He is a strange child who has been very strange since he was a child.

hu~ hu~

The sound of brandishing a wooden knife emerged from Bron’s mind. He recalled that the young Booth often practiced in the yard all day, and he was in the sunset. The scene of dancing the sword seems to be just like what happened yesterday.

He has worked very hard since he was a child. Even if no one urged him, Bron asked him the reason.

“I want to be a hero.”

“Oh, that’s not simple. Everyone wants to be a hero when they are young, so why do you want to be a hero?”

“I want the world to know the existence of our Calis Empire. I want to become a hero, so that I can protect my country from being invaded by other empires.”

The handsome boy Sweating, he said.

Booth would never do such a thing. Bron knew very well that he would never change. Even if he failed to become a hero, he still did his best to protect the empire.

And he is now half the height of the city gate, and the wind blowing up his hand makes people unable to open his eyes, at least a dozen meters high.

It was the first time Bron saw the magic that could turn humans into monsters. He hates magic now. He hates the man who turned his only son into a monster. He is eager to devour that golden haired girl. .


“Formation! Go on top!”

The soldiers were attacked by the enemy, and a large number of evil spirits poured in like a tide. The eyes glowed with green fire, and they seemed to be jealous of life. Once they saw a living person, they would rush up and tear it apart.

But their bodies are still civilians. Even though they can make great use of their physical power regardless of their physical damage, they are still vulnerable to fully armed soldiers.

However, their number makes this irrelevant, there are too many of them.

The soldiers held up their shields to form a fleshy body shield. They withstood the crazy evil spirits, and the soldiers behind them desperately attacked with weapons.


With a scream, the soldier who was thrown down and dragged out was torn frantically and instantly lost his life. The soldiers behind immediately rushed forward and bumped On those evil spirits that come in, take the place of vacancies.

They won’t last long, the number of enemies is too much.

Behind them, Booth, who became a monster, fought against Knight, who was agile. Monster Booth waved his long arms. He lifted the ground, and Knight flew out with his horse. He caught one. A war horse, he crushed it to pieces, and then threw it to the soldiers on the front line.

The corpse of the war horse flew out quickly, and peng peng bounced on the ground several times. At this moment, Bron appeared, cut with a sword, and blood spilled on his face, and he suddenly rushed up. , Like a gust of wind, he stepped on an extremely steady pace, wielding the big sword, and slashed towards Monster Booth’s right foot.

A white smoke appeared from his big sword, and sword dao formed a waterfall. He chopped off the opponent’s foot, which made him feel like he was hit by a knife.


The giant knelt down, he raised his fist and hit him behind him. The Bron in the back turned into a tornado and jumped on his back. He fought wildly on his back with incredible speed, scarlet The blood splashed with the tip of his sword.


He slashed and yelled at the same time. Suddenly, the muscles of his back unfolded, and the spurs of his spine suddenly appeared, and the dragon slowed down Half a beat, the terrifying bone spur pierced his right foot and penetrated his iron shoe.

He immediately slashed his sword and cut off his front half of his foot. The giant just stood up and fell to the ground. He landed steadily, then his head went dark, and two fists slammed at him.

bang! !

The surrounding cavalry fighting with the evil spirits felt a shock on the ground, and the blindfolded horses were frightened. They stood up and straddled their hooves for several steps. Some of them fell off the horse, but they were immediately grabbed by the evil spirits and tore their limbs forcibly.

Bron knelt on the ground, he forcibly resisted the blow, and the position he was fighting was deeply sunken in. He felt that his knees could hardly straighten up, and he felt extremely painful. The blood dripped from his field of vision, and he shed the blood on the ground.

When the giant raised his fist and was about to attack again, he raised his head, roared, and jumped directly on the face. Unexpectedly, the giant quickly returned his hand, caught up to his speed, and directly caught him.

He is old. If he is young, the opponent is impossible to catch him.

Bron’s right hand was exposed. He threw the big sword in his hand abruptly and inserted it under Booth’s head.

He should aim at his head, but… he didn’t.

The big sword was inserted into the giant’s body, but it showed no sign of stopping. The blood flowed along his sword, and Booth’s face moved slightly.

“Damn it!!”

Bron roared, the giant’s hand held tightly, almost crushing him, but he was like an iron block, he resisted Pain, enduring a sigh of relief, grabbed the giant’s thumb with one hand.

The cavalry on the ground rushed towards the giant with their long cavalry. They attacked desperately. However, the giant’s skin was extremely thick and seemed to have no pain. Even if their weapons hurt the opponent, the giant remained unmoved.

Just when Bron vomited a mouthful of blood and was about to be unable to hold on, a cavalry jumped out of his horse. He did not know where he got a strange magical Talisman Stone, and he held it high. , Read an incantion.

bang! ! !

After that, he turned into a ball of light and exploded.

The giant was hit. It moved, waved its arms, and threw Bronn out heavily. He hit the city wall, covered in blood.

He is not dead yet, but almost lost consciousness. With his eyes open, there is no part of his body that is painless. He looks at the giant but feels powerless.

“hahaha!!! Happy and happy! Trample them to death!! Use your big feet, like trampling ants to death, hahaha!”

That nasty voice came from the sky, That demon, that blonde female demon, she was enjoying the killing, she was watching it all in the air.

Whyvern Legion? Why didn’t they take action…

Bron tried his best to look up, he saw a more desperate scene, no one noticed the battle in the sky, a weird flying creature fighting wyvern Legion in the air Some of the corpses of wyvern soldiers and wyvern were hung on the city wall, and some fell into residential houses.

The battle in the air is just as tragic. Who is the enemy?

He doesn’t know, he regrets it. He saw the soldiers on the front line resisting desperately. They are also the sons of their parents, and Bron, as a Great General, let them fall because of his own desires. To such a situation.

He made a mistake, maybe this is the last time, but he feels extremely regretful.


Several soldiers rushed towards him, but the giant slapped him with one palm.

Bron’s mouth is open, and he stretches out a trembling hand.

“No, no, whoever will come, who will save them, whoever is fine, please, God! Please save them.”

Hua Yinwei Road , Suddenly the city gate shattered with a bang, and a dazzling rays of light appeared.

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