Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 33--Preparing for War

"For seven days, try to make yourself stronger." Yu Ling thought as he walked out of the ANBU base and on his way home. Anbu's missions all require leaving the village. Without strong strength, no one can save you.

"However, what aspects can be improved?" Although he was eager to become stronger, he could not think of any method or aspect that could directly improve his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

However, as he was about to take over the ninja tool, he thought about the issues of chakra injection and chakra coverage. "I really don't know anything about using chakra ninja tools. Logically speaking, it should be more than just transmitting chakra to the ninja tools." Yu Ling thought for a moment and saw through the chakra. The fur of the ninja tool. Indeed, chakra ninja tools are far more than just inputting chakra. Regarding the shape, strength, and even for Yu Ling, there is the issue of attributes of chakra. "It seems that we still have to go back to the ANBU to take a look."

The ANBU's information reserve on all ninjutsu, illusions and taijutsu is second only to the Hokage's exclusive scripture library, but it lacks some powerful forbidden techniques. The most suitable place for Yu Ling is naturally the Anbu. "I'm sure I can learn something." As he said that, Yu Ling put on his mask again, turned around, and returned to the ANBU.

In the Hokage room.

"Lord Hokage, Yu Ling defeated Mingyue Mingri and Yue Rabbit with their skillful cooperation alone."

"Oh? It's so powerful. Is he injured?"

"Not at all, and his powerful ninjutsu does nothing more than release a fire clone."

"Sure enough, the brain is also very important."

"The ninja tool... I haven't found it. Let's go to the "Chakra Usage" over there and have a look." Yu Ling searched around the bookshelf, but there was no scroll about the use of ninja tools. It is true that this kind of thing has a small audience, but it does not mean that it does not exist at all.

"Chakra use... is similar to what Kakashi-sensei taught. It's useless. Huh? Chakra attachment?" Just when Yu Ling was about to give up, he saw a scroll standing alone on the edge of the bookshelf. , and the style is somewhat incompatible with other ANBU-specific scrolls.

"This is, it should be useful. Let's take a look and understand it first." Yu Ling didn't care about these differences. After all, he had only been in ANBU for two days, so naturally he would not be that sensitive to the things used by ANBU. When I saw this scroll, I immediately started learning it.

"Fortunately, the young master didn't have any doubts, otherwise my efforts would have been in vain." A man in white robes hung upside down on the roof. He watched Yu Ling pick up the scroll and then disappeared.

"Huh? Is there anyone...?" Yu Ling suddenly raised his head and saw an empty roof. "No matter, let's continue studying."

"Is this the effect of different chakra attributes? The water attribute... is flexible, which is useless for chakra metal. The hardness of earth escape is also useless. So, does the wind attribute enhance the penetration... the thunder attribute? Are they both destructive and fire attributes? You can try to learn these three. I have heard of the wind and thunder sword technique, and fire. I will try it in the future." I slowly read the entire book about chakra With the attached scroll, he also learned a little bit about the use of chakra ninja tools.

Yu Ling took out his kunai, transferred his wind attribute chakra up, and then slowly increased the amount.


The kunai disconnected without warning.

"Sure enough, special ninja tools are still needed. Ordinary metal is really not enough." After saying that, Yu Ling put the scroll back to its original place, stood up and left.

"I hope it will be helpful to the young master." Yu Yefei appeared on the ceiling again, looking at Yu Ling's back and said.

"What attribute is most suitable for those enhanced ninjutsu? The accelerated fire attribute ninjutsu that I learned before can be used, but it needs to be improved. The current speed is still too slow. What about the one attached to the hidden sword? It's a bit troublesome." As soon as Yu Ling walked out of the ANBU, he took off his mask, but kept his gray robe on. After all, it wouldn't attract attention as much as the armor.

"Hey, Yu Ling!" It was actually Naruto. "Yu Ling, you're not going to practice again, are you? It's just a holiday, why don't you have fun." When Naruto saw Yu Ling deep in the dense forest, he naturally felt that he was practicing secretly.

"Ah, it's Naruto. Well, I wanted to come here to find inspiration for new techniques." Although this was not true, it was not a lie. Yu Ling did come here to learn new techniques.

"Oh? What technique are you going to develop this time?" Naruto was very curious. Of course, he also wanted to learn and practice it.

"I'm thinking about what kind of ninjutsu to add to the ninja sword."

"Ninja sword? Yu Ling, are you going to use a ninja tool? Let me tell you, you must use the thunder attribute. My dad has the thunder attribute. I heard him say that adding the power of thunder to the ninja tool will be very powerful. Yes! Besides, Kakashi-sensei also knows how to use thunder-type chakra, it’s so powerful!" As soon as Naruto heard something he knew, he immediately told Yu Ling everything. He danced with joy, but he still didn’t Care about other people's reactions.

"Thunder attribute? Well, that's a good idea. Then I'll give it a try." After hearing Naruto's praise, Yu Ling was indeed a little moved. Attaching the thunder attribute to the sword, just this simple technique, has made so many famous ninjas. Especially in Yunyin Village, all those who know swordsmanship are combined with the thunder attribute, and the increase in combat power is not just one or two points.

"Then, what's the name? This is just a simple application of chakra, so there shouldn't be a need for a name, right?" The issue of naming is still a worry for Yu Ling. It was too hard for him, and he always thought it was unnecessary. But after Kakashi's teaching, every time he developed or improved ninjutsu, he would spend extra time developing ninjutsu to think of a suitable name. "It cannot be repeated, it must be easy to remember, it must not be long, and it must fit the characteristics..."

"Forget it, let's talk about it after we practice." There was no result. Yu Ling gave up and slowly condensed the thunder attribute chakra on his palm, trying to spread it to his entire arm. If it can be covered instantly, then this technique is considered complete.

"However, this feeling is really violent." Once the thunder attribute chakra is released, even the caster will be harmed by it, and it will be continuous stimulating damage. "It hurts. Is there really no way to control the thunder attribute? No wonder few people use thunder escape to stimulate the body for exercise. The effect is good, but the damage is huge."

Zhizhi! Snapped!

The thunder flow dissipated after a violent shock.

"It still doesn't work. Could it be that the skin conducts chakra so well? Let's try it slowly. Maybe if you can practice it well now, you can use the Hidden Blade well once you get started."

"Tian Ling, squad leader. Come and get a pair of hidden swords." Yu Ling stood at the window and said to the people inside expressionlessly.

"Tian Ling... I found it. I made it yesterday! Take it. Protect Konoha!" There was a new order taker inside, and it was obvious that this one was an ordinary ninja who loved Konoha very much.

"I got it. Can you use it?" Yamato appeared next to Yu Ling with a teleportation technique.

"Captain Yamato. Well, I should be able to use it. Although I'm not used to it, I should get better with time." Yu Ling was not surprised. After all, today was his first mission, so it was reasonable for the captain to come to greet him.

"Tian Ling, your team members haven't arrived yet. This mission should be very easy for you. But don't relax your vigilance. As an ANBU, you must also be alert to the dangers from the dark. By the way, I'll follow you well. Let's work together with the team members, tomorrow will be a thorn that no one else can handle." Yamato said to Yu Ling earnestly. A generation of genius cannot be lost in the first mission, so be careful when sailing the ship of ten thousand years.

"Yes. I'm going to the meeting point first. Goodbye." Yu Ling kept these in mind, turned around and left. He needs to be the first on the scene to create the image of a good captain. "The mission this time is just to kill bandits. Even ordinary chunin or even genin can complete it." With this thought to himself, he passed through the ANBU dedicated passage and waited at the gate of Konoha. With.

"Good morning, Captain Tianling." Yuetu arrived first as usual. He saw Yu Ling leaning on a tree trunk and looking at the mission scroll, so he took the initiative to say hello. Her attitude towards Yu Ling was normal from the beginning, she was just a little skeptical because of her young age, but she didn't look down on or be unconvinced.

However, what arrived next was filled with great resentment.

"Good morning, Captain Tianling."

"Good morning, Tian Ling." This time the two of them no longer spoke in unison, but in tandem, with one speaking proactively and the other reluctantly.

"Everyone is here. Do you all know the content of the mission?" Yu Ling asked casually when he saw that everyone was here. This task is what a captain should do.

"Hey, I really don't need a little brat to teach me. You don't understand it yourself!" Tomorrow heard Yu Ling ask this, even if it was a routine form, he couldn't help but start sarcastically mocking Yu Ling .

"Tomorrow, don't be rude."


"Now that we know everything, let's set off." Yu Ling didn't care about tomorrow's confrontation at all. After all, all he cared about was his own strength, and the voice that suddenly appeared in his heart? This sound came from a few days ago after he submitted the drawings of the Hidden Blade. There is no specific content, no reason, and no result.

"Hey." Even if he doesn't want to, he still has to follow Yu Ling tomorrow. In ANBU, the captain's word is the rule.

After the four of them ran a few steps quickly, they all jumped onto the big tree on the roadside, then adjusted their direction and headed straight towards the basin where the bandits were stationed.

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