Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 24--Improving Ninjutsu 2

Thunder Shadow Clone Technique!


The white eyes came out, but there was nothing inside. Obviously this first time was considered a failure. Yu Ling tried to add more thunder attributes to the ordinary chakra when using the shadow clone, but he could not find a balance and the shadow clone was not successfully created.

"What if the input of the thunder attribute is increased?" He said to himself, and his hands moved again.

Thunder Shadow Clone Technique! This time Yu Ling added a little thunder attribute chakra to the original one.


It's still the same, only white smoke, no clone.

"Well, isn't 30% of the thunder attribute not enough? This is already one-tenth of my chakra. Forget it, let's start with a large amount of thunder attribute." Seeing that this still didn't work, Yu Ling I'm a little confused, but I keep trying.


This time it wasn't just white smoke, it was also mixed with a lot of thunder.

"Hey, this is..." Yu Ling seemed to have found some ideas and continued to try.

Eighty percent! Seventy percent! Sixty percent! Fifty percent! Forty percent!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Still failed. Even the thunder flow never appeared again.

"It shouldn't be. Could it be that the thunder flow just now was not the dissipation of the clones, but just an overdose?" Yu Ling was a little confused. Wasn't his method wrong? According to the basics of shadow clones, it shouldn't be wrong.

"Hey, Yu Ling! Why is your chakra reaction so strong? What ninjutsu are you improving?" Naruto heard a slight crackling thunder before, but now he felt that Yu Ling stopped the experiment and ran away come and play.

"I was trying to make a lightning-attribute shadow clone, but I added a lot of thunder-attribute chakra, but it failed."

"Hey, it's a thunder clone. Then just use thunder. It's not like you don't have one." After saying that, Naruto felt that there was nothing interesting and went back to his place to practice wind escape.

"Use all thunder attributes... maybe it can be done." Naruto's unintentional words were indeed of great help to Yu Ling.

"Perhaps, the important point is not the amount of chakra, but the concentration of chakra. When the thunder attribute chakra reaches its peak, the thunder flow appears... Could it be that we only need to remove other chakra attributes?" Just do it. Go ahead, Yu Ling formed a seal with his hands, and a human figure suddenly appeared next to him, but it exploded in less than a second. The thunder flow this time was several times stronger than the one triggered before!

"Well, it's really possible. It's just that there's too much chakra this time. Try reducing it by half."

The art of thunder clone!


"No, come again!"

The art of thunder clone!


"Huh? It worked!" Yu Ling's eyes narrowed and he stared at the white smoke, and there seemed to be a human figure standing intact inside. This time, only one percent of the thunder attribute chakra in his body was consumed. This kind of chakra is negligible in battle, and such a ninjutsu can only reach E-level ninjutsu. consumption.

The thunder clone came out, and it didn't look much different from the shadow clone, except that Yu Ling could feel the violent thunder attribute chakra in the thunder clone's body.

"It is indeed the most difficult chakra to control."

In the experiment just now, Yu Ling decreased in units of ten percent. Now he plans to use thunder clones as chakra storage space, or sealing space, in increments of one percent. The sealing technique using clones as a carrier is strong and not afraid of consumption.

"Kakashi doesn't have a ninjutsu suitable for me, so I'd better find Yu Ling first." After Sasuke hit a wall with Kakashi, he practiced fire escape for a while, but he didn't have any clue, so he thought of Yu Ling. Yu Ling still has a lot of B-level ninjutsu, and he might have a thunder escape ninjutsu that suits him.


When he walked over, Yu Ling had just stood up. It looks like the development of a ninjutsu has just been completed. "Yu Ling, do you have any thunder escape ninjutsu that you can teach me?" Sasuke didn't care about anything else, he only cared about what he could learn.

"Well, let me think about it, it would be best for you to use long-range thunder escape attack. This can match your fire escape. How about thunder escape and light arrow? This is a ninjutsu with strong penetration and persistence. Yes. The time and distance of the launch are controlled according to your chakra input. But this is a C-level ninjutsu, you can use it to develop it. Its damage is limited now."

"Okay, let's learn this." Sasuke is very hungry now. After all, he only masters one Thunder Release: Earth Walk. He has never seen the others, and he can't learn the ones he has seen. Yu Ling has it ready-made, why don’t you quickly learn to use it? It doesn’t matter if it’s C or D.

"Chen-Wei-Mao-Yin! Thunder Release·Light Arrow! That's it. I believe you can learn it faster than Naruto."

"Thank you." After learning, Sasuke left. He also believed in his own abilities and would be able to learn this ninjutsu without Yu Ling's help.

As soon as Sasuke stepped forward, another Yu Ling came out from hiding.

"Phew, I can finally maintain this for so long. Thunder Release·Tian Lei Feng!"

boom! This time, there was no white smoke, only a pure thunder flow, flowing and oscillating crazily in a small space.

"Now there should be one more ninjutsu that can help you survive. With this kind of thunder flow, no matter who it is, it will stop for a while." Yu Ling felt relieved. After all, this ninjutsu is very effective in actual combat. It can be used as a clone to lure the enemy, and after being attacked, it can activate the backhand sealing technique to control the enemy's actions. In this way, the thunder attribute chakra can be used alone, and there will be less waste.

"Perhaps, other attributes can also be used to make clones. In this case, the use of ninjutsu can be more flexible. Let's start with the simplest physical chakra soil."

"Phew! I still don't know how Yu Ling is doing, but I have learned his Wind Release!" Three days later, Naruto succeeded. As soon as his hands stopped, he was eager to find Yu Ling to learn another one. .

"Big idiot." Sasuke also stopped almost at the same time. Just now, he completely mastered the Thunder Release and Light Arrow, and developed two different forms of light arrows by using different amounts of thunder-attribute chakra and fire-attribute chakra. The one with more fire attributes is for attack enhancement and is called Thunder Fire and Exploding Arrow, while the other type with more thunder attributes and specializes in penetrating power is called Thunder Fire and Stinging Arrow. And Sasuke also wanted to use this ninjutsu to show off to the benchmark in his heart, Yu Ling.

However, it was obvious that there was no need for them to look for Yu Ling anymore, he was already back. Next to him were five clones of Yu Ling.

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