Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 31--Team members

"Huh? It's already twelve o'clock." Yu Ling, who was checking the ninjutsu in the learning space, didn't notice the passage of time at all. When I looked at the time again, it was already midnight. "Just stay here for the night. We have a battle tomorrow. I hope I can win."

As he said that, Yu Ling carefully put the scrolls he had read back into place one by one, and then he took a few steps back, leaned against the wall behind him, and then slowly squatted down. Just like that, he was ready to stand at this angle of the wall. Spend the remaining hours of the night.

At 7:45, Yu Ling suddenly woke up with a startle. He usually gets up at six o'clock for morning exercises. It seems that his interest in ninjutsu yesterday made him addicted to it. He went to bed too late and overslept this morning. "Oops, I'm not in a good mental state yet. What should I do about the battle later?" Yu Ling became anxious when he saw that the time was a little tense.

"Thunder Release: Earth Walk!" He quickly formed a seal with his hands, first mobilizing the chakra flow in his body, and then slapped the hand with the thunder flow on his face.


"Huh, wake up." Yu Ling didn't care about the marks on his face at all. He took off the gray robe covering his body and put it on his body. Then he put on his fox mask and walked directly to the testing space.

"Tian Ling, you are indeed the first to arrive." Captain Yamato stood upright in the center of the testing space. Looking at the slightly short gray-robed ANBU walking towards him, he recognized that this was the youngest member - Yu Ling.

"Good morning, Captain Yamato." Hearing such a voice, Yu Ling also recognized Yamato. Wearing a mask was still something he wasn't used to, whether it was the sight or the sound.

"Hey, Captain Yamato! Hey, I'm not the first one." A female ANBU jumped into the testing space, and her lively voice attracted Yu Ling's attention.

"Tsuki Usagi. This is your team leader." Yamato took the initiative to introduce the newly joined Yu Ling to the ANBU named Yue Usagi.

"Huh? Is this... the new guy? He feels very young." Yue Rabbit didn't look down on this short newcomer, but he still felt a little untrustworthy.

"Well, he broke the record for the youngest ANBU. He is currently eight years old and his code name is Tian Ling."

"Please give me your advice." Yu Ling said in time, but the Moon Rabbit was stunned.

"Eight...eight years old? Captain, don't fool me. Can you be our captain at the age of eight? This..." Such an age does make Yuetu a little concerned. Anyway, this is too young. Even though strength speaks for itself in ANBU, she was a little surprised by the age gap. After all, this Moon Rabbit has joined ANBU for five years and is now twenty-two years old.

"Good morning, Captain Yamato." At this time, greetings came from the door in unison.

"Huh? I said it first this time!" A man wearing a red wolf-dog mask said menacingly to another man wearing a blue wolf-dog mask.

"Okay, okay." The man wearing a blue wolf-dog mask waved his hand and said casually.

"You are here, tomorrow, Mingyue." Moon Rabbit turned around and recognized the brothers.

"Okay, now that we are all here, let me tell you something. You form a team of four. Although Tian Ling is new here, he is the captain. Today is your three-on-one challenge. You should get to know each other first." Yamato After announcing today's content, he waved his hands and left.

"Huh? Three versus one... This is a bit unexpected." Yu Ling thought about a wheel battle, but he couldn't imagine a forced three versus one. Although he lived up to his reputation as a genius, at just eight years old it was like challenging three adults who were at least chunin. It would obviously be a tough battle.

"Okay, okay, I can't be the captain anymore. My code name is Tomorrow, I'm good at swordsmanship, chuunin, and I'm twenty years old." The male ANBU wearing a red wolf-dog mask took the lead in introducing himself.

"I am Ming Yue, good at swordsmanship. Chuunin, twenty years old." This is the ANBU wearing a blue wolf dog mask.

"Well, I am Tsukisagi, good at genjutsu, chuunin, twenty-two years old."

"Okay. I am Tian Ling, good at ninjutsu. I just graduated from the ninja school, genin, eight years old." Yu Ling did not hide anything and told his personal information to his team members. "Please give me your advice."

"Eight years old! Captain Yamato, are you kidding me? Why am I not the captain?" Tomorrow jumped out immediately when he heard this age. He didn't want to have a child in charge.

"Tomorrow, be quiet. You will know his strength after the battle." Mingyue, who seemed to be twins with Tomorrow, was much calmer in comparison, and directly grabbed Tomorrow.

"Okay, are you all ready? Captain, let's get started." Although he was helpless, Yuetu still knew the rules. Anbu's appointment will not be decided so easily, nor will it be changed easily. After holding his forehead and slowly standing up, he said this to Yu Ling.

"Okay, let's get started." Seeing that Yuetu was ready, Yu Ling jumped up without delay, then somersaulted backwards, opening a distance of thirty meters.

"Okay! If you can't beat us, I won't be convinced! Take the fight, little brat!" Tomorrow saw that he was ready to fight, so he shouted out his thoughts unequivocally.

"Tomorrow, calm down. Don't give up our cooperation."

"Okay, okay, we can't lose anyway."

"Okay, let's get started." Yu Ling saw that the two brothers were ready and gave the order.

"Hey." Tomorrow took the lead, holding the ANBU standard short sword in his right hand, hanging down naturally, and extending his left arm straight. And on his left side, the bright moon has caught up at some point! Hold the ANBU standard short sword with your left hand, hang it naturally, and stretch your right arm straight!

"Could it be that these two people have combined skills? No wonder the two brothers are in a group." Yu Ling saw the collaborative offensive between the two and immediately considered a way to crack it. "I have to save some backup. The chakra of three people is enough to consume me completely."

However, while he was thinking, the two brothers had already run over the thirty meters! There was no movement in the outstretched hands of the two men, but the hands holding the sword were chopped off in unison. Seeing the roads on both sides blocked, Yu Ling spotted the gap between the two and prepared to break through.

"We got it." Yue Tu, who stood motionless in the distance, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, slowly put his hands together and began to form a seal.

Yu Ling noticed the movement: "Could it be that...these three people are all participants in this offensive? It's too late." Then, he threw his head into the arms that had been set up by the illusion barrier set by Yue Rabbit.

"Haha, it's so easy to fall into the trap, let us deal with you! Brother, Fire Release: Flame Burning!" Seeing Yu Ling's movements pause for a moment, Tomorrow called Mingyue to use their combined skills.

Flames suddenly burst out from the corresponding palms of Ming Ri and Mingyue, as if there was invisible gravity, and the flames on both sides were pulled together.

"Fire Release: Flame Burning!" The two brothers said in unison again, and this flame also came to Yu Ling's side!

"Huh? Sure enough, it's still a combination of ninjutsu." Yu Ling actually still had his own consciousness at this time, even he himself was a little confused. However, since you can move, just avoid it. Then, he did a somersault, crossed the two brothers again, and returned to the place where he originally stood.

"What!" Yue Rabbit saw this scene, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes widened under the mask. The illusion barrier she had set up just now clearly felt the entry of foreign objects, and she also activated the illusion in time. How could it be useless?

"Tsuki Rabbit, what are you doing!" Seeing that the combined ninjutsu was avoided, Tomorrow became a little angry and shouted directly to Tsuki Rabbit. Yue Rabbit really doesn't know what's going on. She had seen people who could predict the illusion barrier and avoid it, but she had never seen one that lifted it on its own. Besides his age, Yu Ling once again shocked the ANBU.

"Tomorrow, get out of the way." At this time, Mingri's back was turned to Yu Ling. How could Yu Ling give up such a good opportunity? He threw a kunai casually, pointing straight at Tomorrow's back.

"Huh?" Hearing the reminder tomorrow, he turned around and chopped down the kunai. "You're still attacking!"

He was almost killed in one blow by a child and became furious tomorrow. He and his brother are also rare swordsman geniuses in the family. It is because of the bond between brothers that the two of them are more proficient in combined ninjutsu and swordsmanship than others. At this moment, they are a little confused about the routine and strength of a child. Naturally, I can’t let go of this face.

"Huh? I clearly felt the illusion just now, why was it suddenly lifted?" Yu Ling was immersed in his own thoughts, as if he didn't hear Ming Ming's shouting.

"I will kill you myself!" Seeing that Yu Ling ignored him tomorrow, he rushed forward again.

"Ming...sigh." Ming Yue was a little speechless. This brother who was half a minute younger than her was so irritable that he didn't know the plan for anything. But she couldn't watch her brother take risks, so Mingyue also followed.

"Huh? Here it comes again. Fire clone!" Yu Ling felt that the distance this time was not enough for him to make more preparations, so he directly released his unique clone. This time, he chose fire. Maybe he was eager to experiment with new techniques that he couldn't complete.

"So what if you clone him! I'll cut him off just the same!" Tomorrow raised his knife and slashed at Yu Ling without doubting the deception.

However, at this time, Yu Ling controlled the fire clone to move and ran directly in the opposite direction, while the main body held up a kunai and took the chop.

"Huh? You can only run!" Tomorrow saw the fleeing clone, decisively put down the Yu Ling in front of him, and chased after what he thought was his true body. "Brother, just kill the main body!"

"Oh, okay." Upon hearing this, Mingyue ignored Yu Ling and chased the fire clone.

"Well, that's enough. Fire Release: Blazing Kicks!" As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Ling controlled the fire clone to use the A-level ninjutsu Fire Release: Blazing Kicks, and began to fight with the brothers at extreme speeds. With. "Then let's deal with the genjutsu ninja first." Then, the main body also burst out at its highest speed and rushed towards the moon rabbit with bare hands.

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