Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 55 - A difficult stalemate

"Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!" After getting close, Yu Ling took the lead in attacking with his left fist at the first moment.

"Corpse Bone Pulse·Dance of Karamatsu!" Kimimaro stood motionless, gently raised his right hand, and faced Yu Ling's straight punch.

"Huh? I remember that with this skill just now, bone spurs appeared all over the body... Why is there no change now?" Indeed, compared to the dazzling changes just now, there is no movement at all now, which makes Yu Ling a little concerned.

The fist hit.


He stopped quietly in front of Kimimaro's fist and could no longer move forward.

A circle of bone spurs appeared around Kimimaro's fist, and he tightly grasped Yu Ling's punch.

"My corpse bone veins can mobilize bones throughout the body, so I am the nemesis of taijutsu." Kimimaro looked a little more serious, and the two red spots on his eyebrows also wrinkled.

"That's it...Earth Release·Rock Fist Technique!" Yu Ling's fist suddenly grew in size, but he still couldn't break free. The hardness of the bones was much stronger than the hardness of these clods of soil, and they easily penetrated into the soil and continued to imprison Yu Ling. "Even this doesn't work, then keep fighting. Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!"

Yu Ling waved his right fist, and the two clones also moved.

"Water Release: Water Whip." The water body used its best melee ninjutsu and threw it out first, wrapping around Kimimaro's body. Yu Ling also took advantage of this opportunity and punched Kimimaro's chest. Face door.

"Now! Naraku's Jutsu!" The moon rabbit behind saw the offensive of Yu Ling and the water clone, and felt that the opponent's illusion defense would be relatively low now, so he directly cast an illusion that could show the most feared scene in people's hearts.

"Is it just like this... Corpse Bone Vein·Dance of Karamatsu." This time, a bone spur suddenly emerged from the place where the water flow whip was entangled. The water body had no time to react and could only watch the water flow whip change this time. , wrapped with bone spurs. Then, the bone spurs fell off under control. Kimimaro easily released the control this time, closed his eyes, turned around, grabbed Yu Ling's left hand, and avoided all attacks.

"What... can be like this? Hidden Arrow, come out!" The captured left thumb flicked, and the Hidden Arrow came out in response, stabbing straight into the center of Kimimaro's palm.

"Huh? Penetrate bullets with ten fingers." In an improvised move, Kimimaro glanced at Yu Ling who had escaped. He didn't care at all about the purple blood flowing in his hand. He spread his five fingers directly, and the bone spurs on the sides receded. Then, the top of his thumb flew away. He shot out and aimed at Yu Ling, who was still in the air.

"You can also attack from a distance. Earth Release·Rock Seal!" Yu Ling couldn't move in the air alone yet, so he just reluctantly used the Earth Release Ninjutsu he was good at to create an earth wall and blocked five bone bullets.

"A move that can be performed in the air. However, this body type is a living target. Bone Vein·Dance of the Iron Flower." Another spine was pulled out, and there seemed to be more blood on it than the previous one. Quite a few.

There were dots of red spots on the pale bones.

Just like he had tied up Jugo just now, Kimimaro flicked his wrist and his spine was wrapped around the earthen wall in the air.

Behind the earthen wall, Yu Ling, who was still analyzing those fingers just now, could not see this scene.

Kimimaro now does not have murderous intent or hostility. The thrown weapons also have no chakra. It can be said that he is the most difficult opponent Yu Ling has ever seen.

"Water Release·Water Water Whip."

Seeing that his body was about to be harmed, the water body immediately used ninjutsu to wrap around the spine, preventing it from getting closer to the body.

At this time, the power carried by the spine caused the water body to tremble for a short time, unable to control his body, and Kimimaro took the opportunity to fly close.

"Corpse Vein·Chun's Dance."

A bone knife was pulled out from the shoulder, also stained with blood.

"Huh? That's bad."

"Water..." Upon seeing this, the thunder clone felt that the water clone might not be able to escape this time, so it silently approached him and hid behind him. From Kimimaro's perspective, he could only see the water clone in front.

The bone knife stretched forward, pointing at the water body from a distance, and the extra bones on the body shrank back as it galloped.

"The penetrating power of these missiles is very strong, and they don't seem to have much cooling time. In other words, they need to be forcibly held before attacking. It's a good blood stain limit... huh?" Yu Ling felt something was wrong, in the air It is the easiest time to attack. Although he was attacked just now, it was clearly just a test and did not reflect his true ability at all.

The sight of Yue Rabbit behind was blocked by Yu Ling's rock seal, and he was not clear about the situation in front. Now, Yu Ling did not dare to lift the rock seal rashly.

"Sorry, I have to deal with you first." Kimimaro had already arrived and slashed through him without mercy. However, it is not a water avatar.

The thunder clone hid behind the water clone just for this moment. He pushed with one hand and knocked the water body's already unstable body away, leaving him facing the bone knife.

"Huh? Are you going to give up yourself for your teammates?" Kimimaro doesn't have the ability to perceive at the moment, so he still can't tell whether these are real people.

When the knife went down, the blood flower... did not appear.

A low voice, as if coming from between heaven and earth, said word by word: "Thunder Escape·Tian Lei Feng." Then, the threads of lightning were transmitted to Kimimaro's feet, and under the pull of the atmosphere, It rose up from the ground and directly trapped Kimimaro.

"Oh? The clone... then the main body..." Kimimaro realized the problem with the formation. I have been fighting for so long, but I am not even fighting against real people. Then what if the real person comes... There are currently eight enemies in front of him, all of them wearing masks. It's impossible to tell whether they are humans or clones.

Yu Ling also felt a trace of chakra feedback and memory.

"Thunder clone... Indeed, now we need the power of thunder clone to reverse the situation. The water clone's blind eye is of no use. So, let's start counterattack. As for the other side... Let's fight quickly!"

On the other side, Mingri Mingyue was holding a short sword, struggling against the powerful Jonggo. Even with the blessing of lightness from the wind attribute and the auxiliary attack from the fire attribute, they were still at a disadvantage. I have to say that the power of this monster seems to be truly endless.

"Ah hahaha! I smell blood! Is it you two? Kill..." Zhongwu seemed to be talking to himself, his hands drooped and stood on the ground, his legs were slightly bent, as if he was ready to explode. look.

"Tomorrow, be careful. Huh? Why are you injured?" Mingyue pulled away to the left, turned around and saw the scars on Tomorrow's arm.

"Well, I just got touched by his chakra. You're too violent, brother, and this is really difficult to deal with!" Tomorrow raised the hand holding the knife, put his palm on his forehead, and said a little speechlessly . You know, they had already used their joint ninjutsu to severely damage the monster named Jugo, but it didn't take long for him to recover as good as before. Even continuous attacks could not cause effective damage. Now, both brothers have lost some chakra, and for heavy opponents, the physical exertion is even greater.

"Then, can you still hold on?" Mingyue didn't talk as much as Mingri. She looked at the bright red wound with worried eyes under the mask and asked in a softer voice.

"I..." Tomorrow looked at the fire clone beside him and the wind clone behind him, and hesitated for a moment. "Wind, increase our speed; fire, strengthen our offensive. Thank you. Brother, I can do it!"

The hand holding his forehead fell down and hung naturally by his side. His wrist shook, spinning the short knife, his feet stood apart, and he nodded towards Tomorrow.

"Yes." The wind clone and the fire clone replied together, raising their hands to form seals, ready to support the two brothers in front.

"Let's do it again tomorrow."

"Okay. Fire Release: Flame Burning!" With a loud roar, a line of fire was drawn between his hands again, blocking the area. Tomorrow also ran out first and distanced himself.

"Fire Release: Flame Bullet." The fire clone put one hand around his mouth, puffed up his chest, and spurted it out with all his strength. The fireball hit the line of fire in mid-air, and immediately aroused even greater sparks, without any obstruction. Burning wantonly.

There was even a burning smell, black smoke gradually rose, the air was burning, and heat waves surrounded the line of fire.

"Yeah! It's a bit dangerous...two bastards, Ax Slash Explosive Fist!" Light blue chakra appeared on Jugo's body, a trace of light black wrapped around his arms, with a painful evil smile on his face Thicker.


A punch was thrown through the air, and the condensed chakra bombs flew directly towards Tomorrow. This is a speed that is very difficult to avoid. Coupled with Tomorrow's own momentum, it is almost impossible to change direction in an instant.

"Wind Release·Blowing Wind."

The wind clone moved. A breeze blew towards Tomorrow from the side, speeding up at the moment of approach, touching Tomorrow faster than the chakra fist, pushing him aside. The wound that had been rubbed before was rubbed hard again, and a layer of skin was scraped off the entire arm, revealing bright red flesh.

There was a smell of burning and blood in the air.

Jugo became even more excited.

Ming Yue on the side gritted her teeth. When Ming Tomorrow was in danger just now, she had the patience not to look back. She ignored her closest brother and ran all the way. With the help of the wind clone just now, she also got close to Zhong Wu in time.

"Ah ha ha ha! Blood... blood, blood!" The whole body returned to its original monster state, jumping on the spot and shouting. Unaware of the threat behind him.

"Konoha Style: Flowing Fire Slash!" Mingyue didn't hesitate. It was rare to have such an opportunity. She directly used her strongest attack skill and chopped off Jugo's entire right arm with a knife from directly behind.


"Fire Release·Fire Bullet."

"Wind Release·Vacuum Jade."

When the fire clone saw this, he also retracted his gaze from tomorrow and took advantage of the situation to release his ninjutsu. The cooperation between the clones once again demonstrated the advantages of the same thinking. The wind clone also used Wind Release in time and made a simple combination of ninjutsu.

"This... hurts so much, bastard!"

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