Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 29--The youngest ANBU

"Kakashi-sensei? Isn't it a day off today? What's the matter?" When he woke up early in the morning, he found Kakashi-sensei sitting in the tree opposite his home reading a book. Yu Ling could tell at a glance that Kakashi was here to see him. of.

"Your vacation is over, come with me." Kakashi said half-jokingly, without even raising his head.

"I graduated?" Yu Ling saw the problem at a glance. It is impossible for a ninja school to start school early, and it maintains consistent opening times and vacations all year round. And Kakashi also clearly said "you", so Yu Ling deduced it.

"Oh, not bad. Let's go to the Hokage's room." Kakashi jumped down from the tree with one hand, put away the book in his hand, and slowly walked towards Yu Ling.

"Okay. Don't I need to bring anything?" Yu Ling was a little nervous. After all, it was the first time to meet Namikaze Minato alone. Even if he is the father of his good friend Naruto, the fourth generation Hokage cannot omit his identity. .

"No need. I just want you to report today. There should be no missions yet. I will take you to meet a few people later." With that, Kakashi set off towards the Hokage room without looking back, and Yu Ling saw Seeing this, he suppressed the surprise in his heart and followed closely.

"Hokage-sama." Kakashi knocked on the door gently and said respectfully. He would not call Minato-sensei directly when outsiders were around.

"come in."

Kakashi received the instruction and pushed the door open. In addition to Minato and Hokage assistant Nara Shikaku, there were two people Yu Ling had never seen before, both wearing strange red animal masks.

"Lord Hokage." Yu Ling bowed slightly to Minato and said nothing more. After all, I have never seen the costumes of the two mysterious people here. Silence must not be a bad thing at this moment.

"Yu Ling, do you know why I called you here?" Minato asked with a smile on his face.

"I know. Kakashi-sensei told me." After saying this, he saw Kakashi on the side keeping winking at Minato. Naturally, he wanted Minato to know that Yu Ling had guessed this all by himself.

"That's good. Then have you heard of ANBU?" Minato nodded slightly, aware of Kakashi's actions, and then asked.

"ANBU? No. Then these two people are..." Yu Ling has indeed never heard of ANBU. Ordinary people don't know about the existence of this department, and the things it handles are usually more dangerous or cannot be brought to the table. The problem. The third generation also never mentioned it to Yu Ling.

"Okay. The ANBU are the special troops who live in the dark and protect Konoha. They are all elites selected by me personally and directly ordered by me. These two people, the taller one, is the current The ANBU captain, and the other one is the captain of one of the ANBU units."

"So Hokage-sama wants me to join this organization called ANBU?" Yu Ling blurted out after realizing the intention. In fact, he was a little unable to accept this information. Suddenly you have to graduate and join something that is similar to an underground organization that you have heard of for the first time. Anyone would be a little bit reluctant for some reason, right?

"That's right. Your strength is obvious to all. After yesterday's high-level discussion, I decided to recruit you into ANBU. ANBU is the most suitable department for you. There are a lot of ninjutsu stored here, and they can be customized. Ninja tools, as well as high-risk missions, are more suitable for you to exercise your personal abilities. With your current level, it is naturally not suitable for you to be a genin to solve those D-level missions." Minato explained patiently, and he also expected that When it came to Yu Ling's resistance. After all, children like to be with friends, but now Yu Ling has to act alone.

"At the same time, real battles can train your character. Only with strength can you have the opportunity to receive such training. How about it? Do you want to continue school or join ANBU?" Although Minato very much hopes that he can join ANBU. , but he had to be polite to the seeds sent by the Otsutsuki clan. Who knows if Otsutsuki sent someone to monitor him?

Yu Ling lowered his head and thought for a moment, but did not raise his head to answer. "Anbu, I really haven't heard of it, but since it is directly under the Hokage, there should be no problem. But these members all wear masks, they must be a cold organization, right? I don't know if I will like it." After thinking about it carefully, there is no conclusion.

"Hokage-sama, please allow me to take off my mask." At this time, the squad leader made this request. This was quite taboo among ANBU, but at this moment Minato agreed.

The squad leader's hands slowly reached towards the mask, pressed it on both sides, and then slowly pulled it away. Yu Ling stared at the squad leader nervously, looking forward to the person behind the mask, but also a little nervous. "It's just a show of goodwill. It's hard to refuse like this."

The mask was taken off.

"It's you!" Yu Ling was a little shocked. He did not expect that this squad leader was actually Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's brother.

"Shh, don't tell my brother." Itachi still showed a gentle smile and warned Yu Ling in a low voice. Naturally, it would be better if one less person knew about this kind of work. Maybe that's why they all wear masks.

"Then... okay, I'll join." Yu Ling was stunned for a moment before agreeing to the request.

"Oh! Itachi, someone has finally broken your record! He is only eight years old!" As soon as Yu Ling agreed, Kakashi started dancing behind him.

"It doesn't matter. It's a good thing to have geniuses among the younger generations. You shouldn't be jealous. Right, Captain Kakashi?" Itachi was still smiling, but Kakashi seemed a little sarcastic. Yes, Itachi broke Kakashi's record as the youngest when he entered the ANBU. When Kakashi was still the ANBU captain, Itachi would use his age as an excuse every time he wanted to educate Itachi. Kakashi was suffocated.

"Haha, Kakashi-senpai is also frustrated, you have seen it. By the way, my code name is Yamato, and I am the ANBU captain. Please give me your advice." The ANBU captain laughed honestly when he heard this.

"Oh? Tenzo, how long has it been since you were dealt with? I think you are..." Kakashi threatened Yamato as he watched Yamato join in.

"Okay, okay, you take Yu Ling to visit the ANBU base. Take good care of him from now on." Seeing how lively the reunion of these three people was, Minato issued an eviction order.

"Yes, yes. Yu Ling, let's go!" Kakashi took the lead and led Yu Ling out of the Hokage room.

"Anbu is not as cold as it seems. At least these people are not. We will observe it when there is a mission, and now just think of it as a change of place to practice. Phew!" Yu Ling adjusted his mentality and followed Ka Cassie walked towards the ANBU base.

"Hey, it turns out that the ANBU base is in this forest." Yu Ling looked at the forest and thought to himself. He was very familiar with this place. When he was young, he would run around all over Konoha in order to exercise, and this place was his favorite place to visit. No one would disturb him here. And in this deep forest, a bunker-like building crawls on the surface, quiet, safe, and hidden. "The ANBU chose a really good location." Yu Ling couldn't help but admire.

"Yes. Konoha's ANBU has not been discovered since its creation. People in the village don't know about it without authorization, and they can't discover this base either. There are barriers around it. Ordinary people or ninjas without authorization can't come. If you enter this barrier, you will only fall into an illusion, and you will be discovered by the sensing troops." Yamato proudly introduced that it is now his ANBU base, and this base, which is famous for being airtight, is also perfectly guarded by him.

"Captain, what's inside the base?" Yu Ling was curious. Naturally, it wasn't the appearance or the location, but more about the content inside.

"Kakashi-senpai didn't tell you anything, did he? As a former ANBU captain, he is so lazy that he doesn't even know to reveal such information to his students..."

"Hey, Tenzo! If you want to say something, say it quickly, don't talk nonsense." Kakashi walked in front with "Intimate Paradise" in his hand, warning Yamato without looking back.

"Senior, don't mention that it's not my name..."

"Okay, okay, tell Yu Ling quickly, Tianzang."

"Okay, okay, Yu Ling. There are independent training spaces, test spaces and study spaces in the ANBU base. The training space is mainly for collective training of ANBU members, and the content is usually physical skills. The test space will be opened in stages to evaluate ANBU. The level of the members determines the titles of these members. The learning space is generally used for people who need to learn ninjutsu. There are barriers around the room, and no ninjutsu can be broken from the inside." Yamato was stuck. Nishi has been bullied for several years, and now he finally gets over it. When he talks a little bit, Kakashi grabs his pigtails and won't let him go.

"Captain Yamato is really humble." Itachi followed slowly at the end. Even though he was carrying a short sword and wearing an iron Anbu uniform, his murderous aura was completely covered by that gentle smile.

"You... Yu Ling, when you go in later, I will take you to get your uniform, the uniformly distributed ninja sword, and the most important mask. Of course, if you don't want the ninja sword, you can customize the ninja tool. But it takes time. It's a little longer." Yamato saw that both sides were frustrated at the same time, so he turned back to talk to Yu Ling.

"Okay. Personally, I would rather use a self-made weapon. I will give the drawings to the forger." Since he was a child, Yu Ling has been envious of a weapon, and this weapon only exists in his own mind. , he felt that he had seen it before, and even presented the drawing completely according to his memory. But in the whole of Konoha, there is no trace of this weapon.

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