Hidden Otsutsuki

The first extra chapter of the full text! ! !

Extra chapter~~

Let me briefly explain first. When I wrote about Senju Tobirama before, I felt that his character was particularly suitable for the whole life. Whether it's the fighting style or the person's personality, it would probably be interesting if he looks cute and contrasting. I have kept this idea ever since! I want to find a chance to have some fun. There will be more extra chapters in the future! The characters of Erzhu, Kabuto Yakushi, and Itachi Uchiha, these seemingly smart people, must be completely ridiculous in my writing!

Then I started! It just so happened that the main text was stuck a hundred million times, so I relaxed a little and thought it would be the last update of the day to make everyone happy.

Then there is another thing. First of all, I want to thank you for your support so far! Although my subscriptions have been slow to increase, the number of clicks has always been supported by everyone, and it doesn’t look particularly bleak until now! It has always inspired me to continue writing, making Yu Ling stronger and stronger, and then... maybe I can get him a girlfriend!

(I haven’t been in love lately, so I just want to write something sweet and read it for myself)

That’s the point! ! For the sake of my studies, from now on I will only update one month every two months, because I have just transferred schools and am exposed to a completely new environment, so I really don’t have much time to type.

I'm really, really sorry! ! ! When I have time, I will definitely add more to compensate you all! !

So next~

The whole life begins~~

Thousand Hands Tobirama Chapter:

When meeting Uchiha Madara

Senju Tobirama: "What do you know! Appearance is justice!!!"

Uchiha Madara: "...As long as you are happy."

When with Senju Hashirama

Qianju Tobirama: "Brother, it's not that I don't want to talk to you. I'm afraid that with your IQ, you won't understand what I'm saying."

Senju Hashirama: QAQ

During the Fourth War

Senju Tobirama: "I didn't say it, everyone present is so weak!"

Everyone: "..."

Hei Jue: "Master Grandma!?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya: "Mother!?"

Thousands of Tobijian: "Oh, good daughter, good grandson." :)

Everyone: "Meow meow meow!!!???"

The little love-hungry boy pitied Juju in Tobirama's quest for attention, and then, under the influence of various parties, Juju completely turned into a black man.

Senju Tobirama: I want your love, even at the cost of your eternal pain.

(The Yandere's Dark Transformation into Senju Tobirama is now complete)

Chapter 7:

Here is the yandere Uzumaki Naruto who inherits Juju's mantle.

Poor little Uzumaki Naruto with a soft and sweet appearance: "All those who say bad things about Sasuke, go to hell, O(∩_∩)O haha~"

"Cut out your tongue, hee hee hee."

"Let me dismember you, Koko."

Everyone: "...Oh my god, it's so scary. This is not our lovely and sunny Naruto!"

Haruno Sakura is so bitchy

Haruno Sakura: "My master told me that beautiful people will be forgiven no matter what they do_(:з"∠)_. "

Otsutsuki Kaguya, Haruno Sakura’s master: “It was Mom from the Ren family who told Ren that beautiful people will be forgiven no matter what they do_(:з」∠)_. "

As Kaguya Otsutsuki, Tobirama Senju: "...No, I didn't." I don't take the blame for this, although I do have this idea...

According to people behind me, the powerful Haruno Sakura is on N boats, and the people she associates with include men, women, and Orochimaru...

Without exception, there is green above the head.

Uchiha Sasuke, the extremely skinny Tomie-capable Uchiha.

Uchiha Itachi put his kunai against Uchiha Sasuke's neck and said: My stupid brother, your weakness makes me disappointed.

Uchiha Sasuke: Haha.

Then Uchiha Sasuke calmly committed suicide, and blood spattered Uchiha Itachi's face.

Uchiha Itachi:! ! !

Just when Uchiha Itachi, who was mentally attacked by his brother's suicide, was holding his brother's body with a dazed look on his face, a kunai was shot straight at him.

In the backlit area, another Uchiha Sasuke pointed at Uchiha Itachi with a sword and said: "Substitute, next one."

Uchiha Itachi: Huh? Why are there two Sasukes!

Is there something wrong with Class 7? ! ! ! ! The Hokage natives expressed that they were so afraid of QAQ.

(The seventh chapter of Psychosis is currently in progress)

Uzumaki Naruko Chapter:

in the third world

After the sexually changed Uzumaki Naruko learned about the darkness and hatefulness of Konoha, she felt sad, painful, and angry...so she chose to take revenge on Konoha!

Dark Uzumaki Naruko: Hum, the destruction of Konoha starts with me!

For Uzumaki Naruto, whose family was broken up and who suffered from the violence of Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke, who was also an orphan and whose family was broken up, was undoubtedly the closest person to her in the world.

Therefore, Uzumaki Naruko classified Uchiha Sasuke as an important companion and confidant without asking him about his wishes.

Uzumaki Naruko offered an olive branch: Uchiha Sasuke, you are my most important existence in this world. You are the one who supports me. We are like comfort tailor-made for each other. No one can be more suitable for me than you. Yes, I like you the most! (^_^)

After being teased, Erzhuzi was in a panic: "Yes...can someone take care of it? I don't even have the heart to take revenge!" ! _(:з ∠)_

Erzhuzi resisted at first, but after being tempted to death and ready to accept, he discovered...

After I was flirted with by you, you told me that you considered me a friend! ?

Erzhu: Women are indeed big hooves QAQ!

(The second pillar in the Uzumaki Naruko chapter and the Kuroni Sasuke in the seventh team chapter are two people: P)

Creation Chapter:

People who have just come to this world: Hey, is there something wrong with this world? _(:з ∠)_

Uchiha Izuna here is still alive! ?

Everyone said: Oh~.

The second generation Hokage here...is Madara Uchiha! ?

Everyone said:...Eh?

Are the relationships between Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama here complicated and ambiguous?

Everyone said: Hmm...

The one who initiates four battles here to change the world is... Senju Tobirama! ?

Everyone said: Meow meow meow?

Tobirama Senju who wants to cause trouble: Haha, let me change this stupid world. A group of short-sighted people. Technology is the primary productive force, and only science and education can rejuvenate the country! In the face of science, all chakra and immortal techniques are rubbish. I want to create a scientific world!

Senju Hashirama: Brother, please calm down. Erkang hand jpg

Uchiha Madara: Dear, calm down. Erkang hand jpg

Uchiha Izuna: Sister-in-law and best friend, please calm down. Erkang hand jpg

Orochimaru exclaimed: As expected of someone I admire and respect, he really understands the great power of science!

The sick girl Juju smiled and took out her mobile phone and said: Leave your phone number and we can add a friend. How about we talk about science and do things together in the future, dear :).

Making Trouble Senju Tobirama: Okay :).

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