Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 17--One Year

When Sasuke heard this, his expression became a little cold. Yes, the Mangekyō Sharingan will have side effects if used too much. The eyes will bleed every time they are used, and may lead to blindness in the long term. If you want to save your eyes, you need the Mangekyō Sharingan of your loved ones. This is why Uchiha is called the cursed clan.

Sasuke wanted to be strong, but he also didn't want to see his favorite brother get hurt, so he was depressed.

Is there really no foolproof solution?

"Although ordinary ninjas do not have the blood limit to fuse independently, they can use specific ninjutsu to activate combined ninjutsu. For example, wind release and fire release can be combined to form a more powerful fire release, and water release and thunder release can have stronger Control, while Earth Escape and Wind Escape can produce high-speed damage."

With such explanations and demonstrations, a year has passed. Each of those students also mastered the characteristics and response of chakra proficiently. Under Kakashi's guidance, they first made various escape techniques plans or assumptions using their own ninjutsu to deal with it. And their independent cultivation also made everyone's strength improve.

Now, it's time to put it into practice.

"Sasuke, team up with Naruto and Haruno Sakura to fight against Neji, Lee, and Tenten. Ino Shika Butterfly fights against Shino, Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, and Ha Ling. Spread out and try to use appropriate ninjutsu and tactics. The first group to capture the opponent wins. After one round, they will rotate, and Yu Ling will be regrouped. Let's begin!" This year's teachings made Neji change his view of Kakashi. Although he hates Kakashi's unpunctuality, he does appreciate Kakashi's efforts. Of course, these are all based on the recognition of Kakashi's strength.

"Kakashi, does hard work really work?" This was the first time that Neji's heart was shaken after studying theory with Kakashi for half a year.

"Oh, why do you suddenly ask this? Isn't fate irreversible?" Kakashi was surprised, but also wanted to save the face he had lost at that time, so he made things a little difficult.

"I'm sorry. I was born in a Hyuga family. I am disgusted and resistant to restricted eyes and a controlled life, but there is nothing I can do about it, so I came up with the idea of ​​​​this irreversible fate."

"Then let me tell you, you are the caged bird on your forehead, and you are the cage."

"What does this mean? Isn't it the first time for Neji to hear what Kakashi said just now? From ancient times to the present, the Hyuga family has always believed that they are controlled by the clan. Not only is Byakugan's ability limited, but at the same time, the seal of this caged bird can also destroy the brain of the branch family in an instant under the control of the clan, and this has always been used as a deterrent to ensure the safety of the Hyuga clan. After Neji witnessed his father die in place of Hinata's father for the sake of the clan and for the sake of Byakugan not spreading the news, he even resented the seal and this fate.

"Yes. But what if you are the cage? The original concept of all branch families is to protect their own clans. However, there will always be people who are dissatisfied and instigate the branch family, and what is passed down will be It’s a saying that separates families into birds. Imagine yourself as a cage, regard protecting Hinata and the clan as your destiny, and work hard for it. Wouldn’t it feel better? Also, hard work will definitely be useful. If you don’t believe it If so, you can go to Rock Lee for a spar. In the past, he was always suppressed by you, but that was because the soft fist restrained the hard fist. What if, through hard work, he broke through the limitations of the hard fist? What if you still believe in genius? When it comes to fate, consider yourself a hard-working genius first. From now on, your goal is Xiao Li."

Kakashi saw that the foundation of Neji's "destiny" had been shaken, and he overturned his concept of fate and family separation by striking while the iron was hot. Of course, these are all traceable. As a senior technician of Konoha, he still has the right to know this information.

After that, although Neji still disliked seeing Kakashi, he no longer sneered at his classmates. Instead, he and the training madman Xiao Li ran around Konoha every day.

They have been studying and playing together for a year. Although they have never really played against each other, the thirteen people know each other relatively well. No one is in a hurry to make the first move.

Except for two people.

Naruto and Kiba attacked almost simultaneously.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Beast-like Ninja Technique·Orc Clone!

The two hotheads rushed to the opposite side with the support of their respective clones.

However, Naruto's speed was like that of an old lady walking down the street in front of Xiao Li and his group who were specialized in physical skills. In the meantime, Xiao Li squatted down slightly, with his right leg in front and left leg behind, and took a lunge; his right hand stood upright in front of him, and his left hand was placed behind his back; then, he stamped his feet, and the whole person moved at an extremely high speed. Rushed into the sea of ​​Naruto's clones!

After just a few breaths, the crowd of shadow clones who had been roaring loudly just now were drowned out by bursts of "bang bang" sounds.

"Naruto, come back!" Sakura screamed nervously. If Naruto is dealt with first, their team will definitely lose given her strength.

However, fortunately, Naruto sensed the crisis after feeling his clones being eliminated one by one, and returned to Sasuke with a few somersaults.

At this time, I looked back at the sea of ​​​​people that I had spent a lot of chakra to arrange, but there was only a pile of white smoke that had not dispersed.


"Hey, can you stop making sarcastic remarks now? Sasuke is such an idiot!"

"Tch. Then go ahead yourself." However, even so, Sasuke still followed Naruto and rushed towards the white smoke. After all, during this year, Sasuke and Naruto spent all their free time practicing with Yu Ling. And during the two-on-one practice, the two of them also developed their own combined ninjutsu.

"Naruto, let's start!" Sasuke issued the command, and Naruto received it in time, and the two began to prepare at the same time.

Sasuke was the first to locate Xiao Li in the white smoke, and then suddenly accelerated!

Fire Release·Fire Flame Kicks!

This is a new C-level ninjutsu developed by Sasuke according to his own ideas and under the guidance of Kakashi. This can be used as an auxiliary skill for acceleration, and can also enhance the damage of physical skills.

But now it is perfect to use it for assault.

"Xiao Li! Be careful!" Outside the white smoke, Neji kept paying attention to what was going on inside with his white eyes. When he discovered Sasuke approaching at high speed and notified Xiao Li directly, it was already too late.

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