Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 60--The second crushing

"Is it really not possible? Didn't you control his emotions easily just now, and could you completely suppress him?" Yu Ling ignored Kimimaro's request. After all, the roles were reversed now, and he took over How could Yu Ling, who had the advantage, consider the enemy first?

"He...has been in this state for too long, and I have no choice. The only way is to knock him down forcefully...Ahem! Ahem!"

The blood was darker.

"Okay, you seem to have a serious health problem. I'll come as soon as I can. Don't die." After saying that, Yu Ling dragged his injured right shoulder and walked towards Zhongwu. For Kimimaro, who is also injured and temporarily depleted of chakra, leaving Tsuki Usagi behind should be enough.

"Yu Ling... no, the mercy of the enemy is the shame of a ninja... only the trust of Lord Orochimaru..."

"Okay, um... Kimimaro, just have a good rest. If the captain spares your life, you will still be useful. Don't think about letting me kill you." Yuetu walked over and heard this. Talking to himself, he explained helplessly.

"You... okay. Ahem!" He was still vomiting thick blood, but he still couldn't die for the time being. With his body imprisoned and being watched, it was impossible to die alone.

But even though he knew there was no hope, Kimimaro still tried to break free. He continued to twist, his tongue caught between his teeth.

"Hey, be honest. Huh? This can't be done like this. Illusion: Naraku no Jutsu." Yue Rabbit felt the strange movement and strange temperament. He turned around and saw the scene of trying to achieve his own results without hesitation. used illusions.

"You forced me to do this. There's really no need..." Yue Rabbit also saw this young man's strength with his own eyes. For him who was defeated now, Yue Rabbit also felt a little regretful about this. But the mission is the mission. This young man stopped them. He obviously knew something about this area and this ninja village. Similarly, what he said about "Lord Orochimaru" also made people a little concerned, and of course he couldn't die easily.

"Yuetu, keep an eye on him." The voices of the five Yulings came from afar, low and lifeless. The main body didn't look back, and took its legs hard step by step.

Blood flowed from the shoulder.

These five clones are now the final bet against Jugo. Including the fire clones, wind clones and the water clones that were already on the field, a total of eight clones gathered here. Standing behind them were the two brothers Mingri Mingyue who were injured, and Yu Ling who was seriously injured.

"Captain, why are you..." Tomorrow has much more mission experience than Yu Ling, and he has seen many seriously injured people. But what was in front of him was the strong man in his heart. He had suffered such obvious serious injuries, but still relied on perseverance to support this... child, which once again brought a bit of shock.

"Well...I'm fine. Let's deal with this Jugo first. His chakra is an advantage, but his fighting style is incomparable to the boy I just fought against. My clone should be able to handle it. Protect yourself." , Yu Ling actually sat down, took out gauze and some herbs, leaned against the tree trunk with concentration and treated the wound by himself.

"Not... Captain? This, this person is very strong! We just fought for so long and couldn't hurt him." Tomorrow was anxious. The captain's injured appearance and current countermeasures made him unable to react. Somewhat crazy, he held up the knife, supported it on his brother, and stuttered intermittently.

"Tomorrow, calm down." Mingyue didn't understand either, but still chose to trust the captain. Since becoming the captain, Yu Ling has never had any problems with his decision-making, and there probably won't be any now.

"Yes. According to the memories fed back by the clones, in the previous battle, my five clones could completely defeat this monster. Even though he is stronger now, my clones have also increased. Besides, with the previous combat experience, now It will be better to target his weaknesses. After all, he has no reason now. He is just a source of chakra. He has no systematic tactics and will not change. At most, he is just a more difficult target. Cough." Yu Ling He put down the tools in his hands, forced a smile, looked up at the two brothers and explained.

"Is that so... Then just now..." Tomorrow did not continue. The damage caused by the three clones to the monster just now can be said to be minimal, not even as serious as the damage caused by the two brothers.

"That's it...it seems that these clones are still not good at assisting. But they are still good at coordinating attacks. Let's see first...cough." Yu Ling heard this hesitation and said to himself.

"Assistant...could you say?" Mingyue understood. The three clones just now were not attacking at all, they were just covering their actions, or... and applying buffs. Without the speed bonus, the two brothers would have been seriously injured.

"Brother? What do you mean?" Tomorrow couldn't hear the words that seemed to be introspection, so he still asked his brother confused.

"Well, it's okay. Just watch this battle. I have some confidence in my captain." Mingyue didn't waste any more words to explain. After all, facts speak louder than words.

"Okay." Even though he was worried, Tomorrow still closed his mouth, suppressed his doubts, sat next to Yu Ling, and looked at the monster and eight clones.

"Blood...blood! I smell it! That's the smell of blood! Kill...kill them all!" Zhongwu stood quietly, shook his head, sniffed hard, and felt the smell under the tree not far away. Sitting there, smelling of blood...prey.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder and Lightning Strike."

A lightning beam shot out from the fingertips and hit Zhongwu's chest in an instant, leaving a not deep mark.

"Ah...it hurts, bastard! There's no smell of blood...but you're going to die too! Curse Seal: Explosive Blow!" The wind was generated from the fist, chakra exploded, and the entire body was driven by the arms, aiming at the thunder clone and flying towards it.

"Everyone, get ready." Even though he was very confident in these clones, Yu Ling felt his heart twitching quietly as it was the first time he faced such a monster.

The eight clones all put into Tian Lingliu's starting position, and faced Chongwu who was running towards him with a wild laugh.

"Ah hahaha! Die, you little bastard!"

The fist hit hard, chakra burst out from the back of the elbow for the second time, and the speed of the fist increased again.

"Tian Lingliu·Second Style·Phantom Disappearance." The thunder clone disappeared.

The seven clones on the side also disappeared.

Chongwu attacked from above, which naturally left a lot of space below.

With the addition of this Taijutsu flow, just bending down, squatting, and sliding sideways are easy for these clones.

A large crater opened up in the ground, and all the clones were intact, taking advantage of this attack to surround Jugo.

"Cunning, bastard! Just stand there and wait to die! I'll kill you one by one... Cursed Seal and Earthquake Flame!" He waved his arms high, and the thick black substance was retracted from the body, turning back into an ordinary piston fist. , under the pull of gravity, they hit the ground at the same time.

Ahead, facing the location of Lei's clone, was another big pit. A large pit extending in a direction, accompanied by strong air currents erupting from the ground from time to time, attacks the thunder clone from a distance.


At a faster speed, the thunder clone turned into a black shadow, moving away from the steam that was spewing out from the ground.

"Rat, rat! Hahahaha, what can you do to escape? Kill you..." Jumping high on the spot, Zhongwu laughed wildly in the air, beating himself, staring at the lightning clones running around, ignoring them directly others.

"The opportunity is good."

"Indeed, do it."

"Then I'll start."

The minds of the five people were running at high speed, receiving and sending information. Everything is done within milliseconds. They put their hands in a posture and aimed in the same direction.

According to Yu Ling's perception, they were two fire clones, two wind clones, and one earth clone.

From this point of view, it is another combination ninjutsu.

"Earth Escape·The gravel dances wildly."

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

"Wind Release·Wind Cut Technique."

A relatively basic combination of ninjutsu has been completed. Many times of cooperation and experimentation have made this move perfect. At the same time, the two extra clones on the side are not decorations.

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

"Wind Release·Fengqie."

The two stood opposite the direction of the combined ninjutsu, perfectly surrounding Jugo in the middle.

The ninjutsu of both sides reached the predetermined position at about the same time.

"Combined Ninjutsu: Sky Falling Meteor..." The five people said in unison, looking at the rocks mixed with sparks that fell first and the powerful fire escape that followed.


"...Explode!" the same voice said in unison.

This is an enhanced three-stage combination ninjutsu, so the name has naturally changed slightly.

"Huh? Are they exactly the same thing? Boy, are you kidding me! Just tell me if you want to die! Don't show me the same ninjutsu...ah!" It was unexpectedly effective.

The falling rocks obscured his vision and slightly affected his movements. The fire storm that will follow is waiting.

Jugo, who was disdainful of the ninjutsu he had seen, naturally did not use chakra for defense, and the damage he received was 100% synchronized with the power of the ninjutsu.

First there was the flame on the front. Jugo waved it casually, thinking of directly using his own chakra impact to disperse the condensed chakra. But with the flames blessed by Wind Escape, how can the speed and power be solved by just waving it casually? The flames covered Zhongwu's body at a faster speed before he raised his arm.

The attack from the other side has almost arrived. Similarly, as it drove straight into his back, another earthquake of flames pressed up. The unequal ninjutsu and chakra attributes on both sides rubbed and collided in the air, and not long after, a blast of wind was triggered, forcibly swallowing Jugo who was in the middle.

The smoke cleared.

Zhongwu didn't look much different, and his skin was still the same dark color.


He fell down inexplicably.

"You lose." The thunder clone used the Tianling Fluid Technique to dodge and get close to Jugo, and the kunai in his hand touched his neck.

"Hey, bastard. Kill you..."

"Thunder Escape·Earth Walk."


The lightning clone couldn't be considered a human being in the first place, so it walked freely on Jugo's back without any emotion. The powerful thunder flow entangled Zhongwu's body at close range, and actually dispersed his rich Yin-type chakra.

The black substance slowly faded away and turned into smaller black runes, crawling on the surface of the body and moving to the back of the neck.

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