Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 2--Crisis Elimination

"You," Sandai knelt on the ground with one leg weakly, and struggled to support the other half of his body with one arm. The voice was already weak: "Otsutsuki... a name I've never heard of. You... why... here?" As soon as the words fell, the arm that alone supported the old body could no longer hold it up, and there was a "wow" All of a sudden, he slowly fell to one side.

"Deacon, return Sarutobi Hiruzen's soul to him." The strong voice sounded again, but it was the man in white who called himself Hazuki who completed a move in an instant. An arm stretched out from a pixel black hole and grabbed the third generation's arm forcefully. "You don't need to know who I am. Stop talking, Konoha is fine."

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt so safe for the first time. Reliable and warm, even though the strength made the man in white exude a chill. However, the inner temperature will not be concealed by the appearance in any way! Although Hazuki was also very surprised as to why he arrived so promptly, and he only came to Konoha with a family mission to complete a job, but he happened to encounter Konoha being invaded. Feeling that the family's life officer was being summoned, he rushed over anxiously and finally saved Sandai at the last moment.

After feeling the desire to protect Konoha, the third generation curled up his lips and passed out peacefully. Yue Yue decided to help people to the end and sent the third generation to the medical force with his unique space ability.

"Crazy kid, I don't know where you come from or what you do, but today we invade Konoha, you will definitely die here! I am the thirty-second generation messenger of the Otsutsuki family. Anyone who stands in my way will be destroyed!"

This is a top powerhouse. Even if the entire family has lived incognito for thousands of years, how can the ancestral bloodline and ninja skills be matched by the outside world? The aura soared to the sky in an instant, and the Nine-Tails who were a thousand meters away were so frightened that they trembled and immediately turned their heads to look at Yuyue's position. That was familiar chakra. It's Otsutsuki.

Kyuubi was very familiar with the roots of Otsutsuki. The only master he recognized was the first generation head of the Otsutsuki family, Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who created the ninja sect and gave birth to a legend in the ninja world. The oath made back then was for the Nine-Tailed Beast to serve as the patron saint of all parts of the world, guarding world peace, while Otsutsuki would only serve as a force behind the scenes, helping the ninja world when it was in danger. Could it be that the ninja world is in danger right now? Kyuubi couldn't help but question, and then jumped away from the siege of ninjas and rushed towards the man in white with Otsutsuki's aura.

The man in black facing Otsutsuki Hazuki had already begun to worry about this plan and was thinking about how to escape. In fact, for him, no one can catch him if he wants to. Yes, it is so rampant.

But when facing a ninja who was even stranger than him, his inner hesitation and nervousness were also clearly visible on his face under the mask. But for the sake of his own aura, he still sneered: "You want my life? You can catch me. Come on, come on, no one has played with me for a long time." However, there was a tremor in his voice.

Sharingan, open!

No need for unnecessary nonsense, Yuyue’s eyes are open! As a direct clan member of Ōtsutsuki, how could he not have the pupil technique at hand? Although Hazuki only has the Sharingan, it is enough for a messenger.

As soon as he opened his face, the shape of a shuriken appeared, swirling in his eyes, and gradually, it stopped. No, not yet! Stripes suddenly appeared on the sides again! The Sharingan rotated at high speed, and within a few moments, the transformation was completed. Only the legend of the Uchiha family - Madara Uchiha had this pair of eyes! This is the eternal kaleidoscope!

Just through these eyes, Kyuubi felt a complete sense of oppression. The next second, he had appeared at Yu Yue's feet, kneeling devoutly. He believes in Hagoromo's rules and is willing to obey Otsutsuki's orders. He is a product of Otsutsuki.

Seeing Kyuubi defecting before the battle, the man in black was still struggling. "Kyuubi, come back! We didn't agree to do something together, why did you run away again? It's so troublesome. Oh, sir, I beg you, please come back quickly..."

"That's enough, shut up, you clown! You want to control me with your impure Sharingan? You don't need eyes to lead a tailed beast! You don't have the heart. So, please pay for your crimes." Pay the price!" Kyuubi was already furious because he was manipulated. At this moment, he was more like a fox taking advantage of his power, and cursed fiercely at the man in black.

"Okay, Master Jiulama, we need you, please cooperate with our Otsutsuki's work."

Hearing this, Kyuubi became quiet in an instant. For thousands of years, no one has ever called his name like this. Finally, it was time for his Nine Lamas to be born again. The man in black at this moment has long been ignored by Yu Yue. After all, no elephant would care about an ant that is about to be crushed under his feet. That's right, the opponent who has been helpless for three generations is just an ant to Otsutsuki.

Pedigree can really tell a lot sometimes.

"Deacon, if you have nothing to do, please go back to your home first." Yu Yue turned around and said cheerfully to the God of Death who was standing tall.

When the ninja behind heard these words, he looked up at the god of death, only to find that the same white robe and the same material as the three floating balls in his hands were from Otsutsuki's tribe! Ninjutsu like this may be proof that Otsutsuki is still active in the ninja world.

At the same time, Minato also arrived, and he saw the Kyuubi bowing to the man in white, and the trembling man in black. Such a scene is such a blow to a ninja who was at a loss just now! The powerful monster who had exhausted all his chakra and united with many ninjas could not pay it off. In just a moment, because of a seemingly ordinary opening ceremony, he fell at the feet of a stranger.

What’s the use of practicing? Maybe in the face of real blood, these can't do anything.

Maybe. . .

"Well, you are the current Hokage, the Fourth Namikaze Minato. The head of the family said that today is your child's birthday, and the Otsutsuki family specially sent me to congratulate you." Hazuki watched the ordering deacon go to the family territory and said to him just now Minato, who was present, announced the purpose of his trip.

Of course, Minato was still confused. No one would believe that a powerful family they had never met would send an equally powerful messenger to congratulate and save Konoha at the same time. However, his strong psychology still pushed him, and he reluctantly said "Thank you." Similarly, he had just experienced the battle, and he was also paralyzed.

"Hey! No one takes me seriously! Where are you talking nonsense? I'm still here. Hey, I'm the one who released the Nine-Tails. What are you doing? I want to dance hahahahaha ." At this moment, the man in black was just emboldening himself.

However, as the old saying goes, if you don't seek death, you won't die.

Yuyue hated troublesome things. When she heard this noisy voice, she couldn't help but glance at the man in black with her eternal kaleidoscope.

The eyes didn't change back. . It was with eyes with eye skills that he glanced at the man in black who was still noisy.

"You guys... okay." No one knew what happened. Only the Uchiha people present felt the fluctuations in the power of their pupils. At that moment, Yuyue activated his pupil technique, aimed at the hole of the one eye, and injected a trace of angry pupil power into the eyes of the man in black.

He is just so rough and unreasonable.

The man in black was not just a slave to be slaughtered. After feeling the pressure, he released his body controlled by the pupil technique and started to scream again. But this time he was on guard and no longer looked outside, only glancing at the ninjas opposite him a few times. When he realized that others were really not paying attention to him, he did something incredible.

Fire Escape·The powerful fire is extinguished!

Four seals were formed in one second, and high-temperature fire burst out from his mouth, interrupting Yuyue's speech.

Such behavior directly annoyed Yuyue.

Heaven's Royal Center!

Yuyue's body slowly disappeared, disappearing into a black hole, silently, and even the sensing ninja could not detect the transfer, but when he reappeared, he was behind the man in black.

Let’s kill the Ashes together! The ultra-high-density bone spurs condensed in the body pierced out from the palm and stabbed towards the man in black at extremely high speed. But at any rate, the man in black was also a master who dared to provoke Konoha alone. His instincts from many battles had already exceeded the functioning of his brain. The moment he leaned back took him away from the crisis. The man in black was not a person who ignored current affairs. Seeing that the stage he had set was destroyed by a person who should not have appeared, and his plan was disrupted, he acted decisively. He disappeared and stayed away from the battlefield.

However, this funny character must have been changed by some means. Before leaving, he did not forget to say: "Don't forget me! Good friends of Konoha! I will come back hahahahahahaha!" Before he landed, a vortex appeared on his body. Within a moment, his entire body was sucked in and disappeared without a trace.

Hazuki didn't care about chasing, after all, Otsutsuki wouldn't care about a little ninja. As long as they are still there, there will be no big waves in the ninja world. All the Otsutsuki clan members firmly believe in this and work hard for this.

While Hazuki was wandering in a fugue, Minato stood up with Kakashi's help, dragging his legs slowly towards Hazuki step by step.

"Otsutsuki Hazuki, thank you for your great contribution to saving Konoha. I, Konoha, will definitely treat you and your entire clan as guests from now on. Konoha will always be open to you!"

Of course Minato knew how to review the situation, and how could he give up the opportunity as a Hokage if he could win over a powerful partner. So he made a prompt decision to give Yu Yue a guarantee.

Although this was reasonable, Yu Yue was also surprised. He didn't expect that a Hokage would have such trust in a stranger who didn't yet know whether he was an enemy or a friend. But the next scene made him learn a new skill: covering his forehead and being speechless.

With a smile on his face, Minato suddenly raised his head and said directly: "I think your clothes are quite clean, you don't look like a bad person."

It turns out that this can also be regarded as a reason. "Fortunately, my clothes are clean." Yuyue thought secretly.

"Then let's continue talking about business..." Less than half of what he said, another whisper came from behind: "So handsome, the male angel in white!" "Yes, no one in Konoha is so clean and pure except for the Hokage-sama. What a handsome man." "Yeah, he is really a god descending from the earth."

Once again, the new skill "Covering the forehead and being speechless" came in handy.

"Quiet down, friends, Lord Hazuki has something to say." Seeing this, Minato had no choice but to step in and stop the many girls who were committing nymphomaniacs.

As a result, Hazuki admired Minato even more, and then told Minato about the mission assigned by the family.

"Our Otsutsuki is a powerful family that has been behind the scenes of the ninja world for a long time. This time, the elders of the clan asked me to entrust our family's genius son to Konoha, and I hope that the Nine Lamas can be stored in your child in your way. On the body. We need this kind of power."

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