Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 58--The Strongest Spear

Yue Tu was still a little anxious. She had never seen her captain struggling so much. The successive dangers that had just appeared made her sweat a lot for her captain.

"Zhongwu's side...huh? The situation is getting better. Well, I'm not doing well here..." Yu Ling was more worried about his teammates. Although he was clearly not optimistic, he still took the time to observe Mingri Mingyue next to him. War situation.

Under the control of the water clone, Mingri Mingyue can accurately injure Zhongwu, can also cause effective damage with the assistance of the fire clone, and can even rely on the blessing of the wind clone to do some evasion.

It can be said that the situation is excellent. As long as there is chakra, the two of them will be in no danger.

Over here... Kimimaro is still in the process of getting stronger, but Yu Ling seems to have run out of skills.

"Your vital signs have weakened... That's really boring! Mere clones have no effect on me, Corpse Vein·Ten Finger Penetration..." He raised his hand and aimed at the thunder clone that had just landed, with ten fingers Flying out again, new fingers grew out in an instant and turned to aim at Yu Ling's body.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Lightning Strike." The chakra of the thunder clone is solid thunder attribute chakra, and it is effortless to mobilize it. There was not even a seal, a total of ten thunder streams shot out from the fingertips steadily, knocking down the fingertips in mid-air.

"Oh? You don't need to form a seal anymore... To delay time, just deal with the main body directly. If you delay it any longer, that adult will be dissatisfied." He lowered his hands, and a new bone knife grew out of his palm. The body leaned forward slightly, exposing the full ribs on the back.

Get down on the ground and speed up.

"Who is that Lord you have been talking about...? Who would make you respect such a strong person like this?"

To Yu Ling, the Kimimaro in front of him was indeed a strong man. He hasn't seen many opponents who can fight him and overpower him. But obviously Kimimaro has broader knowledge and sneers at such comments.

"Ha... strong man, we are just ants. That lord is the real strong man! And you don't deserve to know his name... You will die in my hands now, for that lord... … Corpse Bone Vein·Dance of Chun.”

"Here it comes again...Thunder!" Looking at the oncoming bone knife, Yu Ling gave an order. Although the thunder clone beside him couldn't catch up, it still had enough time to release the ninjutsu.

"Thunder Release: Lightning Strike." It doesn't have to be very strong, just hitting Kimimaro's joints with the thunder flow skillfully will have the effect.

"Are you tickling?" The skin was scorched by electricity, revealing the bones inside. There are blood spots, but it can't cover the strong bones.

"Is it the power of corpse bone veins...Wind Release: Vacuum Jade!" The main body quickly formed a seal, and also used a small whirlwind to hit Kimimaro's various joints, but it still couldn't resist his strange posture. action.

Every bone in the body is under exquisite control, supporting the stability of the body. Every time he tilted, a few bones would pop up and pierce into the ground on one side, directly bringing the upper body back on track.

"Water Release·Water Water Whip."

"Thunder Escape·Thunder and Lightning Strike."

"Wind Release·Vacuum Jade!"

"The Corpse Veins·Dance of Karasatsu..."

The three people's continuous attacks were broken by Kimimaro's elusive bones. They swung away or dodged the high-speed ninjutsu again and again, and launched effective attacks.

"It's really difficult to deal with...the chakra is missing a lot..."

"Captain...I can't keep up with this speed at all. What should I do..." Yuetu anxiously looked at the three people being surrounded by one person, nervous but unable to use them.

"Do you still want to resist... Then I'll see how long you can hold on." Speeding up again, Kimimaro ignored the others and rushed straight towards the main body. The bone knife was swung, carrying a stream of air, compressed and hitting Yu Ling.

"Well, take advantage of every opportunity!" Yu Ling didn't think that he could easily block the power of this sword by standing where he was, so he chose the attack speed. The hidden sword kept hitting the side of the bone knife, casting a non-stop shadow of the knife, forcefully knocking the bone knife away.

"Huh? Not a bad way... But this should consume a lot of physical strength... Accept death... Ah!" He calmly slashed from top to bottom and suppressed Yu Ling with force.

However, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth without warning, and his movements suddenly stopped. Yu Ling took the opportunity to leave the sinking area and reorganized with the two clones.

"Have I reached the limit... My body can't do it. For that adult, I can't fall down yet. Then I have to speed up..."

The bone spurs became more dense, and the bone knife in his hand was taken back into the body. Then, another spine was pulled out from the back.

"Why are you suddenly vomiting blood... You don't feel any Chakra disorder? It's clear that the attack was fierce just now, and I may not be able to withstand it if it continues... Anyway, this is an opportunity, and I have to seize it. .Thunder! Fire Release: Blazing Feet!" He called out to the thunder clone gently, and then he concentrated chakra on the soles of his feet.

"Yes. Thunderbolt: Thunderbolt Blade." The thunder clone came closer and pressed his hands on the hidden sword on the back of Yu Ling's hand. The thunder flow that was stronger than before hissed and jumped on the hidden sword, reflecting the terrifying of cold light. His arms drooped, letting the thunder flow stimulate his muscles. The chakra under his feet took shape in an instant, and the flames burned the surroundings.

"It seems you are the one who can't stand it first, so I will kill you mercilessly." Although I can't figure out the reason, the opponent's weakness is clearly visible. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, the sudden mouthful of blood just now expressed too much. As a result, Yu Ling regained some confidence and stood up straight, facing Kimimaro who was holding a long whip.

"Blind confidence, unfounded judgment. You must die. I will spend my life serving that Lord. Corpse Veins·Dance of the Iron Flower!"

The whip was thrown straight out and wrapped around Yu Ling's calf before he could react.

"Huh? Take advantage of every opportunity..." He raised his right hand high and struck the spine with a knife, but even with a stronger thunder stream, it could not do anything to the spine this time.

"With the current chakra support, it is impossible for you to break my imprisonment. Stop!" He shook his arm, then pumped it upward, directly lifting Yu Ling upside down and pulling him towards him.

"Water Release·Shui Luanbo." The water body took the lead in attacking Kimimaro's feet. The so-called attacking the enemy's place to save oneself, and besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao from one's own position is obviously the most appropriate method.

"Thunder Release·Thunder Strike." A few small lightning streams attacked Kimimaro from the air, intending to slow down the movement.

But these are of little use to Kimimaro in this state.

They didn't use ninjutsu, they just controlled the length of their bones. First they dug into the ground to maintain their shape, and then they lengthened themselves in front of them, directly blocking the thunder clone's attack.

And it's time for Yu Ling to arrive.

There are more bone spurs on the back.

It has also become longer.

The spine he held in his hand suddenly disappeared, and four thicker, longer and sharper bone spurs grew out of his back, facing Yu Ling who was rushing towards him due to inertia.

"Captain! Illusion: Naraku no Jutsu!" Even though he knew it was useless, Tsukisagi still took action. After running diagonally for a short distance, he aimed at the corner of Kimimaro's eyes, input his chakra, and cast the final Specialized in illusions.

Kimimaro didn't pay attention at all.

He is not afraid of such moves at all.

The violent chakra on his body makes it difficult for weak chakra like genjutsu to invade, so he has an ability similar to genjutsu resistance.

"He has removed the restraints on his body. Is it possible that the next blow will hurt himself? Anyway, looking at that kind of formation, we really can't just hit him... Earth Release·Aggravated Rock Technique!" Absorption! After removing the thunder attribute chakra on the hidden sword, he immediately used the earth attribute chakra that was currently the most abundant in his body.

His body suddenly sank, stopping his momentum and falling instantly from mid-air, creating a deep hole in the ground. Then, without hesitation, he released the blessing of the ninjutsu and once again distanced himself from Kimimaro.

"The blood-stained snare... is really troublesome." The voice stopped hoarsely, and the entire right arm began to turn white.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this...huh?"

Those are clearly exposed bones!

Not only that, that layer of bones was still getting thicker and longer, until Kimimaro stood upright and the bone spurs on his right arm could touch the ground, and then he barely stopped changing.

"Sorry, it really took too long. This is my strongest spear, and I need to eliminate you. You will become that adult's resistance."

Somewhat calmly, Kimimaro raised his entire right arm, leaned forward, kicked the ground with his feet, and rushed directly towards Yu Ling. All the bone spurs on his body have been retracted, and all the strength in his body is concentrated on this self-proclaimed strongest spear.

"Is it the strongest spear... I really don't have any ninjutsu that can withstand such an attack... So, will trying to find every opportunity still be useful? Hmm... It's difficult to do. Earth Release·Gravel Flurry!" A heavy punch. The pounding slightly changed the landform. The gravel in the air was Yu Ling's temporary solution.

"Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!" The hidden sword on the back of his hand was retracted, and he relied solely on his fists to knock down the gravel with difficulty and hit Kimimaro who was speeding on the ground.

"Is this just like blocking my steps? I can't stop until I fulfill that adult's wish." The right arm maintained a forward posture, and a new bone knife was formed from the left arm, striking He smashed the flying rocks coming towards him, and the wind blew under his feet, and he rushed towards Yu Ling's position without any impact.

"You still can't stop it...Wind Release·Wind Cut!" A large amount of wind attribute chakra was released in response, compressing the air from top to bottom, and blasting away all objects within the attack range in one burst.

Of course...except Kimimaro.

"Huh? This..."

When it arrived, both sides had the same firm gaze. One side was aggressive, while the other side was confused and confident.

"Corpse Vein·The Strongest Spear!"

"Tian Lingliu·Second Style·Phantom Disappearance!"

It seems like it has disappeared...

Yu Ling completely disappeared from Kimimaro's eyes, but the touch of the hit was really there.

"Huh? What exactly is this..."

"Ten Ling Liu·Second Style·Finishing Move·Shock!" He pulled out a leg without sparing any effort and hit Kimimaro's weakly defensive abdomen hard, repelling him forcefully.


Another mouthful of blood.

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