show my power, so you can stay here!" He raised his knife and sprinted again. A deep footprint was carved on the branch, and the crack gradually spread to the connection between the branch and the trunk.

"Childish hahahaha, it's just you, forget it. Come with me." The man sneered, turned around, and prepared to set off in the opposite direction.

"I advise you not to underestimate me..." How can some arrogant Tomorrow swallow such ridicule? The short knife in his hand slashed through the air, carrying a shock of chakra, and flew towards the back of the man in the shadow.

"I told you, can't you just follow me?" The sword slashed through the man's body and continued to move forward along the original trajectory, as if it had never touched anything.

The man's body separated twice just now, and then merged together again after the sword energy flew past, leaning lazily against the tree trunk.

"Who are you..." Tomorrow was a little panicked. He had never seen a ninja who directly avoided the attack. Other opponents would at least hide or block it with ninjutsu. But it was motionless but harmless. This was the first time he had seen it.

"Don't worry so much, just follow me. Hurry up and follow!" He tapped one foot lightly and floated in the air as if there was no weight.

"Are you... also from Orochimaru?" It's always good to get more information. Even if there seems to be no hope of defeating this man, you can still delay for a while tomorrow and rely on the memory of the clone to transmit some information.

"That's right, you know...you know it and you come here to hang out? Are you causing trouble? If you leave, you may never come back!" The man didn't care, he shouted without looking back.

"Is that so... Orochimaru, what kind of ninja is he? As a companion of Konoha, shouldn't he..."

"Companion? Lord Orochimaru was abandoned by Konoha, hahaha. It's just that he is not a good person. But, he is very strong." With a little timidity, the man said with some compliments , the whole body trembled unnaturally, and a few drops of water fell to the side.

Such details will naturally not be noticed tomorrow.

"How could it be... Konoha is a very stable and gentle village..." This kind of information is far from the Konoha in Tomorrow's impression, and I don't agree with this view from the bottom of my heart. "He must have done something bad to..."

"Oh, why do you care so much? Hey, hey, did I catch you, or did you catch me? I haven't even interrogated you yet, why are you talking so much? Don't ask blind questions if you have nothing to do, just follow me. Don't You won’t obey until I knock you out.”

"Okay..." Such doubts rarely appeared in Tomorrow's heart, and he followed the man worriedly, thinking about the strange information and the situation in front of him.

"We can't just be brought into Orochimaru's base. We must maintain the ability to act independently. If the clone cannot be released, it will be troublesome." Tomorrow's reason still kept warning him about this. In this kind of decoy operation, the important thing is to ensure your own actions. If you are injured or caught, you will really lose the captain and his subordinates.

"What are you thinking about? Hurry up and run! I'm going to die of thirst! If you don't run faster, I'm going to dry out." The man in front complained and hid in the bushes nearby. , stopped and stared at the dull eyes of tomorrow. "You can't hear me! Hey, hey, don't run around by yourself!"

Although he was very reluctant and had not replenished his water, the man jumped out lazily and followed tomorrow. Such a prisoner could not be lost.

"Can you be obedient, you bastard! Are you my prisoner, okay? It will be troublesome to make my boss angry!" The man looked at Tomorrow's psychedelic pace, a little impatient, and his body showed signs of evaporation, and the water vapor rising around the body.

"Oh...oh, okay..." Tomorrow's main body was still thinking about the problem, and he forgot to cut off the nerves that controlled the clone, and actually left the clone in a "hang-up" state for a while. Only when he came back to his senses did he realize the change in the scene. He hurriedly controlled his avatar to familiarize himself with the surroundings. After taking note of some landforms, he followed the man safely.

This time he turned around and saw the man's true face.

White hair, shark teeth, white face, thin body, a bit looming... nose.

"What are you..." The strange appearance further changed Tomorrow's impression of Orochimaru. Each of his subordinates has weirder abilities and weirder appearances... Orochimaru, one of the dignified Sannin, has become like a zoo manager in Tomorrow's heart...

"What did you say? Did you just speak? I obviously heard you...are you curious about my appearance?" The man turned his head and stared at Mingri with a cute expression, asking questions all the time. . After a few words, he turned around and walked backwards.

"It's nothing... I'm just curious about your... Ninja Village..." Tomorrow lowered his head hesitantly, unable to bear to look directly into the man's eyes, and replied with numerous pauses and some hypocrisy.

A big tree in front was facing the man's back, and he ran into it without any precaution.


Tomorrow reminded the man from the bottom of his heart, but he held it back and did not shout.

And the man actually surrounded the tree trunk, turned into two pools of water, passed through, and condensed together on the other side of the tree trunk, turning into a human form.

Just the same way as before when dealing with Tomorrow's slash.

"Are you... the water that turns into sperm?"

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