Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 14--Formal Admission

"Hey, Yu Ling, do you think you can enter the special class?" Naruto asked carelessly, not caring at all that Yu Ling was no longer on the same level as them.

"I think I will definitely make it." This is not simple self-confidence, this is belief. But when he said this, Naruto was not listening at all, and was looking at the roadside absently.

"Naruto?" Yu Ling asked with some concern. After all, Naruto was a bit naive and usually stuck to Yu Ling all the time. But now I don’t know what I’m thinking about!

"You idiot." Sasuke saw Naruto was still in a daze and scolded him directly.

"Ah, um. Ah! Sasuke, say it again!" Suddenly, Naruto seemed to realize something and turned around to curse at Sasuke, but there was a burst of whispers from behind: "Wow, that's Yu Ling! So handsome ah!"

"Yeah, that one named Sasuke is so handsome too!"

All three of them heard these words. Of course, Naruto also discovered that the girls did not talk about him. The impatient Naruto rushed over to defend himself. After all, the girl he liked was nearby! What if you don't add light to your face?

"You guys..." As soon as his upper body turned around, Naruto's mouth was covered and he was forcefully pulled back.

"Yu Ling! What are you doing!" Facing Yu Ling, Naruto was extremely well-behaved. For some reason, he didn't dare to object at all.

While Yu Ling rubbed his hands hard on Naruto, he told him pleasantly: "Speak with your strength. We are now ninjas in the future. What's the use of looking good?"

"Yes, I want to become the strongest Hokage!" Naruto's attention was immediately diverted. Of course, ninjas rely on their strength to speak for themselves. If you are good-looking, others will not let you down on the battlefield.

"If you're not good-looking, you won't have a girlfriend." Sasuke's last strike knocked Naruto off the altar, who was on the right path.

"Sasuke is such an idiot! Sasuke is such an idiot!" The daily routine of these two people will probably never change in this life.

"We're here." Yu Ling didn't mean to stop Naruto and Sasuke, he just told them the fact calmly, but the effect was completely different on the two people.

Naruto ran away again. But Sasuke turned around angrily, raised his fist at Yu Ling without looking away, and said arrogantly: "Uchiha is undefeated! Yu Ling, I will defeat you here! "

ha? Yu Ling suddenly looked confused, and his steps were slightly uncoordinated. On the first day of school, Sasuke had already made a declaration of war. What kind of hatred was there?

"Sasuke, calm down. You have to keep what you say. Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you Uchiha again? You should know this very well, so I will give you a chance to take it back." Yu Ling Once again, he showed a calmness and composure far beyond that of a six-year-old. How could such a young child consider these principles?

Apparently Sasuke didn't. "I don't care, I must defeat you! Stop Yu Zhi..." At this time, his mouth was also blocked.

"You can defeat me if you want, but don't block Uchiha. You can't afford to lose." Then he rubbed his hand on Sasuke's clothes and went to find Naruto. He also ran too far.

"I, can't you afford to lose..." Although Sasuke was a bit mysophobic, he didn't care about his own saliva rubbing on his body at this time. He was still thinking about Yu Ling's meaning. What do you mean, you can't afford to lose? Could it be that his strength is not worthy of carrying the name of Uchiha?

Maybe, after all, I'm just a little kid with no eyesight. No one will care.

"I still don't deserve it. I'm not nearly as good as my brother." Thinking of his brother, Sasuke felt a little happier. After all, his gentle brother is his goal and the motivation that urges him to persist in his practice.

"Brother..." Then he raised his head and walked towards the school confidently.

It was still Teacher Iruka standing at the door of the teaching building, announcing classes and rankings to the new students who came.

"Hey, it's Sasuke. Ranked second, special class! Go inside, Naruto and Yu Ling are waiting for you. You are in the same class."

"It's so warm. Iruka-sensei must be great at teaching." Sasuke thought. Despite Sasuke's melancholy appearance, he actually has a lot of drama on his mind. Maybe the reality has only been experienced once, and different plots are repeated in the heart again and again.

"Sasuke is here. Let's go and find our instructor." Yu Ling said and led the way.

Although he had no idea where the classroom was or who the instructor was.

"Yu Ling, there are already classmates in your class on the training ground!" Iruka's heartwarming care came from behind, and Yu Ling felt as if he was receiving amnesty in his heart, and he exhaled heavily. Pretending to understand something when you don’t understand it is not an easy task.

From a distance, a call came over: "Brother Yu Ling! I can smell you from so far away! Come here quickly!" With such a good sense of smell, he still calls Yu Ling brother, which is obviously Inuzuka teeth. You really keep your word, this little brother is very competent in his job.

"Hey, Yu Ling, do you want some potato chips?" Choci still has potato chips in his hands, and he also doesn't leave his mouth.

Here, everyone who performed well yesterday is here. Even Sakura and Ino are in this class. There are ten in total... No, why are there three people over there? I didn’t see them all yesterday.

Could it be that even ninja schools have backdoors?

Although the answer was obvious, Yu Ling did have some doubts.

"My name is Yu Ling, please give me your advice!" Yu Ling was the first to throw out an olive branch, and among the three people, a boy with extremely thick eyebrows stood up and bowed straight at 90 degrees, perfectly showing the watermelon head. In front of Yu Ling.

"Just a handshake..."

"My name is Rock Lee! Please give me some advice!" Yu Ling was a little confused. He really just wanted to shake hands and get to know these three people a little bit, not to become a teacher or accept a disciple. This boy, who looked a year or two older than him, was just overreacting in his eyes.


"Are you doubting our identity? We are the geniuses of the previous class, specially recruited into this class. Let me tell you, what qualifications do you have to let the top management of Konoha create a special class? Is it fate again?" Sitting in the corner Another boy inside spoke, obviously a little unfriendly. When Hinata, who was in the other corner of the room, heard this, her eyes twitched and her whole body trembled, like a child who had done something wrong.

The boy's eyes are also white. Yu Ling somewhat guessed it. He had heard the Hyuga family's stories about the main family and the branch families. But who is the boy in front of me? He hates fate so much, so he seems to be a member of the branch family. However, Yu Ling could not think of such a person who was so arrogant and even claimed to be a genius.

"No need to give more advice, my name is Hinata Neji. I will send you back to the regular class one by one. You are powerless in the face of fate!" This man named Neji also has excellent self-confidence, and he feels that besides himself, , no one else here is worthy.

Yu Ling has strength that does not match his age, and the arrogance that he gradually built up naturally showed.

"Hyuuga Neji. I'll wait and see." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"You arrogant old boy! See if I don't beat you up!" Naruto couldn't stand this anger even more. After all, he was the third among the freshmen, but now he was said to be worthless by a senior who he had never met and didn't know the depth of it. , especially when the girl he is interested in is still present, how can he bear this! ?

"Naruto, don't be embarrassed." After thinking at the school gate, Sasuke now saw the situation a little more clearly. I am really not strong enough, at least not as strong as Yu Ling, and I can feel the pressure emanating from the genius boy of the Hyuga family, so naturally I agree with Yu Ling's choice.

"What! Do you think I will be embarrassed!? I..." His mouth was covered again and he was forcibly dragged away. "

"Yu Ling, that's interesting." Ningji, who was still sitting there with his arms around his chest, was a little concerned about the boy just now. He had already spoken like this, but he was still calm and calm, instead of being as irritable and irritable as the yellow-haired boy next to him. It is rare to have such a quality from a young age. "This is also fate."

The hurdle that Neji couldn't overcome was probably fate.

The fate of being imprisoned as a caged bird for the rest of his life.

By the Zong family.

Half an hour had passed since class started, but the instructor still hadn't appeared. Teja and Naruto had long lost their temper, and rushed to arrange a bunch of children's toys at the entrance, corridors and other places. trap.

After another half an hour, a man with white hair, wearing a jounin costume, a black mask, and a Konoha forehead protector covering his left eye finally came over.

"You must be our instructor, why are you late!" The first person to question was Sakura, pointing angrily at the visitor's nose.

"Sorry for hugging..."

"The Blackboard Eraser Technique is a great success hahahahahahahaha!" A series of laughter came from Naruto, who was now rolling on the ground. "A Jonin can't escape such a trap, hahahahaha!"

"You go and give it to me now..."

"The floor collapse technique was a great success! Hahaha" This time it was Inuzuka Kiba's turn. A large piece of wood collapsed directly downwards, and the surrounding fragments of wood wrapped around the instructor's calf.

"You little brats..." He muttered in a low voice: "It seems that if I don't give you a little showdown, you won't listen to what others say, right?" A dead fish eye scanned everyone present very calmly. The next second, the person disappeared.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Multiple Heart Beheading Techniques!

Twelve shadow clones plus the main body, corresponding to thirteen students, instantly sealed all the students into the ground.

"I saw a stray cat on the way to school, so I sent it back to its mother. I've been looking for it for a long time. Sorry for being late."

Only now does he begin his formal apology. This opening ceremony is really strange. Now, all the students have been treated submissively. You know, not even Yu Ling or the Hyuga family's two pairs of white eyes felt such an offensive just now.

This is a Jonin. The strength is really strong.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi. I am proficient in ninjutsu and have a little knowledge of taijutsu and illusion. I am known as the copy ninja. In the next four years, I will be your instructor as you become stronger. Remember, You have studied two years less than the ordinary class, so there is a reason why you need to master it better. So, please give me some advice."

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