The black bird flapped its wings and flew away from the snow in a panic.

Nuka found the missing sheep. To be precise, he found their corpses, frozen corpses.

Green’s rabbit spirits are running on the surrounding snow, and some are still standing on the dead sheep. Nuka took a look, and he was sure that this was not the work of a beast. Because the wild beast does not peel off the sheepskin so neatly, and the internal organs are hardly moved.

Blood flowed all around, making the nearby snow dull, and all three sheep were slaughtered here.

“Footprints are human footprints.”

At this moment, he found a footprint, Nuka extend the hand, and pressed it towards the sunken footprint.

“This person is not tall, he must have used some spell to get the sheep out of the group, and then slaughtered here, this is a mage, I have to be careful.”

Nuka While talking to himself, while gently waving Totem in his hand, magical powder scattered from the patterns of those animals, they floated around Nuka, and finally turned into a layer of invisible defense.

If the opponent is a human, the situation is much more complicated. Judging from the three corpses, the other party did not appear to be a troubled person. Each sheep had a large amount of meat, only the breast and hind legs were cut off. This practice made Nuka feel a little angry. This is Abag’s sheep, his property, Abag is already in old age, this batch of sheep will be his last income, money used to spend the last period of his life.

He supported Totem and stood up, looking towards the direction of the footprints, it leads to the uninhabited Snow Mountain. Even if the sky is getting darker, Nuka has no plans to go back. He wants to find him. Discuss an argument.

Cut off some mutton, he used magic to create a fire, after a full meal, looked towards the mountain and set off.

As soon as the temperature dropped, the cold wind cut on his face like a blade. He held Totem and continued walking up the mountain on the deep snow.

Nuka is a Guardian, he can magic, and his body is particularly strong, he is not afraid of storms, not afraid of wild beasts, is a warrior of the deer clan, he is obliged to protect the safety and wealth of clansman.

At the moment when the sky was completely dark, he found the other party’s hiding place.

It was a gloomy cave, covered with heavy snow, and it was almost impossible to detect this cave. If it were not for the guidance of footprints, he would never find such a cave.

Nuka swallowed, he took a light breath, making his body bigger.

It’s time to see who are you.

He frowned, holding Totem in both hands, and rushed into the cave.

“Hey! Sheep thief! You…”

He was stunned by the scene before him. He grabbed Totem and his eyes widened. In front of him was a woman with red rose tattoos on her back. No, she is very young, maybe still a child.

But she has blonde hair, and…

Nuka didn’t expect to hide in the within cave. She was actually an exotic woman, and… She was naked.

She turned her head slowly, her profile was very beautiful, but she was extremely pale, the red line at the corner of her eye made people throb inexplicably, and Nuka’s chest was kind of A dull feeling.

“It’s finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

The other side said quietly, Nuka came back to his senses, the blonde woman Actually, she has come to her. She is close to her body, like a boneless poisonous snake, with her small hands crawling up his chest.

What’s the situation! ?

Nuka looked at the opponent, he had never encountered such a thing, which made him fall into a situation of not knowing what to do, he stepped back subconsciously, and the opponent looked towards and approached.

However, as soon as the opponent’s hand touched his neck, a tingling stiffened his body. He had never felt so weak, his limbs were like slime, unable to use energy. .

Who is she? What does she want to do?

Nuka felt the fear. Suddenly, he leaned back and fell straight to the ground. The other party was still close to him. He could feel the loss of his life force, and she was not only absorbing her own The magic is still absorbing his life.


The fear of death inspired Nuka’s potential.


He was yelled, and suddenly a large number of glowing powder erupted from his body. They turned into a soft wind and pushed away the blond wicked woman.

Nuka’s fingers trembled and he could move. Without even thinking about it, he immediately reached out and grabbed the Totem.

“Deer Ming’s Protection!!”

He read the incantion, and instantly all the patterns on the Totem split and turned into a huge sacred deer. Nuka died. Holding its tail, it just rushed out of the cave with Nuka.

Nuka escaped from the cave. He ran away. This was the first time in his life that he had escaped. There was still fear in his eyes. He crossed the icy rocks and over the gloomy icy forest, never daring to stop.

The golden haired girl in the cave slowly got up, her pale complexion became a lot rosy.

“Qi! Let him run away. A rare good ingredient. It’s a pity, but it’s enough.”

She relaxed, turned around and put on sheepskin, facing the bonfire, she Extend the hand, the color of the flame suddenly changed to purple, and the cave became weird.

“Come out! Useless waste!”

She was loudly roared, the flame swayed like crazy, and suddenly, a huge shadow appeared on the wall of the cave.

The girl showed a gloomy look, and said to the shadow in front of her: “It’s time to let that bastard taste the pain.”

At this time, in a certain place surrounded by forest. In the city, there is a room with many bunk beds, and many women of different ages sleep in it. Suddenly, one of the women suddenly opened her eyes, she got up secretly, and looked towards the moon outside the window…

The tea cup on the table was still steaming , The tea surface fluctuated slightly, and suddenly one hand lifted it up.

Illair took a sip of tea, his eyes never leaving the papers on the table. A maid came over with a teapot, she bent over to nodded, and motioned to pour tea for him.

He raised his head with a polite smile. He combed his hair back and tied it simply with a red string. It looked very refreshing.

“The tea you made is delicious, thank you.”

The corners of the maid’s mouth were slightly bent, but immediately changed back to the original serious appearance, she put the cup of tea On the plate, and then took out a new cup, her movements are very elegant, obviously after professional training.

After the maid left, Elair’s smile disappeared. He sighed lightly and returned his gaze to the file that was just hidden by his right hand. There is a portrait of a man with black hair.

His eyes are slightly narrowed, and he muttered to himself: “Klaus, Klaus, who the hell are you, where did he get so much food?”

On the paper half covered by that document, there was a strange picture of a motorcade. The drivers on the motorcade covered themselves tightly, very mysterious.

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