"It's too late! My sword is definitely faster than your field!" Karui already showed a bit of madness, and the thunder attribute chakra spread to his body. He kicked his feet horizontally and swept the sword with his backhand, trying to force him to force him. Back to Yakumo.

If you force her out of that area, you should be safe...

The field is created with Yakumo as the center. Wherever Yakumo goes, the field will follow.

"I said, this is my domain..." Yakumo stood there without moving, watching the air blade cut off his body, blood splattered everywhere, and the ground was covered with messy red bloodstains.

However, the sound continued.

"You stupid person who wants to fight me in my field... I advise you to leave early. If you don't accept my advice and still offend me like this, you don't have much chance of survival." Yakumo said The voice changed, and the delicate and sweet female voice suddenly turned into a deep and hoarse male voice. That illusory body doesn't look out of place.

"Who are you? Can you talk even if you're dead? Is this battle not over yet?" Karui's heart twitched. Although it is impossible for people to resurrect from the dead, there is an obvious problem, that is, the invigilator is not If he didn't say "the winner is decided", then we can only think that Yakumo is still alive...

I don’t know if she just killed a dummy or if there was no such thing at all...

"I'm not dead, so I can still speak. This is your last chance to quit. Make your choice..." A deep male voice suddenly sounded in Karui's ears, floating like a ghost. .

The moment he reacted, he turned around and slashed, only to split the air.

There was no one behind him at all.

"This is my domain. I hope... you can do what you can and don't force yourself. This is not a place for you to run wild."

"Oops, Yakumo's self seems to have been covered up again. If this continues... that Kumogakure female ninja will probably die." Yu Ling looked at that ninja as if he were a dead person.

As long as Yakumo loses his mind, there is no doubt that the enemy will be disabled.

Even losing one's life is not an exaggeration.

"What on earth are you? Isn't it just an illusion? Look, I won't fuck you properly!" Karui checked his chakra flow specifically and found that there was no disorder or isolation. In other words, she was not under any illusion.

"So... is everything around me real?" The current scene is almost the same as the reality in my memory, but there is a bit of a strange atmosphere...

It seemed like the audience was fake, there were no cheers at all, not even a whisper.

"Is my perception too poor...or are they really all..." Karui couldn't think of a deeper reason, he just froze in place and was a little confused.

She can't even see the enemy, so no matter what she does now, it's all in vain.

"Come out quickly! Illusionists... really can only hide and hide. What's the point of doing this? Does the Chunin Exam test your hide-and-seek skills?" Sora has a lot of kung fu, but with Not coming out would be the most useless thing...

"This is my domain, it's you, you have been hiding in my domain... I am in front of you, or behind you, to the left, or to the right... Maybe, I am also above you." Illusive figure Around Karui, it flashed in every corner, and terrifying sounds came from every angle.

However, the real Yakumo was still sitting under the big tree, flipping through his portfolio leisurely, his legs swinging freely, and standing in front of him was a dead-eyed female ninja.

That person was naturally Karui, who was trapped in the illusion and couldn't extricate himself.

"Kakashi-senpai, can it be over? I'm a little bored." Yakumo got up from the ground, patted the dust on his trouser legs, stood up with the drawing board in hand, and collected the brushes and paints spread out on the ground. He shouted to Kakashi who was still squatting on the wall.

The voice was a little weak, but it seemed particularly harsh in the silent examination room.

This should be the only voice in the examination room for the feature film.

"No. No one has lost the ability to fight yet, and no one has given up the fight voluntarily. Therefore, the battle continues." Although the current situation even a blind man can see that Yakumo is bound to win, but Kaka Xi still chose to abide by the rules.

If neither of the above two conditions occurs, the battle will continue by default.

"Is that so...does senior think that I'm not ruthless enough?" Yakumo put away his naughty expression, and his viciousness could not be restrained from the corners of his mouth and eyes.

"This is exactly what I want..." This move is Yakumo's new move. She has never had anyone to test the power of genjutsu before. Fortunately, there is a ready-made guinea pig now, that is, it is useless if you don't use it. Anyway... I have to beat her until she has no ability to fight.

"You can understand it this way. On the battlefield, ninjas cannot be merciful!" Kakashi took the opportunity to teach him. He didn't know Yakumo very well, and he really thought that Yakumo didn't dare to do it because he was kind-hearted. A ruthless one.

"Kakashi-sensei...you seem to have misunderstood something, right? Well, if all teachers in Konoha were like this, then Yakumo would have been the great demon king long ago." Yu Ling was speechless when he saw Kakashi's serious face. , even though you don’t know anything, you still insist on talking about it.

We will know later what the result will be...

"That's it... Okay, Kakashi-senpai, I understand. Next time, I will definitely pay attention to it!" The palms of his hands were quietly clenched, and the illusion energy suddenly gathered.

The illusion energy in the entire field condensed to a point at this moment, and the location of this point was on Karui's body.

The restraint of genjutsu energy has consequences similar to those of chakra condensation.

Apart from explosions, there will only be erosion.

"Yakumo... do you want to destroy this person directly?" Yu Ling saw that everyone around him was unconscious before opening his Sharingan. The changes in the illusion energy were naturally seen by him, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

Illusion energy is a more direct force than mental power, and its strength is influencing and interfering with other people's thoughts. Even in the hands of an expert, illusion energy can kill people directly and invisible.

And the amount that Yakumo currently controls, stored in a ninja's body, will undoubtedly have a great impact on her own illusion energy.

Once the energy level in the body breaks down, or is loaded with excess energy, exploding to death is the final result.

"It's not good to kill people in public..." He turned his head and looked at Kakashi and found that he had already prepared the starting position. "It seems that you have also felt the danger of such ninjutsu... You are worthy of being the number one technician in Konoha. However, if you start here, can you really make up for the time?"

It's not that Yu Ling doesn't believe in his strength, it's just that if Yakumo doesn't count his attacks, he really won't have time to save Karui.

Standing at such a distance, it can be seen as giving up on Karui.

"Don't kill anyone." Kakashi's voice echoed high in the examination room, but I don't know if Yakumo heard it. Her expression has begun to distort, the kind of excitement distortion, or perverted pleasure...

"Karui... this name can probably be erased from the ninja world today." A deep voice came from Yakumo's body. There was no doubt that it was the monster residing in her body, Idu.

As long as Ido can express his feelings, then Yakumo is not far away from losing control of his body.

At least now Yakumo is no longer the gentle but naughty and arrogant little princess.

Just a monster with a mind set on killing.

"Oops, can I go down now... Yakumo's condition is going to be another disaster soon." Yu Ling was a little speechless, Yakumo has become like this, and Kakashi didn't even stop him.

Karui, who had been standing there motionless, now looked troubled. There was no doubt that she was suffering inhuman torture in that realm of illusion. As for how long she can hold on, it's really hard to say.

But definitely not for long. Ten minutes to the sky.

This has to be under the condition that Yakumo or Ido no longer continue to increase the intensity.

"Karui... girl from Kumogakure... I have spared your life before, but this time you dare to retaliate with kindness, and you just chase me with a knife straight up and chop... How dare you? Now, I want you to pay for your immorality!" Idu's subwoofer was underneath Yakumo's voice, and the accent sounded so harmonious.

"Hey, hey, hey, it wasn't a one-on-one fight back then. Now, we have to score a victory... I can't just let you win, right?" In the environment, Karui can still hear Yakumo's words. What he said was that even though his body and mind were being tortured at the same time, he still refused to give in and was stubborn.

"You also know that it was not a one-on-one fight before, right? I spared your entire team and three lives, but you still dare to challenge me... Don't think that I will only hide behind my teammates, even if I am alone, You don't have any chance of winning. Not from the beginning." Yakumo regained some control over his reason and said in his original voice.

"I can win! Just like Atzyi!" Karui tried her best to break free from the shackles entangled in the illusion, but no matter what she did, it was to no avail.

Yakumo's genjutsu domain is unbreakable to her.

Even if she can feel and react to the outside world, to outsiders she is just dreaming.

What impact can sleepwalkers have on the world?

She can't even change her own destiny...

This one is really over.

"How about I spare you one more time? Just surrender and I'll spare your life." Idu's voice completely covered Yakumo's.

Full of killing intent.

At this time, Yakumo is really capable of killing.

"Impossible! Even if Kumogakure's ninjas are completely defeated, they will never admit defeat!" In the blink of an eye, he forgot what Kakashi said at the end of the game and didn't care about his life or death at all, as if this battle was his own. Like everything.

However, even so, the ending cannot be changed...

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